Chapter 1 - Pic of Izzy

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I crouch behind a bush, watching my prey very closely.. it won't get away from me. The large deer dips its head into the water, giving me the perfect chance to scope it out, to see what I'm going up against. Its very bulky and standing up its a couple heads taller than me, its very wide.. id say its a male. I stand quietly, and within a second I'm charging straight for it, it senses me all to quickly and gets ready to run but I whip out my shuriken* and throw it towards the deer, it lets out a loud grunting sound as my weapon lodges itself in its leg. I hurry over and pounce on it's back, and I swiftly slit its throat with my hunting knife. Blood squirts all over my face and body making me look liken a mad woman. However, I'm simply a 16 year old girl hunting for her Family's dinner, and when I say family.. I mean my sister and myself.
It wasn't always just us. There was also my mom and dad. My father was murdered when we were younger, and my mother died a couple weeks ago from a heart attack, but my sister thinks she died from a broken heart. We were both left to a large fortune, and inherited all our parents money and their mansion. So your probably thinking, why do you go out hunting if you can just buy your meat? 
Well I like hunting because It keeps me fit, and helps me let out steam. Also my sister and I prefer fresh meat. But we settle for store bought meat sometimes.
I gut the deer and the tie its legs together then chuck the whole thing on my back. To me the deer isn't very heavy.. but I'm sure it really is, I've just got a lot of strength from goodness knows where. I've always been very strong and very fast considering I'm not very tall, I'm kind of short. 5''4.
I finally reach our backyard (the forest is behind our mansion) and head towards the shed. I dump my game in there and head inside.
"Luigi! could you please prepare my game, its in the shed as usual!" Luigi is our butcher/ chef, he always skins and cuts my game for me, he is very humble and just a good person in general.
"Of course Izzy" He smiles and quickly heads out the door.
"Anna! I'm home!" I head up stairs to find my little sister. "I'm in my room Iz" She shouts back at me.
I go to her room door and barge right in. "hey baby" I half cooe. She returns my gesture with a warm smile before going back to playing with her dolls. No not Barbie dolls, porclain dolls. The ones with the beautiful faces and Victorian dresses. "How was your day?" I ask her but she doesn't exactly reply she just keeps playing with her dolls. "You should shower first Iz, then we can talk properly" she smiles up at me. I looked down at myself, I completely forgot I was all messy and covered in blood. I send her a sheepish smile before heading to my room. Looking in my floor length mirror, I wasn't too shocked at my appearance.
I go to my large ensuit bathroom, and strip off my clothes. I let my hair down, and head for my shower. I turn it right up so that the water practically burns my skin, just the way I like it. I choose my favourite scent, vanilla body wash and used it to clean of all the grime. I wash my hair, then get out. 
 I head over to my walk In wardrobe, and pick out some lacy underwear and a silk sleeping singlet. I wore this to bed because that's how we were brought up, to wear lace and silk as bed garments. I guess that's what upper class people do. I only wear this now because its what my mother taught me, its what she wanted me to wear, and also because its kind of a habit.
I walk straight over to my bed and slide into my soft white blankets. unfortunately, I have to start school tomorrow. My mom use to home school us, she was a brilliant teacher.. but now she's gone. So public school here I come.
A soft knock came on my door before Ali's figure apperead to me. "Hey baby, what's up?"
"dinners ready, I thought Id tell you.. are you going to come?" Damn, I completely forgot I hadn't had dinner yet. "I'm sorry, I had forgotten.. I'm not going to have dinner tonight baby, but you go right ahead, okay? then you can come back in here if you like and you can tell me all about your day" I sent her a warm smile, and she returned one back to me with a small nod before closing the door again.
Ever since our mothers death, shes been quite, even before that she was very reserved. She has such a delicate voice, and is very graceful. She's a very beautiful girl.. she looks just like our mother. Long white blonde hair down to her waist, very slender and tall for her age, she has teddy bear brown eyes, a cute button nose and petite little lips. She really is stunning. I however don't really look like either of my parents, I have dark brown wavy hair, blue eyes, olive skin, and I'm short. I'd always wished I had the beauty of my mum and sister, but cant have everything. that's just how life is.
I rolled onto my back and rubbed my hands over my face, I'm really not looking forward to school tomorrow. Ive never been a really social person. My sister and I rarely ever left the house unless it was for vacations. We had everything we ever needed here. Tomorrow was going to be a long day, I can just feel it.

*tap tap tap* .. I grumble and roll onto my side. *tap tap tap*. Soft knocks echo through my room. The door is gently pushed open and Anna's figure appears. "sorry Iz, I didn't realise you were sleeping.. I was just coming in to tell you about my day like you said" I look over at the time - 10:46. Dang it! I fell asleep, oh gosh I feel so bad I didn't even wait up for her!
"Hey baby it's alright, sure come in!"
She plonks her self down next to me as I shift over making room for her.

"Maria took me school shopping today, I got my uniform and we got you're one too, she didn't know your size so we just guessed."

"What do they look like?"

"White blouse with the silver and navy emblem on it, a navy coloured skirt, white knee high socks and black shoes"

"oh, okay ... what is the emblem of?"

"Its a wolf howling at a crescent moon"

"Really? that's a little odd.."

"I suppose.. are you nervous?"

" No baby, I'm not.. and you shouldn't be either.. I will always be there to keep you safe, just call my name whenever you need me and i'l be there, okay?"

"Okay izzy"

I hug her tightly to reassure her, to let her know I mean it.
" You should head of to bed now baby, I don't want you too tired for school tomorrow"

"Okay, I love You Izz. Good Night"

"I love you too. Sweet dreams baby girl."

Authors Note:
Shuriken* is a weapon shaped like a star. Slang: Ninja Star.

Please Please Please Give the book a chance, i know it might start out slow but TRUST ME when i say its going to be awesome and Action Packed :D :D im so excited for people to read it :')

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<3 <3

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