Chapter 2

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Through the narrow and dark hallways walked a figure, their long navy blue cloak dragging along the ground as they took one step after the other.

The pace that they were going at seemed as if they were gliding across the floor with such gracefulness. Their gloved hands by their sides and swayed forwards and backwards with each step.

Finally the figure made it to their destination, a door that is only able to be opened by one person. Before the person could knock or make themselves known, the door slowly opened up.

"Shi no Megami"

The voice was deep and held authority. It was obvious that they held a great leadership role and was also very powerful.

"You called?" Now this voice held disinterest and close to no emotion whatsoever. Yet it was quite feminine but there was also something that the voice provided that held a deep and dark secret.

"We have a spy here amongst the organisation and is leaking out information about us to the villages of the five kage. I want you to find them and kill them."

Shi no megami nodded and without another word, left the room.

Inhaling then exhaling, Shi no megami swiftly walked back through the narrow and dark hallways, leading up to their final destination.

"I see, so they knew I was leaking out information about the organisation." A rough manly voice spoke out.

The female stared into the charcoal eyes of her target

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The female stared into the charcoal eyes of her target. "They knew someone was giving Intel about us to other villages, they just didn't know who it was."

The man chuckled and narrowed his eyes at the figure before him, he noticed that the female held two fingers up while the were down. Leaving her arm and hand altogether hanging loosely from the side of her body but shook it off thinking nothing of it. He had a mustache that his under his broad nose, a bead of sweat dripped down his wrinkly face as he slowly and cautiously moved his left hand to where his giant sword was. "Your too smart for your own good, just like that Uchiha brat"

Now it was the females turn to narrow her eyes. She kept quiet and made a brief glance to the swordsman's body figure and immediately knew what his next to was. All too quickly a huge blade pointed itself so close to Shi no megami's neck, yet the shinobi showed no sign of reaction to it.

The man pulled a nasty grin. "Any last words before I send you off into the next world?" He taunted.

The female merely kept her eyes on him and with two words the slipped from her mouth, cause the mans eyes to widen.
"Think again"

His breath hitched once he took in his surroundings. Instead of his blade at the neck of Shi no megami where he intended it to be, it was at his own neck with the female shinobi at the other end of the blade; holding it as if she were about to slit his throat which she was about to do quite shortly.

"B-but, How?" He stuttered.

"The moment you carelessly looked at my hand, I put you under genjutsu." She explained. Without another word, Shi no megami ended the rogue ninja's life with one swipe to the neck and soon disposed of his body, not before taking his heart and sealing it away in a small sealing scroll.

Shi no megami looked up to the skies where she noticed a lone brod flying across the sky. Her dull onxy eyes trailed down to the trees in the distance where heard a ruffling of leaves. Her eyes narrowed in suspension before she pulled the hoodie of her coat up to cover her face, in the blink of an eye, she was gone. Leaving no trace behind.


"Remarkable. To think such power had vanished from this wretched world, only to find that they had been in hiding. Such power gone to waste if she stayed with them. No matter, in time she will come to me. After all, she will be needing answers in time and only I can give them to her." A figure in hiding lurked through the trees and had seen the entire scene. He looked to one of his two men who were both were on either side of him.

"Keep a close eye on her, we need her."

The two figures nodded as their masks slightly bobbed up and down. The man grunted before he stood up and began walking away, stopping just a few feet from the two other males, he spoke out with a loud and clear voice with a serious expression.

"And whatever you do, don't get caught. Otherwise, there will be serious consequences." With that said, the man teleported away.

A/N: Hello everyone! Its been awhile ayee, I am so sorry for not updating for so long, I had writers block and still going. I completely winged this short chapter today. If you have any ideas on what should happen in the book please PRIVATE MESSAGE me, tbh I really don't want this to be another cliché Naruto fanfiction. I want it to be special and unique for you guys, so if you have any cool ideas on what I should put in then I would be happy to hear them ^_^


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