Chapter 10 - POV Avi

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It took over a week, but we got there. Y'all can thank @ForeverScomiche3 for getting me to update lol


There's a secluded little clearing on campus in the woods behind the Castle, and the afternoon finds me standing there with my head inclined to the sky. The last late snow of the year is gone, and the first spring birds have started to nest back up in their favorite trees. Even so, the air is chilly, and I clutch my leather jacket tight around myself.

There are times, in the never-ending hustle and bustle of academic life, when it's difficult to find peace and tranquility. I've learned to seek it out in any spare moment I can; learned to treasure it when it comes willingly. Now is the best time for some well-needed relaxation - the Academy is on a post-finals one-week break before classes start up again on Monday, April 11th. I intend to spend that one week eating, sleeping, singing, and most importantly, relaxing.

I open my eyes to regard the empty clearing and the sandy fire pit dug into the ground in front of me. A few half-charred logs rest in the pit, illuminated in weak spring sunlight. I take a deep breath and reach for the barrier in my mind, passing it easily in my state of calm. Years of practice allow me to pull power from the depths of my mind to buzz around my body in an aura that can only be seen through the elemental dimension. Without moving a muscle, I set the logs alight with bright orange flames. A measurable portion of my energy drains at the action, but I take a deep breath and control the feeling of loss, carefully stowing the rest of my power back into my mind. I continue the deep breaths and let my eyes slip shut, my soul soothed by the warmth of the fire in front of me.

Not many second-year Pyros can do that, I know. In fact, most third-year Pyros can't. Distance magic is much more difficult than direct-contact and aura-range, because it requires more energy and greater control. Professor Carter always says I have the greatest control and dedication he's ever seen.

A warmth to my left alerts me to the arrival of someone else. A gust of wind sweeping around the clearing serves as confirmation. I open my eyes and watch Scott slouch down on one of the log benches around the fire pit. His blonde hair is a mess and he hugs himself dejectedly, hands covered by the sleeves of his pale hoodie.

I sit down across the fire from him and wait, the flames flickering between us.

Scott sighs and looks up, another gust of wind flowing out from him. His eyes are the blue of the sky after a storm. "Mitch wouldn't tell me," he starts.

Yesterday, I told Scott to go chase down his boy and get him to say why he had been avoiding all of us. Apparently he was unsuccessful. "Tell me what happened," I suggest.

Another powerful sigh. I wonder if Scott realizes he's using his powers - sometimes when an elemental is emotional, they become more unrestrained with their magic unintentionally. "Well, I caught him, after I saw you. I hugged him, and I thought everything was going to be okay. He said he had something important to tell me, but I didn't bother him about it, because I wanted him to just tell me by himself, y'know?" Scott shakes his head. "But then, instead of taking me back to the Pyro or Aqua or Terra or Aero dorms, he took me back to our old dorm room. We went up and sat against the wall on my old bed and he leaned his head on my shoulder, and I don't know, all I really got out of him was that he was scared."

"He didn't tell you what was going on?" I ask, surprised. These two don't keep secrets from one another, it's part of the reason their friendship is so strong.

"No, he didn't," Scott sighs. "I'm worried - I think he's scared people won't accept the element he got or something? Or that he won't make a lot of friends in his classes? Maybe that's why he hasn't moved to his new dorm?"

I shake my head slowly and stare into the flames. "Truthfully, Scott, I don't know how to help you two. The least you can do is comfort him and let him know everything is okay."

"Yeah, I'm trying," Scott says sadly. "I sat with him until he fell asleep, and then I fell asleep. I don't know...He was gone this morning when I woke up. He left a note saying he had to meet with a teacher. Maybe he's getting help."

"Maybe," I muse. Try as I might, I can't imagine a scenario where Mitch is too self-conscious of his element to tell Scott about it. Something about this doesn't add up to me, but I can't place it. Like Scott, I have to trust that Mitch will open up to us soon so we can help him.

A few minutes later, Kirstie wanders into the clearing and her face brightens when she spots me. "There you are! Thought you might be here." Her gaze falls on Scott and her smile drops when she sees how distraught he is. "Hey, Scott. Any luck with Mitch?"

Scott stares dejectedly at the ground, so I answer for him. "Not really. Hey, since you're here, why don't we call in Kevin and Mitch and get some Pentatonix rehearsal in?" I suggest. I don't want Scott to dwell on Mitch's weird behavior for at least for an hour or two.

It seems Kirstie catches my drift, because she shoots Scott a side glance and chirps out a "sure!" The next moment, she pulls out her phone to text the others and sits next to Scott on the log. As she leans into the new Aero's side, she asks, "did you make the fire, Avi?"

I look into the flames still burning in the fire pit and smile a little, proud of my achievement. "Yeah, I did. Actually, how are things going with you and the other Aquas?" I ask her.

Kirstie grins, excited to talk about her new dorm and classmates. "Y'know how there was this girl, Meredith, who got her element the same day as Scott, Mitch and I?" At my nod, she goes on. "Well, we got assigned to the same room, but then she switched out so she could be in the same room as her older sister. So the girl that was her older sister's roommate is now my roommate - does that make sense?"

I chuckle at Kirstie's ramblings, and see that even Scott has cracked a smile. "So you have a new Aqua roommate," I say. "Keep going."

"So, her name's Nicole and she's super nice, she's a first-year Aqua too but a semester ahead of me, so I can ask her for help on classes if I need it. I already know we're going to be really good friends," Kirstie grinned.

"That's awesome! I'd love to meet her," I say.

"Who would you love to meet?"

We all look up at the new voice. I grin when I spot Kevin and open my arms to welcome him to our little gathering. The Terra plops down on the log next to me and listens enthusiastically as Kirstie explains her roommate situation.

"Oh, Nicole," Kevin says with recognition. "I wanna say Esther knows her, she's mentioned a Nicole a couple times."

"Really? That's perfect!" Kirstie exclaims, while I shoot Kevin a glance out of the corner of my eye. I didn't realize Kevin and my lil' sis were so close, but they're in a Terra club together so I guess it makes sense.

Right then, I feel a tickling sensation near my feet, and look down to discover a tangle of soft vines rapidly sprouting from the ground and winding around my legs. I shoot Kevin a playful glare. The Terra holds up his hands, smiling wide and mock-innocent. Kirstie laughs and I pout at her. I reach for the barrier in my mind and slide it partially away, allowing a trickle of my magic to flow into my being. I pull a lick of flame from the bonfire in front of me and send it at the vines restraining my ankles; they burn to ash and I shoot Kevin a triumphant look.

Scott speaks then, quietly, and at his tone the playful mood in the clearing crumples. "You texted Mitch, right?" he addresses Kirstie.

The Aqua nods slowly. "I did. He didn't text back though. Maybe you should try...?"

Scott pulls out his phone. The rest of us just watch him, our faces displaying variations on worry and sympathy. I realize belatedly that Kevin joined us almost ten minutes ago - if Mitch was coming, he'd be here already.

We wait in silence for a few minutes. Scott's eyes are glued to his phone, but it doesn't look like Mitch is responding to him either.

Eventually, we start rehearsal without Mitch. Though Pentatonix sounds weird without him, we at least get to practice our parts. The whole time, we hope Mitch will show up.

He never does.


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