Chapter Two-Part 1

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I woke up this morning to my usual routine. Naked. Tip nowhere in sight. I wrapped the sheets around me and grabbed my last cigarette nearly crushed on the floor. I reached for my pants pocket to get my lighter and I sat the cigarette on my lips about to light it but someone knocked on the door. I paused for a moment and then searched the room to find the clock blinkin that it was 12:00. It always said that day or night. I wished Tip would f!x that sh!t. They knocked again and I lit my cigarette and puffed on it as I walked towards the door. My hair fell all over the place making me feel the need to use to hand to slap it back more than once on my way to the door.

"Who is it?"

"B!tch open the do'. U know ain't nobody else gone be comin to visit yo ass."

"What the magic word?''

"U want a magical ass woopen?" Tyler was so rude but I loved him unconditionally. We had been friends since I began to visit my dad on the weekend when I was eleven. Ever since we had seen friends go and come between us but we were still together.

I opened the door to find him half dressed up.

"Where u gettin all this money to pay for all this new shit u be gettin?"

"It's call a j-o-b. That's job if u ain't kno."

"Whatever." As he grabbed the remote for the tv, I took a deep inhale from my cigarette.

"WTF!" He kept clickin the on button but the tv wouldn't come on. "Damn, I'on know why I wasted my time. Ya'll don't never have two things that match over here. Remote, tv ain't workin. And if the tv do work, u ain't got no damn batteries for the remote. U have weed and no blunts. Sugar, no kool-aid. Peanut, no butter. I mean how do ya'll live. Tip bringin in all that dough and ain't doin sh!t wit it but upgradin his car and his wardrobe and u need to tell him to help yo ass out on that note."

"Do u talk all the time. It's too damn early for this sh!t."

"It's two fifteen. WTH u talkin about?''

"Two fifteen?"

"Yeah, what u had an appointment to go to," he said laughin like he really had said somethin funny.

"Why u always puttin me down," I said gettin up nearly trippin over the sheets. I finished my cigarette and crushed it in the ash tray on the table. I walked back towards the bedroom and I heard Tyler goin into the fridge only to complain some more in his high tone voice that he loved to use.

"How the hell ya'll got bread and nothin else in this b!tch and ya'll ain't even got no mayo or jelly! And this sh!t stale." I rolled my eyes and searched for somethin to wear. I just needed to throw somethin on:

Tyler walked into the bedroom to meet me. "I'm back to go get somethin to eat."

"I wanna go too. Let me take a shower first and call Tip for some money."

"Hurry yo ass up and please do yo hair," he said walkin out.

I walked into the bathroom to take a shower and wash my hair with the body wash I use to clean my body. When i was finished I lotioned up and threw on my outfit. I threw my hair back into a wet bun and slipped on some flip flops. I picked up the house phone to call Tip but it was dead. "WTF," I said smackin my teeth. I hated to ask Tyler for anythin cause he always had somethin smart to say.

"Ty can I use ur phone?'' I didn't hear him answer so I walked back towards the living room and I didn't see him but I heard some talkin outside the front door. I opened it to find him talkin on his cell phone and laughin so loud like he was crazy. "Ty?" He turned to look at me still continuin his conversation on the phone. "I need to use ur phone to call Tip." He mouthed 'what' to me but he was still talkin on the phone. "I need to call Tip but the phone is off."

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