Chapter 18

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Unedited. Please excuse the mistakes and bad grammar, ill edit later! enjoy!! xx


I was sitting in the kitchen sipping on a hot cup of tea. Maria sitting to my left and sweet Anna in front of me.

"I could sense a change in you, as soon as i awoke.. Kara sensed something, someone poweful enter our presence. I knew it would be you sissy."

She broke off for a secound as i saw a excited glint pass through her eyes.

"I cant wait to share everything i know with you! we can train together. Oh how ive longed to be able to share this life with you sissy, and now i finally can."

Anna had gotten up and walked round the table to grip my slightly larger hands in her small delicate ones. Her eyes bright and a smile gracing her lips.
I gave her one of my own. It odd seeing her act like this, she's really come out of her shell since everything has been out in the open. Is this the real Anna?

Doesnt matter. I love her either way.

Ever since last night i had been getting an on and off head ache. Nothing really significant happened, no instant ''powers'' or any voices. I thought it would be like how it happened with Khamilla, my wolf. I asked her if she felt anything or knew anything about my - our, lambent spirit. Of course she didnt.
Anna did however, she rushed into my room and woke me up. She told me about it before I had even mentioned my dream.

"Does it have a name? .. your spirit, - uh lambent spirit not your wolf, - uh yeah.. "
Maria asked.

I giggled at her stuttering. Shes had a look of awe on her face ever since she found out. She hasnt said a word till now. I guess I could understand.

what was it again..?

"Raven.. raventine? raventhea? .."

"Raventhyus?" Anna leaned in closer, her eyes going wide.

A burst of pressure pressed against my skull at the mention of that name. I looked towards Anna and gave her a nod. Words refused to escape my mouth at this moment as the pressure pulsated through too my finger tips.

"Immpossible.. ive read about that spirit before, shes the oldest lambent spirit to have ever been. I can only imagine the power she harvests... "

Pushing past the growing tension, i opened my mouth to speak.

"She was only a child in my dream. Maybe you are confused with someone else?"
Well at least she seemed like a child. So innocent and young..

"I dont think so.. theres a book in the library that can tell us about her! come on."

Anna pulled me up with a force i didnt know she had in her. I felt heavy as she dragged me along.. i sensed Maria stand behind us too follow.

We turned corners and climbed stairs, till we reached the library on the top floor.
Pushing open the double doors a musty smell drifted up my nose. I peered around the room.
Id only been in here once when i was young, everything looked similar from what i remeber. The room wasnt as big as the library downstairs, the one i most commonly use. I guess thats why I never bothered to question why my mother told me to never come into this room after she caught me here. My first and only time.

Anna seemed to know her way around well.
hmm. I guess i was the only one banned from this room.
I swallowed the lump in my throat.

They kept you in the dark to protect you.

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