Chapter 3- Disowned by my Own Brother

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(Pretend her feathers are black)


After dinner, everyone needed to head back to their dormitories. In the small amount of time I've known Lily she's known more about me than anyone has; she was just so nice and I thought that we were going to remain good friends.

"So why did you only just come to Hogwarts?" Lily asked; walking up one of the many flights of steps that we had to take.

"Well I didn't show that I had any magic until now" I replied

"Are you a muggleborn?" she asked; I shook my head in return.

"No, everyone in my family is a witch or wizard. For some reason I just didn't show any signs till now" I replied; frowning a little as my hair turned a light shade of blue at the thought of my family.

"Hey are you alright?" Lily asked; putting a comforting hand on my shoulder. I smiled weakly at her and nodded,

"Yeah I'm fine-"

"Hey Evens! Fancy seeing you here; you're looking as beautiful as ever!" someone cut me off from behind us; and I could tell by the look on Lily's face that she didn't like this person. Turning around I saw four boys behind us; one of which was the boy I saw at Diagon Ally.

"What do you want James?" Lily asked; sounding almost tired from even having to talk to him.

"Now, now Evens is that any way to greet a friend?" her eyes narrowed

"We're not friends James; I don't even consider you an acquaintance. Now if you don't mind, Elizabeth and I need to go to bed" she replied; grabbing my wrist and walking down the hall that lead to a large portrait.

Another hand caught mine as Lily and I came to a halt. I slowly turned around and saw the boy from before; on god what could he want?

"Hey I recognize you...were you that girl from Diagon Ally?" he asked; I flushed a light pink as my hair turned purple from embarrassment.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" I mumbled; losing the grip from Lily as the boy smirked.

"Oh yes I remember you; you were staring at me from a far" he teased; his friends laughing along with him.

"Well it's not like you could keep your eyes to yourself either" I replied; laughing as his face flushed.

"Oh look at Sirius; looks like you've met your match mate" James said; so his name is Sirius? What a unique name. Sirius glared towards James,

"Shut it James" he replied; grumbling to himself. I giggled; causing him to look up at me. He was kind of cute,

"Elizabeth!" we all looked over as I saw my brother walking over with a couple of his friends.

"Oh hey Edgar" I replied flatly; sensing my annoyance my hair turned green.

"Don't 'Hey Edgar' me! Do you know how mad mom and dad are going to be once they find out that you're in Gryffindor?" he exclaimed; I quirked an eyebrow at him.

"Well they aren't too fond of me anyway Edgar so why should I care?" I asked; crossing my arms. I saw Lily and the guys watching my brother and I debate in the background.

"Liz if everyone finds out that you're in Gryffindor then they'll cast you out"

"Again why should I care since they've done it for most of my life?! Besides, what's so bad about Gryffindor anyway? As far as I'm concerned it's better than Ravenclaw!" I replied; clenching my fists as my hair turned from green to red.

'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now