Chapter 11- The Truth

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"What?" Sirius' voice rung out in the Great Hall; his voice sounded broken. I didn't look him in the eye; only paying attention to my brother.

"What did you just say?" I asked; my hair turning red and white along with my eyes. This wasn't my plan; they weren't supposed to find out.

"You almost had sex with Lucius; apparently he told you no but you still tried're such a slut" Edger smirked as I gasped; now everyone that was in the Great Hall including Headmaster was listening into our conversation.

Tears formed just like earlier as I gripped my stomach where I remember him punching me,

"You're wrong" I whispered; turning my head away as I watched droplets fall to the floor.

"What? Sorry couldn't hear you" Edgar teased; this time my whole head turned a flame red.

"I said You're WRONG! YOU'RE WRONG YOU ASSHOLE!" I yelled; pointing an accusing finger at him; he steps back in surprise along with Lucius. Speaking of which; I looked over at him now with my hands in fists.

"What was your plan Lucius? You think that everyone will believe that I would ever do any of that to you?" I asked; he shrugged his shoulders.

"They believe me" he mocked; pointing towards my brother and the guys; Sirius looked hurt and James looked at me furious.

" don't actually think that I would ever..." I stopped when James and Sirius looked away from me. My shoulders slumped and my hair turned blue as I turned back to my brother.

"You know I knew you hated me I just didn't think you would be so stupid to fall for what he said" I whimpered; looking over at the boys once more I quickly turned away; gripping my necklace I watched my hands glow red and I let go of my necklace as my hands set on fire. I was so angry; how dare Lucius spread such a rumor about me; how dare my own brother and best friends believe this shit; who can I even trust anymore?

"Well, if you guys are already taking sides then why even bother trying to explain myself?" I said; one last tear falling from my cheek; I quickly wiped it away; flinching as I forgot all about my hands. Calming myself down the flames disappeared, looking once more at James and Sirius I saw that they still wouldn't look at me. Fuck them then; I pushed passed them and walked out of the Great Hall.


Watching Liz walk out I shook my head at the three boys; I can't believe that her own brother and best friends would even believe what Lucius had just said. Especially James and Sirius since they HATE him. I stood up from my seat and walked over to the group who everyone was still staring at,

"Wow" I said; causing them all to look at me. Sirius and James scoffed at the sight of me but as of now I don't give a shit.

"What are you gaping at Snivilous? Why are you even here?" James asked; Sirius nodded.

"Yeah this Isn't't even your business" Sirius added; I laughed in reply catching them off guard.

"I can't believe you two" I replied; shaking my head.

"You don't know anything Sniv-"

"Shut the fuck up Potter" I snapped; he shut his mouth but Sirius glared.

"What was that-"

"I said shut the fuck up; and listen to me" I interrupted. Sirius shut him mouth and didn't say anything else,

"I can't believe you two of all people would believe what Malfoy had to say before you even heard Liz's side of the story" They both looked over at Lucius but I was staring at Liz's brother Edger.

"And you her own brother; believing what he has to say not even considering that whatever he was saying was a lie" Edgar looked down in shame but Sirius was still glaring at me,

"Why should we believe you" James nodded

"Yeah you could just be lying too" James added

"You don't have to believe me; all I'm saying is that you should've really listened to Liz's story before jumping to conclusions"


"Why?" Edgar asked; I looked at the four of them; Lucius sending me a glare from the corner of my eye. But I only sighed and shook my head once more,

"You guys really fucked up" I said

"Just tell us Snivilous" James snapped; I raised an eyebrow before looking over at Lucius who was begging me with his eyes not to tell. But at this point I didn't care; the only true friends that I've ever had was Liz and Lily and I told myself that if there's ever a time like this I would help them.

"Liz didn't try having sex with him at all...he tried to have sex with her"


"Potter, Black, Jones...he almost raped Liz"





"You did what?" Sirius said darkly; he looked over at Lucius and he stepped back immediately at Sirius' stare. No one has EVER seen Sirius this upset before; and that's saying something.

"You finally caught on huh?" Lucius tried to tease but was thrown to the ground by Sirius; he stood above Lucius and glared intensely at him.

"Don't test me Malfoy" Sirius growled; but as fast as he was over Lucius he was off and running out the door; probably going after Liz. James watched Lucius get up before he punched him hard in the gut; sending him to the floor once more.

"That's for Liz; you better watch your back Malfoy; cause Sirius won't be as forgiving" then ran out along with Sirius. As Lucius was getting up again the Headmaster walked up to Lucius,

"Mr. Malfoy; I am VERY disappointed in you" okay; it was surprising at how mad Sirius was but compared to the Headmaster... Dumbledore made Black look happy. Dumbledore was furious; his eyes flashed an angry blue as he gripped onto Malfoy's shoulder and began to walk him out of the Great Hall; but not before saying,

"You are now expelled from Hogwarts School; for assaulting and attempting rape on 16 year old Elizabeth Jones"

We all watched as they walked out; Edgar sighed from beside me.

"I can't believe I believed him" he said

"Neither can Liz" I replied; taking some bread from the table beside me; he scowled.

"What would you know about her?" he snapped; I chuckled.

"Not much since I wasn't friends with her long; but I do know that she loved you Edgar. And I know that she was heartbroken when you disowned her as your sister" I replied; he blinked in surprise at my answer while frowning.

"I was in the wrong then-"

"Well you're also in the wrong now; so I suggest you stay away from her. If she doesn't forgive Potter and Black then how the hell is she supposed to forgive you? Especially with how you acted before?" and with that I finished my piece of bread and walked out of the Great Hall; leaving him to think about everything that I had just said.

'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now