Sorry for all the pain

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Song: Pain by Ship Wrek

Writer's p.o.v

Last thing Castiel heard before passing out was someone screaming and a soft hands on his bloody face.

As hours passed.

Dean held Castiel hand as he slept in the hospital bed."Come on Cas ..... please wake up." Dean's eyes red and face covered in tears from all the crying.

Sam stood in the door way. His face bruised up and his arm broken."Dean?"

Dean quickly wiped his tears as he stood up. "Hey Sammy, you doing better? Dean said as he stood up , putting on the I was not crying act.

Sam smiled lightly and walked into the door. "How's Cas?" He asked , looking down at the unconscious angel.

Dean looked down sadly and breathed in heavy before giving a smile to his brother. "He will be ok. He is a fellow Winchester after all."

Sam could tell Dean was not taking this well and if Sam was honest with himself then he would not be ok ether. Sam had to bring strong for Dean like dean has been for him.

"Of course , dean."Sam said with a smile.

Dean walked over to Sam."I'll take you home and I'll come back , just so if he wakes up he won't go all crazy and try to kill someone.


Dean got back and snuck into the room not wanting to wake up or scare Cas. Sitting back into the chair next to his bed and gently moved a piece of long black dirty hair out of Castiel's face. Not sure how to feel about the facial growth and his new long hair that forms just around his cheeks.

Dean stared at the angels face for what seemed like hours. His hand playing with his hair and left hand that kind of hung from the side of the bed.

"I'm sorry for all the pain." Dean whispered before he gently kissed Castiel's forehead and let go of his limp hand.

He sighed and leaned back against the chair as he closed his eyes and covered his face with his arms.

"D Dean?"

Dean's eyes widen almost as quick as he sat up. Staring right at the now conscious confused man he loves.

"Cas?" Dean said in a almost gasp and cracked voice. Trying hard to not break down and attack Cas for scaring him half to death. But instead he slowly stood up and walked to Castiel's side. "H hey buddy.."

Cas was looking around the room as he checked out his surroundings. Trying to figure out what he is seeing is real or another trick the angels shoved in his brain.

Flash back

Cas screamed in pain , tears falling down his face.

"You are useless Castiel .... with out your grace you are just a weak useless human that deserves to die."

Cas cried more as he shock his head. "Please dean. Y you don't mean this. This is not you. T this is not real!" He shouted back at the elision of his best friend that he has fallen in love with.

"Oh but it is Cas." The fake Dean walked around Castiel as he run a finger across his lips. Leaning down so he is eye level with him. "How do you think the angels found you so quickly?" He whispered with a smirk.

Cas turned his head away as he kept mumbling no over and over.



End of flash back

Castiel's eyes opened quickly as he gasped. Looking around confused as a tear falls down his cheek. The flash back of the tortures still effecting him to the point were it is heard to see the real verses the fake.

Dean sat down on the bed next to Cas as he placed his hand on top of the shake one that belonged to the scared and confused angel.

"Hey ..... it's me. No one is going to hurt you anymore , no one is going to ever touch you unless they kill me."

Cas kept his head low as he nodded his head slowly. To scared to look at Dean , not wanting this to be a trick. Truly hoping it was really him.


The doctor checked over Castiel , looking from his eyes to his heart beat to his reflex. Each touch made by the doctor made Cas flinch and Dean clinch his fist a little tighter.

Sam stood next to Dean , keeping dean from punching the Doctor and put them in jail... Again!


Finally after a hour of paper work and examinations , the Winchesters and their angel were ones again safe in the bunker.

Cas some how coming out with only scars and bruises but his Brain is what has the most damage.

Sam having a broken arm were the angel dislocated it doing the fight.

Dean having a black eye and that is about it. No hesitation to kill helped keep his pretty face and body in tacked.


Castiel's p.o.v

It took weeks before I even left my room. Dean and Sam took turns checking in on me. Bring me food and water but I mostly just slept.

Sam usually was the one to start a conversion were Dean only walked in gave a light but sad smile when I said thank you and left.

It's been 2 months and my body is fully healed. Sam's arm is almost healed and Dean ... Dean finally had a conversion with me yesterday.

It was nice to hear his voice again , he even gave a realistic smile when I asked him about a hunt they want on.

It has gotten less scary to look at Dean. No longer feeling as he will hurt me but still scared of what will happen if I ever told Dean me feelings again. If he would kick me out , use me or worse.


Dean's p.o.v

I finally talked to Cas last night , it felt like all my stress was pulled away. As if Castiel's voice and eyes could fix every problem ever in my life. How much I wish to kiss those perfect lips and run my hands though his newly cut hair. Touch all over his soft pure healed skin.

Sam has been pressuring me to talk to him , tell him how much he means to me but I fucked it up already and almost got him killed. I would rather never talk to Castiel again if it meant that he stayed safe.


Sam's p.o.v

Dean and Cas love each other and I am not just going to sit here and allow them to full themselves up with lies. They will talk , they will confess their feelings again and again until they realize that it is true love. I am not giving up on the one chance for my brother to find happiness or my best-friend to find the reason to stay alive.

{Next chapter might be it. Who is ready for Sam to play matchmaker and get Destiel to officially happen? Will it happen? 😏

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