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My heart quickens in pace like a humming bird, the man standing in front of me sending chills down my spine. It's been so long since we've seen each other face to face. He still looks the same, although his jaw is more square and he is a lot more handsome. His eyes though, they're still the same dark brown that show cheekiness, flirtiness and... kindness. He's always been kind to me, being a murderer and all, I wonder why.

Sebastian, or 'Seb', stands up from behind the desk, and decides to sit on it, his legs swinging above the floor. He almost seems like he needs a bag of popcorn, he seems to be that entertained!

"The one and only" Jim outstretched his arms to his side - still the cheeky shit he used to be then. He says it in a soft, sensual tone that contradicts his body language, but still seems...right. Plus, the tone of voice still sends shocks through my body. He places his hands in his suit trouser pockets and bites his lip, his eyes looking my body up and down. I should feel pleasure about this, but instead I feel...uncomfortable, what with Sebastian still in the room.

"Seb, could you leave us two Alone? " Jim asks, not taking his eyes off of me. Sebastian rolls his eyes and leaves for the door behind Jim, which I believe leads to sleeping quarters. I'm thankful that Jim could sense that I was uncomfortable with him being there, but he has to make things worse doesn't he. As Sebastian passes Jim, he turns around and smacks his playfully on the arse. A tang of jealousy rushed through me, and I can't help but mentally stab Sebastian,  although it wasn't his doing.

What if Jim is infatuated with Him? I mustn't think like that now. We're going to be alone, and this is what I've wanted for years. Sebastian finally exits the room.

"Did you long for me, Sherly?" Jim walks slowly towards me, his dark brown eyes never leaving my blue ones. My breath hitches.

"Yes." I let out a shaky breath. He makes me feel so captivated yet vulnerable at the same time. Why does he effect me like This?  Jim begins to get closer and closer, and I smell his familiar musk from when we were children. Although blocked out my the smell of a masculine aftershave, his natural smell still passes through, and it reminds me of simpler days.

"Did you dream of me?" Now he is but centimeters away from me, his big, bright brown eyes staring up and straight into my own. He isn't as small as I originally thought. The closeness between us lingers with danger and fire, but also flirtatious gestures and vulnerability. What if this is all an act? If he is really with Sebastian? I can't get it out of my mind.

"Are you with Sebastian?" I completely ruined the mood. He takes a few steps back away from me and chuckles disappointingly.

"You really know how to ruin a mood don't You? " He looks down at the floor, but then back into my eyes, his persona changing. It's not flirtatious and dangerous as it was before, he's now more innocent, kind and normal. How could a man like this be a murderer? He smiles sadly at me.

I laugh breathlessly. "Yeah well I'm new to this... so are You?"I say quietly, almost ashamed to have admitted that I'm still a Virgin. I've never been ashamed of it before, quite frankly it's never really been on my mind to have sex, but with Jim... well

"No. No we're not, he's just my employee. I'm just playful...I guess. Wait, so um you're still a virgin?" He asks me nervously. His persona really did change. He's like a nervous wreck. Maybe it was all an act?

I cough uncomfortably. No one's really bothered asking me that before. "Errr yeah." I scratch my scalp, feeling the awkwardness taking over.

Jim takes those few steps towards me again. Now were only centimeters apart. "Hey" He whispers caringly. "Don't be ashamed of it. It's adorable." He smiles sweetly at me, and I just melt into goop what why is he doing this to me. My cheeks redden at his cuteness. Never did I think he'd be like this.

"So is that all an act, when you're with Sebastian? When you're all playful and flirtatious." I smirk as his eyes widen slightly. He smirks back.

"Well I've got to be the 'big boss' haven't I.  And besides, it's fun."He bites his lip and smiles. He always was good at drama.

We stand there staring at each other for a while. Soft smiles are exchanged and he almost seems like an ordinary man. I didn't suspect that he'd have two personas though, although I could get used to it. I understand he needs to be the bigger man, working with assassins and what not. I suddenly have the instinct to hug him. To just have physical contact with him is all I yearn for.

I wrap my arms around him, and bury my face into the crook of his neck. He's taken aback at first, confused at my sudden affection, but he soon wraps his arms around me too. We stand there hugging each other for a while, a decade worth of emotions being expressed through one simple physical gesture.

It's beautiful

Hey guys. Slow updates woo. No but really soz for the lack of updates! I'm going to Liverpool tomorrow to see my stepmum so there will be plenty of time to write! Expect more updates SOON!

Do any of you guys like the song ghengis khan by miike Snow?

Hope you enjoyed the Update!


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