Chapter 8 - Cafe's and Recoveries.

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1 month later

It had been a while since the Moriarty incident, or incidents. And Skye had healed up pretty well. Right now Dad was looking through some files and Papa was blogging. I sat doing my homework and completing each question going through the text book. Skye was up and about.

I started to pick up my bag and sprawl out on the floor doing my homework UGH!! Why is Maths so hard!! "Dad can't help since it’s all things that make absolute sense." I remark focusing on my history work. Papa glances at the annoyed blonde, then back to his computer.It's fine I can do it! I huff obviously annoyed and finish it.

My phone went off in my pocket and I pulled it out. Mark had texted me: "You want to meet me at the Cafe if you’re not busy?" I replied: "Sure as long as I don't get blamed if Skye tags along." I send the message and finish the last problem in my work."Papa, Dad, I'm gonna be out for a little bit. Call me if you need anything." I say grabbing my coat before they could even say anything. "Where are you going?" Papa asked totally clueless. "Cafe." I replied nonchalantly.

I Saw Mia get up Can I come with pweeeaaasssee? I say giving my best puppy dog eyes that I used on everyone when I was little"Yes." I tell her, and I put on my boots. "Bye Dad, bye Papa." I said opening the door. "Be safe and stick together." Papa told us both.Will do! I told papa giving him a salute back straight and waiting for him to acknowledge it."Any sign of trouble and you girls call. Be back before dark." Papa said as I waived and we walked down the steps towards the cafe that we always go to for coffee.Okay we will be careful.

Papa gave as a glance and we headed to the cafe. As soon as we got there I spotted Mark in the corner with 3 drinks at his table. "Hey." I waved walking up to him. "Hey Mia, hi Skye are you doing better?" I sat down in a seat next to him and Skye sat to my right. "By the way these two hot cocoas are for you both." He said handing as the drinks. I smiled and told him thank you.Uh thanks Mark and yeah I'm um doing better... and then I shut up because I don't exactly like talking without fearing that someone would judge because I'm a daughter of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson.

"Have you two seen the new Doctor Who episode yet? It's really good." Mark said after taking a sip of what appeared to be tea. I was more relaxed then Skye because I trusted Mark as a friend. But still him asking as to meet at the cafe without both him and Jake was kind of weird.I listened to Mark's question and opened my mouth to speak yes I have it was so sad! I sigh and blink back tears that were threatening to spill at the thought.

"Yeah I'm gonna miss Smithy boy." I say looking at my cup sadly. "But Capaldi does seem promising." I told them both reassuringly. "I agree", Mark commented, "His first lines were great."Yeah they were I say silently trying to avoid eye contact and biting my lip I got bad vibes from Mark.We chatted for a while, mostly about Doctor Who. And I had finished my drink a long time ago, I looked at Skye who seemed a bit tired, and noticed the sun was starting to go down. "It's been nice talking to you, but Skye and I better get going." I tell him putting on the coat that hung from the back of my chair.

I saw Mia getting up and I followed.We left the cafe saying a final goodbye, and got home just before dark."Good boy, good boy. Now that you've done that. Let’s see, how's about you text her about another meeting Friday?" I heard the familiar voice, the one that could be soft and deadly at the same time. I gulped and answered. "Yes, sir. Right away sir." "Good, talk to you soon!" the voice said cheerily. I held my head in my hands, what was I doing?

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