Morning Sickness

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The next morning Albus awoke to the sound of retching. He looked over at Minerva's side of the bed to notice that it was empty. He stood from the bed and made his way over to the bathroom.

Opening the door, he looked down to see his wife kneeling over the toilet. He crouched down and gathered her hair into a pony tail and rubbed her back.

"How long have you been up Minnie?" He asked

"Don't call me that, and about an hour." She said, as a wave of sickness overcame her.

"Why didn't you wake me?" He has softly still rubbing her back.

"I didn't want to." Was all she could say.

"How about I go and get Poppy, perhaps she has something that could help." He asked an Minerva nodded.

Albus stood and made his way into the bedroom where he changed into a set of robes, light blue with gold dots. He exited his chambers and entered his office avoiding his desk, where he knew there would be a letter from either a parent and/or the minister.

He left his office and made his way to the hospital wing. Opening the door, he saw Poppy tending to the few students that lie in the beds.

"Madam Pomfrey, might I have word, in your office?" Albus asked with a smile.

"Of course Albus, let me just finish up with Miss White and I will be with you in a moment." She said continuing to change the bandage on the 3rd years arm.

Albus nodded and went to wait in her office. After a few moments Poppy walked in shutting the door behind her.

"What can I do for you Albus?" Poppy asked, she wasn't sure if Minerva had told him about the pregnancy or not, so she thought best not to mention it.

"We'll I was rather hoping that you would have something that you could give to Minerva, to help settle her stomach. Morning sickness you see." Albus said with a smile and a twinkle in his eye.

"Ah, so she did tell you, I wasn't sure. You know Minerva, doesn't like to worry anyone with anything." She said as she went into a store room.

"That most defiantly is true." Albus said as she came back with a box filled with small flasks, each containing a light blue liquid.

"Tell her to take one of these every morning for the next month or so. It should help." Poppy said handing Albus the box.

"Thank you Poppy, we will see you at breakfast then." Albus said as he left the office. He nodded at the students as he past them and left the hospital wing. Finally getting to his office, he said the password in front of the gargoyle, which jumped aside and he ascended the stairs.

Passing his desk, he stopped and looked at the letters. 'After breakfast.' He told himself and went into his chambers.

Minerva was lying on the bed, looking exhausted. One arm was covering her face and the other was over her stomach.

"Minerva, darling are you feeling any beteer?" He asked and Minerva just shook her head.

"Here," he said taking one of the flasks from the box and taking off the lid. "Drink this, it'll help." He said and Minerva sat up and snatched the flask out of his hand and gulped it down. Instantly, she felt better. The colour returned in her face, and she felt well rested.

"You need to take one of these every morning for the next month or so." Albus said repeating Poppy's instructions.

"Thank you Albus," she said standing from the bed. "I'm going to take a shower i'll be out in a few minutes." She said walking into the bathroom and getting into the shower. Albus decided to read some of his book while he waited.

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