Chapter 22- Animagus Form

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"Okay so run by that to me again? I just want to make sure I understand it 100%" the guys sighed at Lily's answer before explaining once more.

"In order to become an Animagus you need to close your eyes and feel the center core; the energy that you have; and with that you will turn into your inner animal but you need to believe in it okay?" Remus explained again; Lily nodded slowly before taking a deep breath and closing her eyes; standing in the middle of a circle Lily was currently trying to turn into an animal while we all watched. I'll admit I was very curious as to see what would happen; clenching her fists she shut her eyes tightly in concentration.

"Wait...look" Sirius whispered; we watched as Lily began to glow from her chest; I looked at her hands and saw that they had turned into hooves...but then she turned back and was panting quite a bit.

"Okay I think that's enough for tonight-"

"No, I need to do this; I'm getting close" Lily panted; I looked at her in concern.

"Lily I think you should take a break love" she looked over at me and frowned,

"I want to do this" her and I's eyes were locked for a couple seconds before I sighed and summoned some water for her to drink,

"Alright Lil; but if you feel like you're going to pass out then I'm carrying you back to our dorm."


I watched Lily collapse to the floor; James and I gasped and ran over to her,

"Lil's are you alright?" I asked; dropping down beside her. She was breathing heavily and beads of sweat was rolling down her face.

" close" she panted; wiping the sweat away and letting us help her up. Letting her go she smiled softly before taking a step; her knees buckled under her and if it hadn't of been for James catching her she would've been on the ground again.

"Okay I think it's time we all head to bed; especially you Lily" Remus said; pointing a finger at her. She smiled sheepishly and nodded in agreement.

Wrapping an arm around James' shoulder he helped walk her back to Hogwarts as we trailed behind them.

"What do you think she's going to turn into?" Peter asked; walking alongside with Remus, Sirius and I.

"A Doe" I replied; Remus nodding along with me.

"I agree; the hooves looked exactly like James' not to mention they were made for each other" Remus added,

"I wonder what yours would be" Sirius wondered; looking over at me. I just shrugged my shoulders in reply,

"I'm not too sure Sirius" I replied; walking into Hogwarts we made a few cuts and turns and went down a bunch of short cuts (we didn't want to be caught being out of bed after curfew).

"So guys it's almost Easter" James started; looking back at us.

"What's your point?" I asked; he flashed me a toothy grin before answering.

"Well my good Liz my family was wondering if your guys wanted to stay with us during then? They'd love to meet you all" my eyes widened as my smile grew.

"Really? Your parents don't mind this many people in your house?" I asked; he shook his head.

"No; the more the merrier to my mom. Plus, we don't get a lot of company so my mom gets excited when she can cook for more than 2 people" he chuckled. Stopping at the portrait we quickly said the password before walking inside and up the stairs toward our dorms. We stopped and I took Lily from James,

'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now