Chapter 4 - POV Mitch

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I walk into Discovery Hall, sliding my phone into the back pocket of my jeans.

I try not to show it, but I'm nervous enough to hurl. For one, my entire life rests on this moment. What dorm I'll be in, what classes I'll take, the people I'll become friends with - all of that depends on right now. On what element I am. For another, I just feel...sort of uneasy, I guess. Like there's a sense of foreboding pressing down on me.

The professor's beard sways serenely as he guides me over to the bowls in the center of the room. There are four - one representing each element, I guess. I'm hardly paying attention to my surroundings, I'm just trying to control my wave of panic. I had the same feeling of panic when I was first told I had gifted blood, at age ten, and told I'd come to the Elemental Academy for the next fifteen years of my life. I only got over that panic when I was told there were breaks, that I could come back home and visit my family every other semester.

"Mitchell," the professor says, calmly.

I blink and snap to attention. "So, what're we doing?" I ask.

The professor strokes his beard with one hand serenely. I see something flash through his eyes quickly - not quite annoyance, more like interest. I get the feeling people don't normally interrogate him before they find out their element.

He gestures to the four golden bowls sitting on their pedestals. "As you know, each bowl contains one of the four basic elements. It is one of these four elements you will likely have the power to control."

I open my mouth, ready to question the word choice of likely, but I restrain myself. I have a feeling this guy is about to lecture and I don't want to prolong it.

The professor continues. "Each bowl was enchanted by a Circle of four elementals. This is what causes students to react to the elements within differently than they have in the past. Once a student's powers are awoken, there is no turning back." He continues, describing how once a student has activated their power for the first time, it becomes easier and easier to tap into at will. The professor finishes his surprisingly short explanation with a penetrating stare in my direction. "So, shall we begin?"

I shrug, so the professor instructs me to hold my hand over the first bowl. I do as he says, even though I feel a bit weird. After a few seconds, the professor tells me to move on. I move my hand to the next bowl, and the next, and the next.

Nothing happens.

No sudden realization, no feeling of enlightenment, nothing.

I try everything in my power to do as the professor instructs; I reach within my mind for some inner power, but there is nothing there. I try all the bowls again, then again, but with similar results. I'm starting to panic, thoughts racing. I'm not fire, I'm not air, I'm not earth, I'm not even water.

There's an abundance of things I am not.

A lot of time is passing, but I'm barely aware of it, anxiousness starting to arise in the pit of my stomach. The professor seems to be growing uneasy, though he hides it well. He eventually decides to send a message, no doubt to someone important; I see him cup his hands near his mouth and murmur into the very air. He must be an Aero, then. Several minutes pass in uncomfortable silence before the back door to Discovery Hall opens and three other professors stroll in. Two are younger, one a man and one a woman. The third is another ancient man, though beardless.

I watch warily (albeit curiously) as the four professors join hands around me to form a Circle. "What are you doing?" I ask, pivoting. I'm not sure who to focus on, but I eventually stop facing the bearded Aero.

He meets my gaze. "We will attempt to reveal your element," he says calmly, before closing his eyes and beginning to chant in a low monotone. The other professors join in. I think I recognize a few of the words from one of my Enchantment classes, but those weren't exactly my forte, and I forgot a lot of the content. I try to focus on understanding the words rather than the growing apprehension in my stomach. Something's definitely wrong, I know it is. What if I don't have an element at all?

When the chant reaches a high point, a wave of invisible force surges through the room, setting my hair on end. If I concentrate, looking past the material world to the elemental dimension where our power is drawn from, I can see faint symbols glowing above each of the professors' heads. I recognize the symbols - composed of glowing circles, triangles, and squares - from my El Ed class this past semester. Each symbolizes one of the four elements. Among the four professors surrounding me, each element is represented.

And while this is great, I'm actually applying stuff I learned in class, I'm still confused as to why the bearded professor drew the other three in here to form a Circle. Nothing is happening. My element isn't awakening. Even the combined-element power of the Circle isn't doing anything.

Fear knaws at my stomach. I feel cold and hot at the same time. Sweat starts to form on my temples.

It takes me a couple of minutes to notice when the chanting stops. I'm trying too hard to focus on breathing, keeping alive.

All I can think is,  I'm a dud. I don't have an element. I don't have gifted blood. They made a mistake in bringing me here nine years ago. I'm a mistake. A mistake.

A hand on my shoulder jostles me out of my thoughts. It's the bearded professor again, his eyes just as serene as before. A spark of anger ignites at the back of my head: Does he not know that I'm useless? Does he care that my life is a lie? But I'm too anxious to truly be angry; the spark fizzles out and I slump under his touch.

"Mitchell," he says. "I'm afraid you do not have an element."

And just like that, all my fears are validated. I have to face the truth: I don't belong here. I'm not gifted, I'm not even an elemental. Emotion overwhelms me, but I try to keep it together for a few more minutes at least, until I'm alone. "What do I do?" I ask, disgusted at the faint tremble in my voice.

The female professor approaches me, taking my arm and guiding me towards the back doors of Discovery Hall. As we move, my legs stiff with stress, two other professors flanking us, the woman talks to ease my mind. I appreciate the gesture. I need noise to distract me from my confused inner thoughts.

"Mitchell, my name is Professor Wren. I'm going to take you to the headmaster now, so we can talk about your future. I just want you to know that everything will be all right."

Will it, though?

How could everything possibly  be all right?

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