Mirror of Erised

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It's Christmas and all my students have gone home for the holidays and the ones who haven't are enjoying themselves here relaxing and drinking hot chocolate or egg nog. Hey were feastive at this time of year and I've found out that Aurora and Albus are going to have a child. Yes another child and I'm ecstatic it's due in July!
Right now though I've just decorated our family quarters and I was going to see Harry and Hermione this holiday with Severus.
"Mum, will you be here on Christmas?" Minerva asked me with her pouted lips.
"Yes kitten, I will be and I'll spend the day with the family but at night, I will be with Harry though." I explained and she nodded and hugged me in which I hugged her back.
"When can we get him away from the Dursley's?" She asked me. She wanted her baby brother and sister back from the others.
"5th year sweetheart. Now be good and I'll see you later." I told her and I walked out seeing as Joanne and Stacey are teaching, Albus is doing alchemy with Nicholas and Alastor is in his lessons and Aurora with Sklya are out with the kids Christmas shopping.
When I get out of the quarters I apperated to Hogwarts in the chambers and I put a disillusionment charm and I walked to the hall and saw Harry and Ron playing chess so I sit next to them and watched.
"Knight to E-5." Harry instructed. A piece moves across the board. Ooh no that is wrong.
Ron thinks for a moment.
"Queen to E-5." Ron said to the piece. Oh no. A queen walks over to E-5 and clinks the knight away.
"That's totally barbaric!" Hermione said seeing that and me I don't mind the game but it is extreme.
"That's wizard's chess. I see you've packed." Ron said and sore her suitcase.
"See you haven't." Hermione pointed out and I just sighed at them.
"Change of plans. My parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother, Charlie. He's studying dragons there!" Ron said. Is he just trying to show off to Hermione or is he trying to impress my daughter?
"Good. You can help Harry, then. He's going to go the library for information on Nicholas Flamel." Hermione told them. She knew if Guardian ever found out she knew they would be in trouble.
"We've looked a hundred times!" Ron said.
"Not in the restricted section...Happy Christmas." Hermione told them and exits the great hall. I don't believe my daughter just said that! Maybe there is a bit of me in there after all, about rule breaking.
"I think we've had a bad influence on her." Ron said.
"Yeah your right in some ways." I told them and they both looked around and I disillusioned myself and Harry smiled seeing the favourite person of his life.
"Angel!" Harry said and hugged me while I chuckled and then I saw Severus and he saw me and shook his head knowing I'll be around. No other teachers were here though.
"Bloody hell, when did you get here?" Ron asked me.
"Just before Harry said knight to E-5." I told them and their eyes widened realising I've heard the Nicholas Flamel part.
"Angel, I know you heard but-" Harry said but he was cut off.
"Harry,haven't I told you before but if you have to do this look at my clue. I'll tell you it's one of the professors but it's not the most obvious. That's all I'll tell you." I said and they nodded. After that we all got around school and I saw Albus and he saw me and smiled.
"Ah Ms McDore back again, then?" He asked. He didn't know she would be here but she looked like Minerva.
"Yes I love the Christmas decorations. But right now I have to go and get my grandchildren ready for bed because they'll want a story. I'll see you around Albus." I told him and he nodded. I walked away and directed myself to my portrait with a lion on. "Hogwarts Heir!" I said and I walked in to my quarters where I got ready for bed and I read my book.
It was early Christmas morning when I woke up and before I go home I have to get presents to Harry and Ron. I've given Hermione hers before she left. I walked down the corridors to the portrait and saw the fat lady.
"My lady." She told me.
"Ah so you know I'm the Hogwarts heir then?" I asked and she nodded.
"Yes ma'am, all the portraits and ghosts know. With your true identity too in which we don't speak about." She said. She couldn't believe the Hogwarts heir is here.
"Good, could you let me in to give my son and his friend presents?" I asked and her and she swung open. The students weren't awake yet so I got Ron's gift out which was a nimbus and for Harry a picture book of me, my friends, his other brothers and sister, my childhood and with Lily, James, Remus and Sirius. Then I got him a sliver chained necklace with a picture of him, Lily, James and me with Hermione before I left. After that I walked out and said goodbye to the fat lady and apperated to my family quarters where I sat in the chair and looked at all the presents.
"Wahhh!" I heard crying and I walked in the kids bedroom to see Athena rolling about in a nightmare and I ran to her and picked her up onto my lap.
"Shh Athena, be still and don't cry. Your grandma is here to chase away the night." I soothed and she opened her eyes and she looked at me with her blue eyes.
"Gran?" She asked and then she hugged me tightly crying in my chest.
"What happened my wee kitten?" I asked and I walked into the room shutting the door so I didn't disturb Ares and I sat down by the fire I had lit.
"It was where this mirror and with a snake like man and he attwacked you." She said and I wiped her tears.
"Don't worry I'm here." I cooed and then I felt an arm tug my leg and I looked to see Ares and he held up his arms. I scooped him up and rocked him on my knees.
"Come on, cheer up its Christmas." I said and they smiled.
"Your damn right it is!" A voice said and I looked to see Rachel, Joanne and Stacey the Alastor, Minerva, Skyla, Albus and Aurora came out.
"Can we open pwesents?" Ares asked with big eyes and we all laughed and nodded. After that we spent the day together laughing, giggling, playing games, watching films and having a dinner in the great hall.
X-mas morning. Hedwig is perched in the boys' room, and Harry is asleep in bed.
calling from downstairs "Harry, wake up! Come on Harry, wake up!" Ron called him.
Harry gets up and runs to a balcony overlooking the common room, where Ron is standing next to a tree. He is wearing a sweater with an R on it.
"Happy Christmas, Harry." Ron said to his best mate and he knew that he didn't have a proper Christmas at the Dursley's.
"Happy Christmas, Ron. What are you wearing?" Harry asked curious to what his friend is wearing.
"Oh, Mum made it for me. Looks like you've got one too!" Ron said a bit embarrassed but changed the subject.
"I've got presents?" Harry asked in awe. He had only got one mystery present on his birthday but he didn't know who from and then he got Angels too.
"Yeah!" Ron said to him.
"Oh!" Harry said and runs down the stairs.
"There they are." Ron said and he sits on a couch arm and eats jelly beans as Harry picks up a silver wrapped package. He had already opened his and he got a Nimbus 2000 but from an anonymous person but he thought Angel. Harry takes out the card.
"Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well." Harry read it out.
Harry opens the present. It is a cloak.
"What is it?" Ron asked curiously.
"Some kind of...cloak." Harry said not knowing what it was but he didn't see Angels present yet.
"Well, let's see then. Put it on." Ron told him wanting to know what it was.
Harry puts the cloak on, and all of him disappears except for his head.
"Whoa!" Ron said in awe at seeing what it was and he knew.
"My body's gone!" Harry said in shock looking down.
"I know what that is! That's an invisibility cloak!" He informed Harry.
"I'm invisible??" Harry asked in shock.
"They're really rare. I wonder who gave it to you." Ron said getting up.
"There was no name. It just said, "Use it well." Harry said coming over and then he went back to his presents and he saw an anonymous gift.
"To Harry, I know you won't find out about me until later and I just couldn't help but give you something now. I love you Harry and treasure this gift." Harry read and Ron just shrugged, Harry opened the gift and opened it to gasp.
"What is it?" Ron asked and he sat by him on the floor and looked.
"It's a photo album with me, dad, mum, Angel and some others." Harry said flipping through to see Angel growing up in each one but not Hogwarts but a different school laughing and others of her playing Quidditch and other things.
"Wow she's hot!" Ron said and it earned a glare from him because he didn't like that comment from him. He moved on to the next one from Angel and he opened it to reveal a silver necklace with locket and he opened it to reveal a picture of Angel with him and a girl in Angels arms smiling, then his maybe mum and dad next to her. He really didn't know if the Potters were his parents or not but he might find out definitely one day.
"Wow, she's given you something treasurable. She even gave me a Nimbus." Ron told him and Harry nodded.
I was back at Hogwarts and I was following Harry through the library. He was searching definetely in the wrong.
Soon though he opened a book and it screamed alerting someone here and he puts the cloak on but knocks the lamp of.
"Who's there?! I know you're in there. You can't hide. Who is it? Show yourself!" Filch said and I just sense the direction Harry is going.
Harry runs from the room, breathing heavily. He gets into the hall, where Mrs. Norris is. The cat meows and begins to follow him. Harry runs around a corner, just as Snape and Quirrell appear. Snape pushes Quirrell into the wall.
I saw Snape and Quirell and now it was time to make me appear.
"Severus...I-I thought..." Quirell stuttered.
"You don't want me as your enemy, Quirrell." Severus said to him and it was my turn.
"And you definetely don't want me either." I said and appeared making the two jump.
"W-What do you two m-mean Ms M-McDore and Severus?" Quirell asked.
"You know perfectly well what we both mean." Severus said and then he senses something. Harry stops breathing. Severus reaches out to grab something, but doesn't. He whips his finger back in front of Quirrell's face. "We'll have another chat soon...when you've had time to decide where your loyalties lie." Severus said.
"And for your sake, it better be the right one because if not you won't like the consequences." I threatened him.
Suddenly, Filch appears, carrying the broken lamp.
"Oh, Professors, M-Ms McDore. I found this, in the Restricted Section. It's still hot. That means there's a student out of bed." He informed and I knew where Harry was so we all darted off.
A door opens, and closes. On the other side, there is a vast, empty room that has a large mirror in the center. Harry appears and walks over to the mirror. In it, he sees Angel, Hermione with 14 other people. Some he recognised to be the woman of Amys and the headmaster, Mcgonagall and Snape but the others he didn't. But Angel had her arms around both him and Hermione with a smile and kissing them on the cheeks with the man with a eccentric blue eyes with his arms wrapped around her. He didn't know who he was? Or why he's seeing them.
"Angel? {the woman nods and smiles} Hermione? {nods and smiles. Harry reaches out to touch them, but only gets the mirror. Then, his Angel puts her hand on his shoulder. He puts his own hand on his own shoulders, as if trying to feel her there. He didn't know why his parents weren't there but he saw Angel!
The boys' room. Harry comes whipping in, invisible.
"Ron! You've really got to see this! Ron! You've got to see this! {pulls back covers. Ronwakes up.} Ron, Ron, come on. Get out of bed!" Harry told his best mate after running all the way from the mirror to here.
"Why?" Ron asked groggily.
"There's something you've got to see. Now, come on!" Harry told him not wanting him to miss it.
Back in the mirror room. Harry and Ron appear as if magically and Harry runs to the mirror.
"Come on. Come. Come look, it's me, Angel with Hermione and others!" Harry yelled.
"I only see me." Ron said to him. Harry moves over}
"Look in properly. Go on. Stand there. There. You see them, don't you? Thats Angel..." Harry said.
"That's me! Only, I'm head boy...and I'm holding the Quidditch cup! And bloody hell, I'm Quidditch Captain too! I look good. Harry, do you think this mirror shows the future?"
"How can it? I don't have family their dead." Harry smiles sadly. Angel won't adopt him and he will never have a family with parents.
I watched in sadness after sneaking in. Oh it hurt me with him thinking like that but I know I couldn't say anything because that would blow my cover. I left with a heavy heart back to my quarters. I laid on the bed and cried for my bad life. I can't have a normal life! I got kidnapped from my parents! I have kryptonian in my blood! Voldemorts after me! I gave kids born from my DNA! Why does this have to happen to me? After a while I fell to sleep.
Another night. Harry is sitting in front of the mirror. I was sat on the desks watching with a frown and I suddenly felt someone next to me and I looked to see Dumbledore.
"Ah Ms McDore you've discovered the mirror of erised. Tell me what do you see?" Albus asked the woman who was frowning.
"I see...my parents, me, my brother, my children and grandchildren, my friends and their families all happy together not separated or believed to be dead. The war ended and I'm happy for a change." I said to him. Oh how much I wished that could be true.
"Ah, why aren't you happy?" Albus asked.
"Because I have to keep secrets, I have to hide who I truly am and my life before my kids have been living hell until I was born to just before the bad even when I was six. Sir, what do you see in the mirror?" I asked and he sighed. He knew he could trust her but why?
"I see myself, my wife, my son, my sister and brother with my daughter." He said looking somber.
"What happened to your daughter if I may?" I asked knowing this was a touchy subject.
"She was kidnapped by Voldemort and the deatheaters when she was six with her three friends. We have never seen her again."
"Sir, I think you might eventually find her because the ones we lost always find a way to come back to us." I told him and he gave me a small smile.
"Thank you Ms McDore. Now let our presence be known to Harry." Albus said. He can't believe he told her that but she looked pained too.
"Back again, Harry?" Albus said and then Harry turns around and stands up. Then he sees Angel.
"Angel!" Harry said and he tackled her in a hug.
"Harry, have you missed me already? I saw you yesterday or before that." I said and hugged him back. Albus looked on curious wondering how young Harry knew her?
"I see that you, like so many before you, have discovered the delights of the Mirror of Erised. I trust by now you realize what it does. Let me give you a clue. The happiest man on earth would look into the mirror and see only himself, exactly as he is." Albus said and Harry turned to him.
"So, then it shows us what we want? Whatever we want?" Harry said in Angels embrace.
"Yes...and no. It shows us nothing more or less than the deepest, most desperate desires of our hearts. Now you, who have never known your family, you see them standing beside you. But remember this, Harry. This mirror gives us neither knowledge or truth. Men have wasted away in front of it, even gone mad. That is why tomorrow it will be moved to a new home, and I must ask you not to go looking for it again. It does not do to dwell on dreams, Harry, and forget to live." Albus said to the boy.
"Come on Harry bed time. You know you can talk to me any time because I will know what your up too but you need your rest and I know I do." I said and he kissed me on the cheek and ran off.
"How do you know Mr Potter?" Albus asked.
"It's complicated but you will find out one day." I said and I ran out back to my quarters where I went to sleep.
Albus saw the look when she ran out and he sighed and apperated to his quarters where his wife was in bed.
"Albus, what have you been doing?" Minerva asked sitting up.
"Talking to Ms McDore, she was in the room with the mirror with young Mr Potter. I don't know who she really is but something is up with her." Albus said transfiguring his robes and getting into bed.
"I know Albus, we will find out. Goodnight Albus I love you." Minerva said cuddling up to him.
"Goodnight tabby, I love you too." Albus said and she went to sleep. "Goodnight Sherbert, I love you wherever you are." He the fell to sleep he didn't realise Minerva heard him. She knew he missed her.
"Goodnight my kitten, I love you too." She said and let a silent tear down her face.

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