chapter 11 - pic of Jake to the side

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Today was my first day back at school. I had found out i was in a coma for 2 weeks. I had missed quiet a lot of school work.. but i wasnt too worried about it. If im being complety honest the school work was easier than anything i had done at home, i'd learnt half the stuff we are learning now when i was 12. Anyway, right i probably looked like frankinstines wife. My head had a large white bandage going right around it, still had that cut on my arm, even though it was almost fully healed now, the bandage remained. I had a nasty cut on my lip, which unfortunatly i couldnt bandage, so its kinda just .. there .. looking all crusty and yuck. Yup, i looked like trash. I carefully made my way down stairs where Luigi was making breakfast for Anna and I.
"Goodmorning Anna, Luigi"

I gave Anna a hug, and Luigi my best smile. They both returned my goodmorning, and a plate of blueberry waffles was placed in front of me.
I ate slowly, my appetite hasnt been too great since my 'accident'. Speaking of which, i hadnt talked to anyone about anything i went through while i was passed out. I could be going crazy for all i know.. but one things for certain.. Jake has been weirdly nice to me lately.. he's been sending flowers and get well cards. I was shocked to learn that Anna actually knew and had met Jake, along with Maria. They told me how he would sit with me and talk with me about goodness knows what. But i think i do know .. i remeber a voice speaking to me while i was in my coma, the voice would tell me stories, and would apologise non-stop for something they did. Although .. im not quiet sure, the memories i have a awfully hazy. Nevertheless, Jake still has a lot of making up to do. A few flowers and cards arent going to make up for almost killing me.

Finally we were ready. Luigi opened the front door for us, and escorted us to our car. With a short goodbye, we were making the short trip to our school.

Anna held my hand as we pulled round the last corner and the school building got larger and larger, until finally we were parked right outide it.
Well, here goes nothing. With a short tug on the handle and push on the door, i carefully scooted my body out until i was standing outside the car. Anna closed the door behind us, with her free hand and it took off. As usual, the whispers started up.. although this time they actually had something too gosip about. With a reassuring squeeze from Anna we walked through the crowds of people and into the school doors. I wasnt ready to let go of her, i wanted her by my side. Even though she was only my little sister, i felt some form of comfort with her near. But of course i couldnt get what i wished for.
I gave her a tight hug before watching her walk down the hallway and turn the corner to go too her half of the school.

"Izzy! yo! - Izzy!! "

I whipped my head a round, and regretted it almost instantly as it started to pound. I shot my hand up to the bandage, in hopes that it would go away.
Two large hands gripped my shoulders, and i peered up at them.

"Are you alright Izzy?"

Pete, was looking down at me with concern. Looking over my bandages then back too my eyes.
I nod at him slowly, implying that i was fine. Which i was.. now.
He smiled widely then let go of my shoulders.

"Well good! Havent seen you round in ages! heard all about your accident though, you're the talk of the school"

I groanded, then lifted my bag higher up on my shoulder.

"Well, great."

We stood in silence for a while, until Pete spoke up again.

"You know he didnt mean too go that far.. he .. he's a good person Iz.."

What? what is he talking abo-.. oh..


I narrow my eyes at Pete.

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