The Troll

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Me and the girls have been watching my children all the time when I have it available and everything is going fine with Harry but with Hermione she hasn't got any friends. Everyone doesn't like her because she like to know it all and I know what she means.
I've watched them all the time and at my sons flying lesson he flew to catch a rememberall and I was so proud of him when he caught it but I couldn't say anything and now it was Halloween and I was in my cat Animagus form with my friends at the school. All the teachers at my school know about this and so they try and do everything but the thing is I know they need the headmistress.
I watched Hermione run off crying because of what Ron Weasley said and I ran after her which led me to the girls bathroom. I silently walked in to see Padme and her Sister and they walked out leaving my daughter.
"I wish Guardian was here. She would know how to comfort me." Hermione whispered rubbing her eyes. Her Guardian would always be with her and so where was she?
I sighed and I crawled under the stall and Hermione gasped at the cat but saw it's green eyes. She knew those eyes they were her Guardians but also like her head of house.
"Guardian?" Hermione whispered and I transformed back into myself and she gasped and hugged me tightly and cried into me.
"Now my wee kitten, please don't cry. I'm here, I'm here. I always will be here." I whispered as I cradled my daughter to me. Merlin I wish I could tell her but the time is not right.
"Oh Guardian, I have missed you. All the kids make fun of me because of how smart I am and the Slytherin make fun of me because I'm a muggleborn." Hermione said into the woman's chest.
"Hermione, you can't let them get to you. Their just jealous because of your smarts. You have secrets about you that not even you know. You know you can always talk to me because I'm always around even if you can't see me." I told her and sat down with her in my lap.
"I don't know what to do. Why can't I go to your school?" Hermione asked me.
"Because Hermione, you are needed here. I know you are because you need to keep those idiot boys inline, trust me on it." I said and I let her cry into me. After a while she finished crying and I just stroked her hair.
"I should probably get going to the feast." Hermione said to me. I got out and Hermione did but she froze looking at the doorway in terror and so I looked to see a troll!
"Hermione, get in the stall and get down as low as you can... do it now." I ordered and she ran in shutting the door and I heard her lay down. The troll saw me and he brought up his club and he brought it down swinging. I rolled out of the way and the club smashed into the stalls and I heard Hermione scream. No!
"Expelliamus!" I shouted at the troll and it hit and the troll grunted in pain. I saw Hermione go under the sinks and I ran at the troll and jumped onto its arm where it lifted me up and I was on its shoulders. Then I heard footsteps to see Harry and Ron!
"Hermione move! Angel!" Harry shouted seeing Hermione and then he saw Angel on the troll.
"Help!" Hermione shouted.
I turned into my snake and bit the troll and then suddenly, Harry was on the trolls shoulders with its wand up its nose Ew! I turned back and glared at him.
"Get off Harry, I can handle this!" I said and then I was lifted around the waist by the troll and then I was thrown into the remaining stalls and smashed into the wall.
"Angel! Guardian!" Harry and Hermione shouted in fear of the woman.
"Ron, do something!" Harry shouted dangling by his leg in the trolls hand and dodging the trolls club.
"Like what?" Ron said looking around.
I steadily got up. I was in pain but I knew that I have had worse. Come on I'm smart, I have kryptonian in me. But that doesn't mean anything except I can live the killing curse. Great!
"Diffindo!" I shouted and sent a severing charm at the trolls arm and it severed it off and dropped Harry. I ran and caught him before he hit the floor and he clung to me.
"Swish and Flick!" Hermione shouted at Ron.
"Wingardium Leviosa!" Ron shouted and the club levitated and the Ron ended the spell causing it to drop on the trolls head and knock the troll out.
"Reducto!" I shouted and I exploded the trolls head. It was dead and I didn't care.
"It's dead." Hermione said coming from the sinks and she clung to my side. I sighed and looked at her and Harry.
"Yes it is Hermione." I said and I placed Harry down and took his wand and gave it to him. "Never lose that wand."
"Yes Angel." Harry said taking the wand from her. She saved him and Hermione's life.
"Are you both okay?" I asked searching the two for injuries but only saw bruises and a few cuts.
"Yeah but how'd you get here?" Harry asked he hadn't seen her here yet or around.
"Ah, I've been here watching you and good job with the rememberall, good catch." I said and I hugged him. He smiled and hugged me back. Ron was looking on in confusement.
"Who are you?" Ron asked the woman who was hugging his bestfriend.
"Well these two like to call me Angel or Guardian. I protect them no matter what and you Ron Weasley said some very mean stuff, but I better change back before anyone comes." I said and I hugged the two. "Oh and don't tell anyone I was here." I then changed into my tabby cat. In which Hermione picked me up and smiled at me.
"Your cute." She said and I gave her a playful glare. Then all of a sudden Mcgonagall, Quirell and Severus came in and they all gasped at the remains of the troll and shocked to see the three.
"Oh, oh my goodness! Explain yourselves both of you!" Mcgonagall looked at both Harry and Ron.
"Well what it is..." They began. What are those two going to say? I hope the truth.
"Its my fault Prof. Mcgonagall." Hermione said holding me and I looked at her like she's crazy. Hermione knew Guardian was angry but it was the only way not to get the boys in trouble.
"Ms Granger?" Mcgonagall said in shock and Severus looked at me and I looked at him and his eyes widened slightly. He knows it's me.
"I went looking for the troll, I read about them and thought I could handle it but I was wrong if Harry and Ron hadn't come and found me I probably would've been dead!" Hermione said. She knew she was in serious trouble but she had too.
"5 points will be taken from Gryffindor. I am very disappointed with you Ms Granger and your serious lack of judgement. As for you two gentleman I hope you realise how fortunate you are.. not many first years can take on a mountain troll and live to tell the tail...5 points will be rewarded to each of you. For sheer dumb luck." Minerva said and noticed the tabby cat in Ms Grangers arms with emerald green eyes like hers. Like her daughter... no she isn't alive. Severus saw the tabby cat and instantly knew it to be Amy. His older sister is here but why?
"You better ought to go." Quirrel stuttered and I hissed at him which made him quiver. Three three left and when we got to the portrait I transformed back.
"You three be careful you hear me... I don't want anything happening to you. Believe me I would never forgive myself and my friends wouldn't either." I told them.
"Angel, will you always be here?" Harry asked scared that he will never see her again.
"Of course I will, your stuck with me. Now off to bed." I said pointing to the door.
"Thanks Angel." Ron said. He didn't know her but he felt he could trust her.
"Your welcome. Goodnight." I said. I needed to get home to my school and other three kids that are older than them that I found out about. Harry and Hermione hugged her and they said goodnight and left. All three knew that while danger was near them or if they were in trouble Angel/Guardian will be there for them.
I watched the three leave and I headed to the potions classroom where I opened the door to see Severus injured.
"You know you should see the healer about that." I said and he whipped his head round and looked at me with wide eyes.
"So I was right, it was you. I haven't seen you in years." Severus said.
"Yeah been busy. Now let me have a look will you." I said and I bent down and rolled his trouser leg up to see a gash. The three headed dog.
"Have you remembered?" Severus asked.
"No, not a lot at all." I said with a sigh and I got essence of dittany and a cloth. I dabbed on it and he winced.
"So why are you here?" He asked.
"Business. That's all you'll get from me. But I ask you to keep an eye on Quirrell and protect Harry and Hermione. Don't tell Dumbledore, Mcgonagall or Moody. Don't tell anyone I'll be around." I said and kissed his forehead and with that I left hearing.
"Goodbye big sis, I hope to see you again." With that I apperated to the Le Da Academy where my other children are.
I walked in the main doors and I was immediately hugged by my three kids. I have named them after my parents. There was Minerva Amy Mcgonagall Dumbledore, Albus Robert Wayne Mcgonagall Dumbledore and finally Alastor Godric Mcgonagall Dumbledore.
Albus was the oldest he was 22 he had blue eyes and auburn hair. He had defined muscles and he was married to Aurora Black who was Joanne's daughter with Black hair and grey eyes. They had a young son and daughter who are twins named Ares Salazar Mcgonagall Dumbledore and Athena Amy Mcgonagall Dumbledore at the age of 2. My other son Alastor named after the man who was his farther was 18, with a girlfriend called Skyla Weasley after her mother Stacey. She had red hair and green eyes he had blonde hair and brown eyes. Finally my eldest daughter Minerva was 15. She was in the house of Bravery while Alastor is in his last year this year. She had emerald green eyes and dark brown hair like me.
"Mummy, your back! How are Hermione and Harry?" Minerva asked me. She was always like this.
"There fine, just nearly got killed by a troll. Now how are Ares and Athena and how have you lot been?" I asked them walking to our rooms.
"The twins are fine their running all around the place and they are keeping us busy." Albus said to me and I smiled.
"We've been fine but the minister hates our school because of us allowing magical creatures and muggles here. The classes are doing well and the staff are doing their jobs." Alastor informed me. I nodded and when we entered something clung to my leg. I look down to see Ares and Athena.
"Gran!" They squealed with smiling faces and I lifted them up and they giggled.
"Hello my kittens, how have you been?" I asked them.
"Fine." Ares said and cuddled into me. I smiled and kissed his head with Athena. "Have they Aurora?" I asked looking at my daughter in law.
"They have been a bit naughty with running from the quarters but fine other than that." Aurora answered and kissed her mother in law cheek.
"Remind you of anyone Amz?" Joanne asked as she came in with Rachel and Stacey with grins.
"Yeah I remember you used to escape all the time to explore and it got you into trouble more than once." Rachel said to me.
"What did they do?" Skyla asked from where she was sat.
"Your Aunt here, nearly got killed and I think it was her parents that were worried." Stacey answered her daughter and sat down where Skyla laid in her mother's lap.
"Don't remind me." I groaned and sat down in my chair with my grandchildren sat in my lap.
"What happened?" Minerva asked curiously.
"Well me being a five year old always wanted to explore and go to see a giant squid. These three agreed with me straight away since we were bored." I started.
"Then Joanne here thought it would be fun to go into potions and we used the secret passage ways to avoid everyone but instead of messing around we listened." Stacey added to the part.
"Us lot didn't realise how panicked Amy's parents were and they looked for us. Us four though had gone out of potions and walked outside. Me being me wanted to play and so we all ran by the lake play fighting." Rachel said.
"But the only thing when me and Amy was wrestling each other, Amy pounced without realising how close to the lake we were and when she did... she went into the water hitting her head." Joanne added sitting down.
"What happened?" Albus asked with his wife now on his lap.
"Well that's when I started drowning. Hitting my head wasn't good. As I went unconcious my farther jumped in after watching the whole event, he got me but I wasn't breathing." I continued. "Mum did CPR and well she gave up when by some miracle I started to breath. My mum hugged me close after that and well now I'm here."
"Mum,you nearly died. Did your parents watch you?" Albus asked.
"Yep, never left me out of their sights until I kept sneaking away." I said and laughed.
"Ok, time for bed everyone." Stacey announced and I looked to see it past midnight.
"Ok mum." Skyla said and she hugged her mum and kissed me on the cheek and she went to her room.
"Come on Athena and Ares, time for bed." Aurora said and the two looked to me.
"We want grandma." Ares said to her. I smiled and held the two and Aurora looked at me and smiled and nodded. I walked to the twins bedroom and I placed them in their beds. The room was decorated with magical creatures.
"Goodnight my wee kittens, I'll see you tomorrow. Dream of far away lands and dive into the deepest oceans." I said and I kissed their heads and they went to sleep after that.I kissed Aurora on the cheek and kissed my boys and Minerva and then I went to sleep myself.

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