20| Confess Your Sins

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Quick question:
Should I do a Q&A video or live stream for this story?



I finally get to leave this damn hospital! It seeems like it's been forever since I seen anything other the walls of my hospital room. I hated it, it only reminded me of when my dad was here, and when he took his final breath.

"Knock knock." My nurse came in smiling.

"Hi Joyce." I smiled at her putting my journal on the table next to me.

"You excited about being able to leave today?" She asked bringing me my breakfast.

"Yes. What time can I leave?"

"As soon as your doctor does your final check up on and clears you, you can go but since your minor someone over 18 have to sign you out."

"But my mom's at work, is there another way I can leave?"

"I'm afraid not, but don't worry your doctor's pretty busy right now he won't be in for a few hours."

I nodded my head, sighing as she walked to the door, when she opened it my doctor was standing there.

"Oh! Well I guess I spoke too soon," she chuckled as if it was so damn funny while walking out of the room.

"Hello Ms. Carter, are you feeling better this morning?"

"Yes. I just want to go home."

"Alrighty, I just have to do a basic check up, you know look in you ears, eyes, I also need a blood sample and I have to check your stitches to make sure they're healing properly."

"Okay." I said.

"Alright I'll go get my gloves and we'll get started." He said as he walked out of the room.

I grabbed the remote from off the table and turned on the tv. The first thing I saw was the news, there was a picture of me.

"Authorities are still searching for the second person involved in the gruesome sexual assault of 17 year old Heaven Carter.. if anyone has any clues on this case please call -"

I turned off the tv as the doctor came back into the room. I kinda wanted to know what was going on, but it made me paranoid.

"Alright, I'm going to do a standard check up, then I'll take some blood and check your stitches then you're all good to go."

"Okay." I smiled nervously.

He checked my ears, my eyes, and my mouth. He examined all of the scars on my body to make sure they healed properly.

"Hold out your arm for me." I extended my arm, he waisted no time wiping my arm with an alcohol pad and sticking a thick ass needle in my arm.


He laughed "I probably should've warned you first."

"Yeah, you should've." I said cringing as he pulled the needle out of my arm.

"Alright so far so good, now can you lay back for me." He said changing his gloves.

"Sure." I said not looking forward to being fondled with by the doctor.

"I just need to do a quick examination of you stitches."

I laid back and took a deep breath as I opened my legs. He observed my stitches and felt around down there.

I felt a tear escape my right eye and my and hands began to shake. I closed my eyes to block out what was happening, but I ended up back in my room, I heard the groans and felt the pain in my lower half.

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