Chapter 8 - POV Kirstie

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(A/N) My most sincere apologies! I didn't intend to take so long to write this. Thanks for sticking around and having faith! :)


I laugh at Avi, swatting at the tail of his newly-done French braid, courtesy of me. He pretends to be annoyed, exclaiming a loud "hey!" and trying to dodge my hand, but I know he loves it.

I give him a playful shove as we walk through the entryway of the Dining Hall towards campus, on the way to meet up with the rest of our friends. Kevin texted both of separately a bit ago to find him on the quad. His message had been a bit vague; something about helping a giraffe. I can't pretend to understand what goes on in K.O.'s mind, so I just laughed it off and Avi and I stood from our table to leave.

I'm still laughing as we near the doors to the Dining Hall, half-doubled over in mirth. I give Avi one last poke in the arm as we approach the exit.

"You're so mean," he complains, pouting, but his eyes are sparkling in that way only Avi's eyes can.

I just grin and lead the way out the double doors of the Dining Hall, onto the quad. I let myself fall behind Avi; then, when he's not looking, I whip out my phone and snap some pictures of his braid - because if I do say so myself, I did a good job on it. I send the pictures to Kevin. I don't know what it is with Kevin and Avi, but they love teasing each other and playing pranks on one another. I can just imagine the look on Avi's face, cheeks flushed, if Kevin shows him the picture, accompanied by the beatboxer's priceless chuckle.

"What are you smirking about?" Avi asks, narrowing his eyes at me playfully.

"Oh, nothing," I say breezily, not even hiding my grin. We walk down the sidewalk edging the quad, keeping an eye out for Kevin. I spot him first, standing next to Scott in the middle of the lawn. When he spots us, the Terra gives a large wave, his whole arm swinging in an arc above his head.

"Ew, embarrassing," Avi jokes, wrinkling his nose at the expressive wave.

I laugh and lightly smack his arm. "Be nice!"

Our laughter simmers down as soon as we notice the frantic look on Scott's face. I immediately assume something really horrible must have happened, but then revise my assumption - this is Scott, the queen of overreacting. I instead turn my attention to Kevin, relaxing as I see the mildly concerned - but not worried - expression on the Terra's face.

"What, no sunflower?" Avi asks to lighten the mood, and I realize that Kevin hasn't grown any of his signature foliage to piss Avi off. Maybe I should revise my assumptions yet again; something has definitely gone wrong.

As Avi and I form a circle with the two tall men, I cross my arms. "Okay, spill. What's going on?"

Kevin looks at Scott, who says nothing. The beatboxer fills in the silence with a calm, "Scott's worried about Mitch."

I frown slightly. I had noticed the suspicious lack of Mitch, but it's not exactly concerning. He got his element today, he could be exploring his new dorm or meeting professors or doing any multitude of things, really. I'm a little miffed that he didn't send a text at the first available opportunity, excitedly jabbering about his new element like I did to him and Scott, but hey - he's his own person. If he didn't text anything to Scott, though, then  I'd start to worry.

I manage a genteel "so?" and shoot a glance at Scott.

The blonde runs a hand through his hair, holding it there for a second. "I haven't heard anything from him. Like, at all. Don't you think - ?" He lets the sentence hang there, but I totally get what he's saying: Don't you think Mitch would have texted?

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