Family does not ends with blood

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Song: Behind blue eyes by The Who

Writer's p.o.v

Dean was sitting in the kitchen, drinking his 5th beer of the night as he ran his fingers thought his hair. Thinking of all he has done, all his mistakes and regrets he has caused so many people. Worst of all , what he has caused Castiel. He is a angel , he deserves to be in heaven with his family , he deserves happiness , he deserves love.

Dean groaned as he slammed the beer down and grabbed his face with both hands. "Please .... I know you don't care about me but... just .. just care for Cas . I don't care if I died right now , he is my bestfriend .... he is your son and ... and ... I ... "

Dean felt tears form in his eyes.

"I love him..."


Cas wondered down the streets with nothing but a couple dollars and one of Dean's warm jackets he gave him. The jacket that Dean wrapped him up in and carried him to safely after falling from heaven.

Cas wrapped the jacket more around himself as I pulled the hoody more over his face. Feeling so weak and unwanted , wondering if he should just allow his brothers to destroy him. Punish him for his sins and for the lives he has stolen.


Sam walked into the kitchen to get a bottle of water , feeling dehydrated from all the research. Seeing Dean drinking his maybe 15th beer.

"Dude... cut off of the beer will you?" Sam told Dean as he picked up the empty bottles and throw them away.

Dean quickly rubbed his tears that are pretty much dried off his cheeks as he gave a little laugh.

"What Sammy , can't handle my drunk ass?" He smirks.

Sam just rolls his eyes. "No , just don't feel like dealing with some random chick in the morning because you have a hang over and she wants food...

Dean just looked down at the beer instead of coming up with a comeback.

Sam eyes widen. "Dean .... what's wrong?" Knowing that it is not like Dean to just shut up like that. Sam sitting in front of him. Giving his concerned little brother puppy look.

Dean kept his head down as I clinched the beer bottle tightly. "I fucked up, Sammy ...."


Castiel luckily took some of the money he was given by the Winchesters time by time and saved it. Felt bad for giving it back sense they refused to realize he does not need to eat or sleep. But now, I guess he is lucky he saved it.

Keeping the bag full of water , snacks and his angel blade close to him. Knowing that his brothers and sisters seeing him as a traitor. He stopped at a dinner and ordered coffee and pancakes as he keep his eyes on the look out.


"What the hell do you mean!" Sam shouted at his brother as he was trying to call Cas.

"We got in a fight and he just left! It was not my fault!" Dean shouted back.

" I don't understand why I have to say my name.."

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