Chapter 9- The Man in the Closet

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Dropping the food that was in my hand on the floor James and I ran upstairs and stopped in front of their dorm. I tried opening the door but it was jammed stuck; probably a charm.

"Stand back" I told James, backing up a few feet before running into the door arm first. The door shook but still didn't budge,

"Let's try together" James said, backing up along with me. We both looked at each other and nodded,



"Three" we both ran and slammed into the door, this time knocking it down. I looked around the room and saw Lily and Liz huddled together by the door; we ran to them and I grabbed Liz and saw that they were both crying.

"Liz? Liz what's wrong?" I asked,

"Yeah Lily it's like you've seen a ghost or something" still shaking, they slowly raised their arm and pointed at something behind us. We turned and I narrowed my eyes.

What we saw was Hunter, half way out of Lily and Liz's closet. In his hands were two pairs of shirts, one was a soft baby pink crew neck while the other was a plain white jumper. I narrowed my eyes once I saw the baby pink shirt and I'm guessing the white jumper was Lily's because James glared as well.

"You know Lily you simply smell amazing...but I have to say that Liz smells nicer" they both shivered and hid behind us; feeling Liz gripping the back of my shirt.

"What the hell do you think you're doing in here" I growled; he raised his brow at me and chucked the shirts back in the closet.

"Nothing, I just told you guys I would be back. So here I am" he chuckled; lifting his hands and gesturing to himself.

"Yeah well you better leave or else you won't like the consequences" James snapped

"What are you going to do about it Potter? You couldn't beat me last time" Hunter laughed; clutching his side. If it wasn't for Liz holding onto me I would've pounced on him already.

"Hunter, get out." I hissed, pointing to the now bare entrance where a door used to stand.

"Hmmm...No" then he vanished; panic filled me when I felt Liz's grip loosen. I spun around and grabbed her by the arm before Hunter could have a full grip on her. Yanking her arm she flung into my chest and I held her around her waist securely. Then, taking out my wand I pointed it towards Hunter's neck along with James,

"Now I'm not going to ask you again, Get. Out." I seethed; breathing hard threw my nose. It was so hard keeping my cool right now, who gave him the right to think that he could just take Liz like this? We should have gone to Dumbledore right after we found out that he had put her under that Love Potion.

"What are you going to do? Stun me? You don't have the guts-" he fell to the floor, his eyes still wide open as he looked around before his eyes stopped on Liz.

"Don't underestimate us" she glared; putting her hand back to her side. Our mouths dropped open once we realized that she didn't use a wand.

" just used wandless magic" Lily managed to stutter out.

"Yeah, I've been practicing for a while now" she replied; shoving a hand in her pants pocket.

"But-but you didn't even say the spell-"

"I've been practicing how to say spells in my head as well" she replied; we all nodded before our eyes trained back down to the floor where Hunter was lying still.

'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now