Quidditch - Slytherin Vs Gryffindor

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It was the next day and I'm going to the headmaster to see him because with being on the board of governers I get to come around. I normally don't because I hardly want people to see me here especially Dumbledore and Mcgonagall. So today it's just me due to Stacey is teaching DADA and Joanne is doing charms.
I'm walking down the corridors in my professional robes and all the students are probably either waking or down at breakfast.
I get to the gargoyle. "Do you know who I am?" I asked and it nodded. "Tell no one."
"Yes ma'am." He replied and went to the side and I walked up the stairs. I was about to knock but then Dumbledore said come in. Wards probably. I opened the door to see an amazing office. Everywhere were books and the lot but in the corner was a Phoenix and it looked at me and flew over to my shoulder. I did notice though Dumbledore watching curiously.
"Ah, you must be the head governess, I've heard who's coming. I'm Headmaster Albus Dumbledore." He said to me and held out his hand which I shook with a smile and got a spark up my hand which showed me various images.
"I'm Professor Amy McDore." I told him and he looked at me curiously.
"It's nice to meet you Amy, have you had breakfast?" Albus asked looking at the woman who strangely resembles Minerva.
"No I haven't. I've been busy lately and I haven't had time." I told him and he nodded.
"Well, let's go down to breakfast then." He said and we both walked out he door and we came face to face with Mcgonagall.
"Ah Minerva my dear, this is Amy McDore the head of the school governers. She's here to watch the Quidditch match." Albus introduced and Minerva smiled.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Minerva Mcgonagall. But I'm sure you know that already." She said and I smiled.
"It's nice to meet you too. " I said and us three walked down to the great hall where I saw Harry, Hermione and Ron sitting together. Ah I know their investigating the third floor mystery. But today I saw Harry twirling his food on his plate. Ah he's nervous. They haven't even noticed me yet.
"I think I'm going to see those three." I said indicating to Harry, Ron and Hermione.
"Ah they took on a troll that got into the school. They just look for trouble." Minerva said with a smile. She was fond of the three but she won't let it show.
"Yes, Gryffindor the brave and courageous." I said and I sat next to them without them realising.
"Take a bit of toast, mate, go on." Ron goaded.
"Ron's right, Harry. You're gonna need your strength today." Hermione said to him and then she saw me but I shushed her. She smiled and nodded.
"I'm not hungry." Harry answered to them.
"Aren't you Harry? Because I know I am." I said and he ans Ron gasped and looked at me with a smile.
"Angel!" They said and hugged me.
"Told you, you would see me again." I said chuckling and I saw Dumbledore and Mcgonagall looking at me with Pomfrey. But mainly I saw Quirell and he glared sending my scar to burn.
"Good luck today, Potter. Then again, now that you've proven yourself against a troll, a little game of Quidditch should be easy work for you...even if it is against Slytherin." Severus said and he looked at me but he didn't show he was happy but I could tell and then he leaves limping slightly.
"That explains the blood." Harry said and he looked at me.
"Blood?" Hermione questions.
"What are you three on about?" I asked them bit I had a sneaky suspicion and they looked at me. Harry and Hermione both know to tell her the truth because she would find out anyways.
"The third floor." Harry answered and I nodded. "Listen, last night, I'm guessing Snape let the troll in as a diversion so he could try and get past that 3 headed dog. But, he got himself bitten, that's why he's limping." Harry said to them.
"Woah Harry, I know Snape he wouldn't do that. I'm sorry but even I know it's not Snape." I told them and they looked at me.
"But Angel, it has to be him. Everyone said he's evil and he might have the perfect motive to what it's hiding." Harry tried to pursuade her.
"Harry, it can't of been him because he was in the great hall the time it was let in." I said to him and he sighed.
"Anyways, why would anyone go near that dog?" Hermione asked curious to why.
"The day I was at Gringotts, Hagrid took something out of one of the vaults. He said it was Hogwarts' business, very secret." Harry added.
"So you're saying..." Hermione said.
"That's what the dog's guarding. That's what Snape wants." Harry said. "But what?" Harry said and all three looked at me.
"Oh no. It's already too dangerous for you to be involved and I'll get into trouble." I told them and they sighed.
Then we heard an owl screech to see Hedwig flying with a long parcel and she drops it in front of us four.
"Bit early for mail, isn't it?" Hermione said to the parcel.
"True but it depends who sent it Hermione." I told her and she nodded.
"But I-I never get mail." Harry said in awe. This made me feel bad because I'm not there for my son but it's for his protection. But I have tried to tell the Dursley's but they might not listen anymore.
"Well you have now Harry." I said and put my arm around his shoulder. I wonder Who's it from?
"Let's open it." Ron said excited and I laugh.
{They open it.}
"It's a broomstick!" Harry said in awe and I smiled. Who would get him the broomstick? I didn't and I doubt anyone from my friends did it.
"Thats not just any broomstick, Harry. It's a Nimbus 2000!" Ron said in awe. I nodded. The best broom in the market but not better than my broom though.
"But who...?" Harry wondered and he looked at me but I shook my head no.
He looks up at the head table and I do. Minerva was stroking Hedwig. Ah so she got her grandson something without realising it. She saw and she smiled at Harry and he smiled back and she looked at me because I might not a prove but I nodded. She smiled at me and I smiled.
I was sat in the staff stands next to Severus and he was quite happy I'm near him.
"So what is it with you and the Potter brat and the Granger girl?" He asked me curiously.
"My own business you'll find out later." I said with a smirk and he shook his head. He knew his sister didn't remember hardly anything, but she does know her family.
Minerva and Albus were in the stands watching the woman who was talking to their son. It made them wonder how their daughter would of gotten along.
"Albus, she looks like me." Minerva said seeing the resembelance.
"I know Min, but we can't go down that road again about our daughter." Albus said and looked at the woman with Minerva's eyes.
"There is something about her Albus." Minerva said.
"I know, I'll try and get information on this woman from somewhere." Albus said and the team entered.
"Go Gryffindor!" Amy shouted and Albus smiled.
I saw the players come out and they zoomed around the pitch. I was cheering for Gryffindor today I don't care, my son is on the team.
"Hello, and welcome to Hogwarts' first Quidditch game of the season! Today's game Slytherin versus Gryffindor!!!" Lee announced. I know him. "The players take their positions in the air in a circle.
"The players take their positions as Madam Hooch steps out onto the field to begin the game."
I smiled and sat down. "Severus I bet 10 galleons that Gryffindor win and get the snitch." I said and he raised an eye brow.
"Deal on that one prepare to lose." Severus smirked.
"Now, I want a nice clean game...from all of you. {looks at Slytherin. She kicks the trunk, and the bludgers zoom out.}" Hooch said to the players.
"The bludgers are up...followed by the Golden Snitch. Remember, the snitch is worth 150 points. The seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game." Jordan announced.
The snitch zooms around each Seeker's head, then disappears. Hooch grabs the Quaffle.
"The Quaffle is released...and the game begins!"
Gryffindor takes possession and she zooms past Slytherins towards their goal, and throws the ball, and scores! There is a ding.
"Yes!" I said clapping.
"Just lucky." Severus mumbled but I smiled.
"Yeah right." I said and he slapped me around the head. "Severus. Haha."
"You deserved it." He told me.
"Yeah right." I said and smirked.
"Angelina Johnson scores! 10 points for Gryffindor!" Lee said. He presses a button and a 10 shows up beside a plaque with Gryffindors name.
Harry, in the air, claps. I watch him and smile but I saw a bludger. He isn't watching his surrounding.
"Yes! {a bludger zooms by him.} Whoa!" Harry said and he sees Angel in the stands. He was going to win this for her. In the stands, Gryffindor cheers.
"Slytherin takes possession of the Quaffle. Bletchley passes to Captain Marcus Flint." Lee said. He saw Amy in the stands and smiled at her. I smiled back and watched the game.
Flint dodges people and throws for the Gryffindor hoops. Oliver appears and whacks the ball away with his broom. He smirks at Flint, who glares. Johnson and Katie Bell pass the Quaffle back and forth as they strategies to score. Johnson takes it, throws, and once again scores!
"Was that a lucky one too Severus?" I asked.
"Your loving this aren't you?" He said and I nodded.
Minerva and Albus watch the two and smile. Severus has a friend.
"Another 10 points to Gryffindor! {ding.}" Jordan said.
The Slytherins decide to get messy. They dodge, kick, and try to score. Once again, Oliver blocks.
"Give me that!" Flint saif {he grabs a beaters bat from one and whacks a bludger right at Oliver. It hits Oliver in the stomach and he falls to the ground.}
"Foul!" I shouted out. "Severus... Slytherin cheat." I said and pout and he chuckled which got the staffs attention. And all the Gryffindor boo. I could see that Harry wasn't happy
Slytherin laughs.
The Slytherin members head off. One jumps over George (or Fred) and scores. Harry is upset again.
"Ah Slytherin might win now." Severus said and I frown.
"Yeah by cheating." I mumbled.
"Act your age." He said and I stuck my tongue out.
"Take that side!" Flint said to some team members.
They box Johnson in and sent her into the capes covering one of the towers. She falls down in and is out. The crowd boos. Slytherin scores once again. Suddenly, Harry sees the Snitch. He starts to head off after it and then his broom starts bucking and turning. I stand up and looked. I then I looked around to see Quirell.
"Sev, it's Quirrell. " I whispered and he started a counter curse.
"Whoa! Whooa!" Harry was trying to hold on. I was panicking and I started the counter curse and it stabilises it a bit. I won't let him win. I'll use all my power if I need too. Crap this isn't working. I looked around.
"Accio broom!" I said and broom comes.
"Don't Ms McDore." Minerva said to the woman.
"I have to." I said and then I jumped off and onto the broom and flew to Harry.
"Angel, help me!" Harry said. He couldn't hold on. I tried to get closer but the broom moved. Stuff my health. I stood up on my broom and I jumped onto the Nimbus and I gripped on tightly and held his hand.
"I won't let you fall Harry. I promise you on that." I said and he looked at me worried.
"What's going on with Harry's broomstick? And who's that woman with him?" Hagrid asked looking.
Hermione looks through binoculars at Harry and Guardian, then at Snape, who is muttering something.
"It's Snape! He's jinxing the broom!" Hermione said and she hoped that both Guardian and Harry will be safe.
"Jinxing the broom? What do we do?" Ron asked in panick watching the two.
"Leave it to me." Hermione said and she hands Ron her binoculars and leaves.
We were bucking a lot and when I say a lot I mean I am hardly holding on. One buck suddenly happened and I was in the same situation as Harry.
"Hold on Harry." I said to him and he looks worried.
"What about you?" Harry asked because she could hurt herself.
"As long as your safe then I don't care about myself." I told him and gripped his hand tighter.
"Come on, Hermione!" Ron said seeing the two dangling.
Minerva and Albus was watching the two and they wondered who this woman actually was. She just rides a broom and risks her life!
"Albus we need to do something!" Minerva said in panick.
"I don't know what I can do Minerva." Albus said. He watched the two.
Hermione is hurrying up a tower. She appears underneath Snape and touches his cloak with her wand.
"Lacarnum Inflamarae." She whispered and hoped it worked. She was dreading if she got caught.
A spark ignites and Snape's cloak catches fire. Hermione leaves.
"Fire! You're on fire!" A man told Severus.
"What? Oh!" Severus said in panick. He knocks the man back, who falls into Quirrell, who then also falls. Severus bats out the fire and acts as though nothing happened. He looked back at his sister and the Potter and he sees that the broom isn't bucking. He sighed in relief thankfully Amy was okay.
The broom stop bucking, and I push Harry up onto the broom and then I climbing behind him.
"Get that snitch!" I told him and he grins and he takes off. I was having a blast at how fast it is going.
"Go!" Ron cheers.
"Go go go!" Hagrid shouted.
We ram the Slytherin seeker and then he is butted out. He returns, smashing us as the Snitch dives.
Harry and the Slytherin follows and I was holding on for life because it was that fast. But when I looked we were fast approaching the ground.
"Pull up Harry!" I said to him. I have done this in my youth at school and really I would of enjoyed it, if we weren't plummeting to the ground. The Slytherin seeker backed out. When we were close Harry pulled up. He enjoyed having Angel with him. She was like a mother to him. I had to put both feet out or they would touch the floor. Harry stands up and he steps forward. I can see what will happen here and I make sure I'm ready and he tried to grab the snitch. He goes too far and then the broom topples and we both toppled. I grabbed Harry and we both tumbled to the ground with him on top of me. Ouch that hurt.
Harry gets up and lurches and the crowd and teachers get up. I kneel next to him holding my side and Hermione appears beside the tower to see.
"Looks like he's gonna be sick!" I heard the game keeper Hagrid say.
Harry lurches and the Snitch pops out of his mouth. It lands in his hands.
"You caught the snitch Harry. I am so proud of you!" I said and hugged him. Harry returned the hug feeling warmth inside from what she said to him.
"He's got the Snitch! Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the Snitch!" Lee said and he smiled.
Hooch blows whistle "Gryffindor win!" She shouted.
Everyone cheered except the Slytherin.
Hermione runs over and tackles me and Harry into hug in which we laugh. I picked Harry up and put him on my shoulders.
"Angel!" Harry shouted smiling. I saw Severus and he knew he owed me 10 galleons. I smiled and I saw Dumbledore looking at me in which I smiled at him and he returned it. Mcgonagall though was giggling like a happy school girl.
Harry raises the Snitch into the air and the crowd, and his team, cheers.
"Go go Gryffindor! Go go Gryffindor! Go go Gryffindor! Go go Gryffindor!" The crowd cheers.
Afterwards I placed Harry down.
"I'll see you three around alright?" I said to Ron, Harry and Hermione.
"But what if we need you?" Ron asked the woman.
"Then I'll know." I told them and they went to see Hagrid. I sighed and turned to see Mcgonagall, Dumbledore and the nurse with Severus.
"Your injured Ms McDore. I want to check you over." Poppy said to the woman seeing her holding her side.
"I'm fine. I've had worse." I tried to but she wouldn't have it.
"Do I need to make you?" She threatened and I could see Severus enjoying this.
"I said I am fine Madam Pomfrey. Plus you can't make me if I don't want to." I countered wanting to go until one second I was picked up.
"Sorry Ms McDore, but you need checking." Albus said holding the lady and she looked uncomfortable.
He and the other three started walking to the hospital wing.
Everything was off in my mind. This felt familiar  I was frozen. Then images of him swinging a girl of four around. A picnic. Soon I was placed on something soft.
"Can you lift up your shirt please?" Poppy asked seeing the woman was in some sort of state.
I was snapped out of it and looked and shook my head no. She sighed and said a spell which took my top off to reveal scars of my past. The adults with Severus gasped. There we're words like blood traitor and scars from electrocution and burns.
"Oh my..." Minerva said looking in shock. What has this woman been through?
"What happened?" Albus asked seeing the scars.
"Nothing, that's what you pay when your me. I told you I've had worse than a bruised rib." I said and Severus looked at me and he wondered what she has been through.
"Have you got these checked?" Poppy asked looking at them.
"No, because I haven't had the time or anything and besides there old, I thought nothing can heal them." I said to her and she pursed her lips.
"Well I am going to do something about these Ms McDore." She said and left while I was left with the other three.
"Ms McDore, you should of had these checked out, you should've  told someone." Minerva said to the near look a like.
"Yeah like what Professor? It was a long time ago and it doesn't matter anymore." I told her. She looked taken back by that answer. Poppy came back and she started. I flinched at the touch of them.
"Who did this anyways?" Severus asked his sister. He didn't know what horrors she had gone through, but he had to know.
"Just say evil wizards who followed a half blooded son of a muggle and his cronies." I said to him and he looked at me knowing who it was now.
"Ms McDore, your all done, they won't get rid of all the scars but it will help." Poppy said and I placed my top back on and stretched.
"Thanks Madame Pomfrey but I really must be getting off. My children and grandchildren are home and they will be wanting to see me." I said to her.
"You have children and grandchildren? What are their names?" Albus asked her.
"Funny thing you should say really, I have three sons and two daughters in which two sons are called Albus Robert Wayne and Alastor. The girl is called Minerva Amy. I have two grandkids with some more on the way. The two I have are called Athena and Ares." I answered and they nodded.
"What's your other two childrens names?" Minerva asked. She realised that the woman only mentioned 3 of her children's names.
"Ah, that would be telling. I might be here again to observe but I won't tell you when so now it's goodbye." I told them.
"I hope to have the pleasure in seeing you again." Albus said to her. Why didn't he want her to leave?
"Maybe Quidditch matches." Minerva suggested.
"That I'll be and Severus... You owe me 10 galleons please." I told him and he grunted and he handed me them over. "Pleasure in doing this again."
"Yeah right, next Slytherin will win you." Severus told her.
"Yeah right that will happen when pigs start to fly." I said with a smiled and he tried not to but he chuckled and that got Albus, Minerva and Poppy's attention.
"See ya Amz." Severus said with a smirk.
"See ya Sev and be kinder to Harry, Hermione and Ron or you will know about it." I told him.
"Yeah and I'll do that when the impossible happens." Severus said to her.
"I've seen that happen Sev." I said and I walked out and apperated back to Le Da Academy where lunch was starting. I walked in the hall with my leather jacket, dark washed jeans, red t-shirt on and sunglasses. Everyone waved and smiled at me and I smiled at them back and sat down.
"So how'd it go?" Perenella asked me. She was the head of potions at my school.
"Good, nearly got killed by a broom because someone cursed Harry's broom." I said and the staff looked at me.
"What how'd you get nearly killed then?" Nicholas asked me. He was doing alchemy.
"Because I jumped on the broom and nearly got knocked off and to the ground that was about 12 feet below us." I said and they nodded still wide eyed.
"Alastor where's Aurora, Albus, Minerva, Athena and Ares?" I asked not seeing them anywhere.
"Umm Minerva's with the kids and Albus and Aurora ah..." He said blushing and I nodded.
"Yeah I'm surprised she isn't pregnant again." Joanne said chuckling and leaning her head against me.
"I know, well dinners over." I said and stood up and everyone looked at me. "Okay everyone, we have all be fed and watered for the night so I guess it is time to head to your common rooms to go to sleep." I said and they all got up and the dishes and food disappeared.
"Come on Joanne, I can't carry you." I said and she pouted and I sighed. "Get on my back." I told her giving in.
Joanne knew she could get it this way sometimes and she jumped on her friends back but suddenly, two others jumped on too.
"Stacey! Rachel!" I yelled not expecting them and they laughed.
"Come on headmistress your strong enough to handle us or are you a weakling?" Rachel goaded and I groaned and I started walking with the kids looking at us and laughing.
"They love us adults acting like this. We never act our age." Stacey said and we laughed because that was so true. When we got to our family quarters we went in to hear moaning. Oh holy Merlin. I saw Ares and Athena come to me.
"Grandmama what's that sound?" Athena asked clinging to her grandmother.
"Your too young to know. Joanne knock on the door while I get these to bed." I said and picked the two up.
"Why me? Why not you, Stacey or Rachel?" Joanne asked with wide eyes not wanting to walk in on... THAT!
"Because we're busy and that's your daughter." I said and I walked away in to the bedroom and heard Rachel and Stacey laughing.
"MY EYES MY BEAUTIFUL PERFECT EYES!" Joanne screamed. I was laughing with tears in my eyes and I put the kids to bed and read them a story. When I finished they were a sleep and I walked out to see Albus and Aurora red and Joanne wide eyed at them with Stacey, Minerva, Alastor, Skyla and Rachel laughing with tears.
"My eyes... I'm never going to get that picture out of my head. Ugh it's not funny!" Joanne snapped at them lot who just continued laughing.
"Oh yes it is!" Stacey and Rachel said back.
"I don't believe you were moaning like that. You sounded like a strangled cat!" Alastor and Minerva said while Skyla nodded.
"I don't believe you did that mum." Aurora said. She was embarrassed to say the least on what her mum walked in on her doing with her husband.
"Well it wasn't cool Aunt Joanne. Mum I don't believe you told her too." Albus said to his mother.
"Hey you were moaning like that with your kids hearing. I wouldn't go in because I didn't want to have that image scar-ed in my mind. Now it's bed time for all. Minerva do you have your homework done with yours Alastor and Skyla?" I asked with my arms folded hoping they have done it because I don't want them to fall behind.
"Yes mum, we just need you to check it and aunt Joanne and Stacey." Minerva answered.
"Well go and fetch it then." I said the three went while I sat down and Albus looked at me embarrassed.
"Mum...how did it go?" Albus asked and with that I explained what happened and he looked at me. "Your lucky."
"Yeah Amz, if that is Voldemort then we have to be careful in what we do." Rachel said sitting there and then the other kids came in and Minerva and Albus passed me their homework while Skyla gave hers to Stacey. Transfigurations, Charms, DADA, Potions and Magical Culture. I read through them and marked them with my pen and soon I was finished and they looked at me.
"Alastor your theory could be more detailed because you've only put the basics in and more understanding but you get Exceed expectations in them. Minerva your handwriting could be better and maybe more detailed you get Outstanding still with what's in here." I said and they smiled. Skyla got expectations and they went to bed and Albus and Aurora did too. I walked to my room and instead of sleep I meditate on the images I got, I hopefully will get my memory back.

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