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The Mad Hatter: merciless assassin of Port Mafia. The Silent Rabid Dog and The Red Queen. Akutagawa made me into the perfect soldier. It's been a month since I killed Raven: my first love. Seven successful missions under my belt and twenty-five murders- I was exactly what he wanted. That's why I was summoned into Ougai's office.

"Kingsley Aliceina." Ougai smirked at me. "You seen a little different from when I first met with you."

I shrugged, keeping my facial expression the same. "It happens."

"How does a love struck Raven's Song member turned happy-go-lucky larcenist transform herself into a cold, stone-faced killer?" Ougai leaned in over his desk with anticipation. "You've turned into a little Akutagawa, haven't you?"

"I'm his subordinate. It would only make sense that I act similar." I stated monotonously.

"Have you heard that you've peak the Agency's interest?"

"My name has been in the news. I guess it's only natural."

A key hung from Ougai's finger. "Here. As promised, housing. Welcome to Port Mafia, Aliceina."

I took the key and nodded.

"You're dismissed. Tachihara will show you to your living quarters." Ougai stated on my way out of his office.

"Tachihara-san?" I walked up to the man with the bandage across his nose.

"Huh?" He looked me over, "Oh! Aliceina, what's up?" Tachihara leaned back in his swivel chair. "How's the Red Queen?" His tone was playful.

"I'm fine." I kept my tone even. "Ougai-san said you'd know where my apartment is..." I trailed holding my key up.

A pale hand snatched the key out of my hand. "Ougai gave you an apartment?" Akutagawa questioned.

I rolled my eyes, "No I stole it."

A cold glare cut through me. My gaze met the floor. Someone put their hand on my shoulder causing me to look back up.

"Mori wanted me to show her where it is." It was Tachihara. "Wouldn't want to defy his orders, would we?" He held out his hand.

Akutagawa dropped the key in Tachihara's hand and left the room.

"Shall we?" Tachihara nodded his head to have me follow. I nodded and he continued talking. "So, basically we all live in one of two apartment buildings. You live in mine, Gin's, Hirotsu's, and Higuchi's. You know, the lower level members. People like Chuuya and Akutagawa live in the nicer of the two."

"The executives." I stated.

"Right." Tachihara lost his usual talkative manner. We walked in silence down the alleyways of Yokohama. That is until he noticed something. "Why don't you do that more often? You used to do it all the time in the office. It was funny."

"Huh?" I looked up from the ground. The pebble I just kicked was about the size of a six foot man. "Oh, it's just childish."

"Don't let Akutagawa ruin your fun. There's no hope for him, but you don't have to change to please him." Tachihara brought us into the apartment building. He took another look at the key, "Only the fifteenth floor?" He chuckled, "Mine's on the twenty-fifth."

I almost let a smile show for the first time in weeks, "Well aren't you special?" I hip checked him into the elevator.

"Hey, hey," He laughed, "Wait! Blue is not my color. Change it back."

"What are you going to do about mister twenty-fifth floor?" I teased.

"There's the smart-ass Aliceina I missed so much about. Why hide her?"

"She did something that I can never forgive her for." My body felt heavy. "It doesn't matter. She'll never really be back. I can't be like that anymore..." I took the key from him, changing the color of his shirt back in the process. "I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks, Tachihara-san."

"Sure..." He trailed, "My room is 2516 if you need anything." He called after me as the doors shut behind me.

I scanned the hall for my room: 1531. Once I got in, I shut the door behind me, slammed my back against it, and slid down to the floor. My body shook, but this tension invading my senses wouldn't go away. Every night I would shake and rock, but would the tears come? No. Would the yelling and screaming come? No. I threw my keys into the darkness in frustration. The noise of metal hitting the ground or a wall never happened.

"Fuck." I scrambled up and reached for my gun.

"Now, is that anyway to treat a guest?" The light flicked on to reveal a tall, slender man with bandages on his neck and arms.

"Who are you?" I demanded while pointing my gun at him.

"Asking questions and then shooting?" The man shook his head, "Hasn't little Akutagawa taught you anything?" The brunette shrugged, "He was hopeless as a subordinate. Kingsley Aliceina, I'm Dazai Osamu."

My face flushed. Shit. I know that name... I blindly shot towards him as I opened the door. Dazai merely laughed as I tried to slam the door shut before running to get Tachihara. However, Dazai slipped out of the door before I could shut it. He skillfully got my gun out of my hand. One of his arms wrapped around my waist as the other out a cloth up to my face.  

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