Chapter 18- I'm Done

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Soon it was Transfiguration, another one of my favorite classes. Our Professor also happened to be the head of the Gryffindor house; Ms. McGonagall.

Today we were learning how to turn our animal into any object we could think of; so I quickly accio'd Luna before walking into class.

This time luckily, I sat next to Lily before James could (leaving him to sit next to Sirius), and class had begun.

"Alright class, today you will be taking your animal and turning it into whatever object you can think of. It could be a chair, a lantern, a pair of shoes, anything you'd like. I will be handing out your textbooks and you will all open on page 568 where you will first learn how to do this spell. Then, once you've practiced, you may try it on your pet"

Textbooks were handed to us and I opened it to the required page and began reading,

'Transfiguration, a topic in which you may turn, conjure, or change form of an object, animal or person'

'Okay, now I need to find a spell for owls'

I flipped through page after page while looking for something that had to do with turning owls. I finally stumbled across one on the very last page.

'I guess they aren't very keen on changing owls'

Looking down and skimming across the page a couple times I figured out that this spell was a little more complex than the others. Looking up at everyone's animals I realized that most people chose their pet cats rather than their owls.

"Well I don't have that type of money for another animal anyway, besides, I'm allergic"

Looking down at Luna I saw that she was looking right at me, she can probably hear me talking to myself again. I bet it's soothing to her, being blind and all.

I frowned at the thought, realizing that I haven't even tried to look up anything to try and help her.

I reached out and gently pet her feathers; she nibbled on my index finger lovingly and nestled into my hand.

"Alright Luna, are you ready to be turned into something?" she hooted and blinked at me

"I'll take that as a yes" I giggled; opening her cage and waiting until she hopped onto my arm, and let me guide her over to the little ledge that I grabbed from the supply section in the classroom.

"Okay now let's see..." I re-read the page over again just to be sure that I was doing everything right.

"I flick and swish-then swish again before doing three more flicks?" I tried the wand movements and noticed a little spark came out of my wand. The spark was a gold which is what the book said it would look like so I knew that I was doing it right.

"Now I say..."

"Vera-Vante?" looking over it once more I nodded before re-doing the movements and saying the spell while pointing at Luna.

What do I want her to turn into?

A chair?

A couch?


I smiled when I thought of it and watched Luna turn into a candle.

"A candle?" Lily asked, looking beside me while still holding her cat. By now, everyone had stopped what they were doing and looked over at my candle.

'We're the Same' (Sirius Black/Marauder's Era) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now