Chapter One - The Bored, The Brainy and the Crime Scene.

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Skye’s POV

I walked into the living room everyone was there and I was bored I walked in and flopped on to the ground and stared at the ceiling BORED!! I shouted for all to hear. Dad sat analysing something under his microscope in the kitchen, and Papa sat reading something in the newspaper as Skye shouted. I was seated on the couch drawing in my sketchbook. "Find something to do then." Dad replied bluntly, not wanting to be distracted from his experiment. I glanced down at Skye who lay beside where I sat on the couch.

Ugh!!!! But things are boring!!! I want a case!!! I sat up and what is there to be done anyways I stated rolling my eyes and letting out an exasperated sigh. Skye? Attitude papa scolded. I rolled my eyes and sarcastically said as you wish your majesty  and bowed thus earning a smirk from Sherlock. I laid back down and glared at the ceiling. Dad still sat studying his microscope and then wrote down some notes. "Mia why don't you entertain your sister?" He asked not looking from his jumbled writing. "By doing what exactly?" I asked glancing at him from behind my sketchbook. Full of sarcasm Skye said Ooh is the big sister getting asked to do a job Ohhhhhh she sticks her tongue out at me.

I stick my tongue back out at Skye and Papa looks at us with a serious tone, "Girls. How about you go hang out with some people from school? At a cafe or something." He suggests and then glances at his paper once again.I put my sketchbook aside, rolling my eyes at the fact that he believes I have a friend. I hop up from the couch, reaching my hand down to help Skye up. I whisper down to her, "Maybe we can go bug Lestrade." I smirk and catch Dad's side glance.

Skye gets up yes lets!!! "Be careful girls!" John called as we left through the door and went down the steps, I called a cab and we hopped in asking to go to the Yard. When we arrived I made sure we snuck past Donovan so we didn't have to deal with her. Lestrade was on his laptop in his office. He smiled when we came in, "Hey girls, what can I do you for?" I smiled back politely, "Got any new cases?" I asked trying to get Skye to stop whining. Uh yes in fact I do Lestrade said. "Thank goodness, Skye is bored." I told him as he led us out of his office past some other officers, he let us ride in the back of the police car to the small crime scene.

I looked over to Mia and smiled we are totally gonna solve this right? "Yeah, we'll show Papa that we are fully capable of handling cases. Papa never enjoys it when we are on a case with Dad." haha yes that is true Mia.

Arriving at the crime scene

We entered an older building and Lestrade led us down to the basement, where the body was. "This is what’s gotten us stumped. No one has been near the house for a month, according to the neighbours. So how is there a dead man on the basement floor?"Umm I don't know but I think the body has been here for a very long time hence the smell and maggots I'll leave the rest of it to Mia I’m going to go out for some fresh air.

Unnamed POV

I saw her outside walking around she looked like she saw a ghost maybe she did so I went up behind her.

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