Chapter 4

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The four leaf shinobi landed a safe distance from the female rogue as they struggled to stay standing. Their clothes covered in dirt and bits of torn clothing scattered here and there. They glared at the Akatsuki member who stood there without a scratch.

"I've seen enough of what you leaf shinobi are capable of. I think its time to end this."

The four shinobi stood still. Very cautious and wary with their opponent. Kira raised her arm, out of her sleeve came the many ravens that made shot their way to the four. Kira used this opportunity to flee from the area.

"She's getting away! " the kunoichi roared and took out a scroll and opening it, releasing a mass amount of kunai, shuriken and many other weapons heading towards the culprit. 

Before the fast moving weapons could even hit her, Kira had already vanished. "Damn it" 

"Tenten, Lee, Neji. Let's go." The three looked to their sensei in shock.

"But Sensei, she shouldn't have gone too far. If we could ju-" Rock Lee was cut off by Tenten who nudged him to be quiet, motioning him to stop. All eyes were set on their sensei who's mind seemed to be focused on a black torn up piece of material that was set lifelessly on his hand.

"We get back to the village as fast as we can, " His determined gaze that fixated onto his students seemed to have slightly caught them off guard but they had nodded nonetheless. Without another word, Team Guy headed straight back home. To the Hidden Leaf Village.


"Did you get anything Pakkun?" The pug looked up at his master. 

"This is where your team had fought that Akatsuki member right?" Guy nodded quickly, Pakkun looked around the area before he once again looked to Kakashi. "There's a very faint scent thats still lingering but barely. It's not enough for me to actually track them down though." The scent wasn't only faint but it also smelled familiar yet the ninja hound never thought to inform of the two about it. Kakashi sighed before turning his attention towards his rival and best-friend. 

"We should head to the village and report back to the Hokage." He suggested. Guy looked at the sharingan user in defeat before muttering a quiet 'Alright.' Pakkun and Kakashi were the first to leave, with Guy coming a few seconds after them but not before looking back in the area he had last noted to where the Akatsuki member was. He couldn't get it out of his mind. He couldn't let go of the familiarity that radiated off of the enemy but he couldn't quite get what was so familiar about it. Shaking his head and turning back around, Guy began his way in the direction that he had came from.


"How could you be so reckless!?,"

"I got away. No traces were left behind." 

"You're still as reckless as you were before. Do you not understand that I am doing everything I can to protect you? To keep you alive? You're not making this easier for me Kira." Kira rolled her dark eyes, she knows what she did wasn't the smartest things she had done but how could she not? Kira was bored and wanted to see just how much progress she had made over the past three years of training outside of the village she once called home with her 'Guardian' and Sensei, Itachi Uchiha. Kira not only looked up to him but also respected the male Uchiha as a shinobi as he had practically raised her up until now. Now here she was, getting a lecture from the very same person.

"Yes and I'm grateful for that but can't you see that I'm old enough to protect myself? I'm not a kid anymore Itachi." She argued.

Itachi looked at her with a blank expression. "You may be able to protect yourself but not for long with that childish and reckless mentality that you have." Kira was yet again rushing to grow up and become an adult she thought she was. Itachi knew that she strived o find the truth about the death of her parents but with the kind of mind-set that Kira had, it wasn't going to get her anywhere. He, of course knew that and had constantly tried to get to start thinking more like a shinobi and less like, well 'Kira.' "You can't keep doing things like this. It's highly possible that the konoha shinobi are out looking for you and have most likely sent word out to the other nations about the sightings of an Akatsuki member." 

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again." Kira looked anywhere but at Itachi as she had, had enough of lecture for the day. Itachi looked at the 16 year old before shaking his head and placing a hand on top of her head. "No matter how reckless and idiotic you are, I will do anything to protect you; imouto." A sincere smile gracefully made it's way onto the Uchiha's face as he watched Kira let a small smile of her own to come on her before she swatted her guardians hand away while shaking her head in amusement. "And I will do anything and everything I can to give you the happiness you deserve, Nii-san"

Itachi looked at her with such fondness. She came out to be a cold-hearted person who seemed to have no care to others but herself. But when you actually get to know her, Kira is just someone in a shell hiding away. There was nothing that made Itachi more proud than to see someone grow from vulnerable little girl to a strong but reckless young woman who still had a long way to go. 

A/N: Ok!! So I have had the worst writers block anyone can ever have seeing as it has been awhile since I have updated. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been supporting me and being patient with me Ne!! ^_^ I really don't know what I will be writing in the next chapter but if you have any idea please PM me!! It would be greatly appreciated and I will give credit! Anyway have a good day and don't forget to vote!!

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