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My breathing slowed. The gun in my hand steadied. Tachihara was to my right and Gin was to my left. Hirotsu was in front of us three. The thug had just pulled his gun on us, but a laugh escaped from between his lips.

"We just came here to discuss business." Hirotsu stated.

"No, you brought The Red Queen with you. It's obvious you were going to kill me from the start." The thug explained.

"She's under my command. She'll kill when and if I tell her to." Hirotsu kept his composure even though I could tell he was annoyed. "I only wish to know what business you had snooping outside of our Port side building."

"It was ours first! You assholes think you run Yokohama."

"Not quite all of it." Hirotsu said, "Like this building here, for example, this is yours. Stay in it." The venom was dripping from his voice. Polite? Yes. Threatening? Even more so. He turned to us, "We're done here."

Gin walked over to the thug. She glared at him as she yanked her knife from out of the wall beside his head from earlier. Once she came back over to us, we exited the room.

"Kill them!" A voice from behind shouted.

Tachihara laughed, standing with a gun facing each direction of the hall, "That's more like it!"

"Shut up, Tachihara-san." I yelled over the gunshots.

"Oh yeah, Queen, I'd like to see you try." He yelled over his shoulder as we were now back to back.

"Come on you two!" Hirotsu commanded easily making his way through the crowd.

Hirotsu led the way through the massacre and Gin covered our backs. At this point, I didn't even think twice about taking another's life. Sure, there were people in the Mafia that I would protect, but anyone else was fair game. No one gave me their mercy, I didn't need to give mine.

We finally climbed into the vans after completing our new mission: kill everyone you didn't recognize as a mafia member. Tachihara and I in one and Hirotsu and Gin in the other.

"So, what was this about shutting me up?" Tachihara teased. "You going to do anything about it? Or were you bluffing?"

I scoffed, "I don't bluff." I crossed my legs, looking away from him.

"Looks like you were." Tachihara chuckled.

I whipped my head around to face him. "You really want me to shut you up?" I snapped. My face inched closer to his and I cupped his cheek with my hand.

His eyes widened, "I-you-Mm!"

I shut him up. He froze into the kiss. Pulling away slowly, I chuckled at his reaction.

"What was that for?!"

"I shut you up didn't I?" I sat back. After seeing him smirk, the next thing I know is that I'm pinned down on the car seat and Tachihara is hovering over me.

"You think you're some big shot now, don't you? Guess what, Queen, you've got a lot to learn. I don't care what kind of ability you have, I'm your superior. I make the first moves around here." There was a slight tint to his cheeks.

"Are you mad that I-"

Chapped lips met my own. The kiss was rough, dominant even. It was only lust filled and we both knew that. This wasn't going anywhere except to fulfill our earthly desires. He slipped his tongue into my mouth as I was processing this. I moaned a little into the kiss and his grip on my hands got tighter. After a minute, we both needed some air.

"First lesson," He stated while catching his breath, "that's how you properly shut someone up. Second lesson: this isn't a thing."

"I gathered that. Why would I want to be with you anyway?"

Tachihara smirked, "You've got quite the mouth on you, that's for sure." He got off of me and I sat back up.

The rest of the car ride was silent. My gaze was looking at the scenery passing by as we made our way back to Port Mafia's main building. My other missions with Black Lizard came to mind. Nothing overly important, usually just getting information or keeping lowly thugs and gangs out of our way. Once we got to our destination, I went my own way as Tachihara did the same.

"Oi, Aliceina, what happened to your arm?" Chuuya came up from behind me while I was filling out my report on the computer.

I shrugged, "Nothing of concern."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Someone sliced me from the side. Now, he has a bullet in his head." I stated not looking up from my computer.

"How many times do I have to tell you-"

"Even if you're in a group, you still have to be aware of your surroundings." I finished with him. Turning in my chair to face the short martial artist I said, "I'm fine, Chuuya. Don't get a soft spot for me." I rolled my eyes.

Chuuya scoffed, "I don't. But, you're Akutagawa's subordinate which means you're basically mine too. If you get hurt and I'm training you, you make me look bad, idiot!" He slapped the side of my head.

I let out a huff, "Why does being Akutagawa's subordinate make me yours too?"

"He's still just a rookie that acts on his own desire. Anyway, as I said, I'm training you. Don't make me look bad." He lectured.

"Yes sir, Nakahara-san."

Chuuya's azure eyes narrowed at me, "Don't give me that fake respect."

"Can I finish my report now?"

Chuuya waved his hand at me while walking away, "Do whatever you want. Just don't get hurt again."

The report was done, but now I was aimlessly walking around Port Mafia hoping I wasn't in some restricted area. All I needed to do was to give these papers to Hirotsu and his office was nowhere to be found. After every turn and staircase I traveled on, I was just going deeper and deeper into the rabbit's hole.

"What the hell are you doing down here?" Akutagawa's voice made my body tremble.

Turning, I stuttered, "Well, I, you see-"

"Speak properly." He growled.

"I got lost looking for Hirotsu's office. I have paperwork for him."

Akutagawa sighed, "Follow me."

We weaved in and out oh hallways before going to where I needed to go in the first place. Surprisingly, he brought me to an area I've never been in before to get some food before I was banished back to my inescapable room.   

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