28| Since You Been Away

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I didn't even look at him. I kept my attention on Terrance and gave him a hug, but I felt Lucky's eyes burning holes in the side of my face.

"Where have you been?" I asked, Still hugging him mostly because I didn't want Lucky to touch me or even say anything to me.

"Rehab. I accepted the fact I had a problem and it was effecting the people that I love."

"So are you better?"

"Duh, they let me out." He laughed.

"Still an asshole." I said under my breath as he walked past me and into the house.

I walked back onto the porch behind him and I felt Lucky grab my wrist and pull me back. Immediately I lifted my other hand ready to slap the shit out of him.

"Woah, slow down Heaven damn!"

I snatched my wrist away from and walk to the door.

"So you not gon' give me a chance to apologize?"

"For what Lucky?"

"Everything.. I was messed up, I let the drugs and my anger get the best of me, and it hurt somebody who I thought I could see myself with."

I rolled my eyes; He was so full of bullshit you can't believe anything that comes out of his mouth nor trust him, obviously.

"Are you done with your speech?" I asked.

"I didn't go and get all this help and anger management for you to not forgive." He said

"Well then what did you do it for? Because after the shit you did to me you couldn't possibly believe that I would forgive, especially after that bullshit you call an apology! You harassed me, You raped and sent me to the hospital in a coma! And you actually expected me to forgive you, I've never met a more selfish person in my life!"

His jaw started to clinch, really tight, I was sure he was going to hit me or grab me, but instead, a tear streamed down his cheek, he immediately wiped it away and looked away from me.

"I'm sorry Heaven I am, I know none of the shit I'm saying is going to mean anything but I just want to do what's right for you and the baby..."

My eyes widened "wh-what baby?" I asked wondering if he was referring to the baby in my stomach.

He placed a hand to my stomach "my baby.."

I began to get nauseous when those words escaped his lips "how did you know I was pregnant?" I asked.

"I know everything Heaven." He said.

"Well if you knew everything you would know that's it's not yours." I said

He smirked "So it's Omar baby?"

"Yeah.. it there a problem?" I said with an attitude.

"Nah that's your man I would understand why you think that the baby is his.."

I gave his the side eye "excuse me?" I folded my arms over my growing belly.

"what's that supposed to mean?"

He placed his hand on my stomach and kissed my cheek, "this is my baby and I intend on being in my child's life, with you."

"YOUR CHILD? Be with you? Yeah you need to call the insane asylum you was just at and tell them that you going crazy again."

He grabbed my arm and squeezed as tight as he could.

"I been working on my temper these past weeks with my therapist but trust me I'm not changed yet, if you keep talking reckless to me like that I'll make sure you and that baby never see the light of day again." He said in a cold heartless voice. I knew he hadn't changed and it was stupid of me to put my child's life at risk by trying to tease with him about everything that happened, even being outside with him alone was risky in itself.

I pulled my arm out of his grip and walked into the house. Everyone looked at me with concern and walked past them and went straight for the bathroom. I felt everything in my stomach come back up and into the toilet, this went on until it was nothing else in my stomach and I was gasping for air.

"Heaven are you ok?" I saw my mom from outside the bathroom door.

"Yes I'm fi- Ahhhh" I groaned as my stomach contracted trying to bring up any morsel of substance left in my body.

"Open the door heaven!" She said shaking the door handle.

"No no I'm ok." I said as I grabbed a wash cloth of the cabin and wet it warm water to wipe my face.

"You sure?" She asked

"Yes ma'am."

I wiped the tears from my eyes then I wiped my mouth, brushed my teeth and gargled some mouth wash down. I opened the door and my mom was standing right there. I jumped,surprised by her presence.

"Mom! You scared me!"

"Sorry baby I didn't mean to I'm just concerned. Lucky didn't hurt you right?" She said as she grabbed my hand.

"No.. he was trying to apologize and tell me how he changed and he's a better man and he's not in drugs and is controlling his anger but I know it's a bunch of bs and even if I did believe it I would a damn fool to even allow him to be around me again, Terrance can forgive if he wants but I'm not falling for it."

"I'm not either baby he's no longer allowed to step foot in this house and honestly I think you should come back home to live with me so I could keep an eye on you and the baby."

I shook my head "no ma. I don't want to going back and forth from here to Omar's that's too much."

"Well I have to be able to protect you as your mother because I wouldn't know what to do if something happened to you again," She said as tears began to form in her eyes.

"Mommm please don't cry everything's ok Omar protects me just fine we're okay he's not going to let anything happen to me."

"I don't know that!" She cried.

"Momma please."

She continued to cry and me trying to console her only made it worse and I didn't want her to cause a scene in front of the family

"Okay okay I'll move back in but you have to let Omar live here too he'll help with bills and groceries and chores if need be."

She stopped crying immediately "deal." She said as she wiped the fake tears from her eyes.

"So you were just faking that whole time?" I asked.

"Yup momma always gets what she wants." She said as she walked away and joined the rest of the family in a game of UNO.

I shook my head followed her back to the living room.


Guess who's back😁😁😁 (sorry for the wait)
Let me start off by saying WELCOME to all my new readers I may have not been updating but trust me I see y'all.


Let me know how y'all feeling about this little update.

How do y'all feel about Terrance & lucky coming back (cuz y'all definitely been asking about them)?

Do y'all think it's good idea for Heaven to move back with her mom?

has lucky really changed?

And who's the baby daddy?

Now I know I been gone but can ya girl get at least 500 reads?

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