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"Better." Chuuya smirked at me.

We were holding knifes at each other's necks. I was far less beaten than the first time we trained. Obviously, I still wasn't good enough to beat him which means I'm still not worthy for Akutagawa. Circling each other, we were at a stand still.

"There's one thing that I can do from here that will work pretty much every time." Chuuya stated, "Pay attention closely." He reaped my leg, causing me to fall and letting him get over me to pin me to the ground. The short male was straddling me with my arms pinned above head. "You should always be aware of- hey!"

I cut him off by flipping us over. My knee was pressing into his stomach and my forearm was softly pressing against his neck. "I figured out your weakness."


"You talk too much."

He flipped us back over and stuck his knife into the concrete floor, just barely slicing my check in the process. "You're getting cocky."

I looked away.

"What? No comeback? No sass? Who are you?" Chuuya carefully moved the knife away from my face. "You're no fun anymore."

"This isn't a game anymore, Chuuya." I still refused to look at him.

"You sound like you need a drink." He got off of me and held out his hand to me.

I got up on my own, "Yes, whiskey sounds lovely right now, but I think I'm going to settle for water."

There were three places in headquarters I knew how to get to: where I train with Chuuya, my "room", and where they keep the snacks. I sat up on the counter with a bottle of water. A flop of messy ginger hair caught my attention. Tachihara noticed my presence and walked up to me.

"The Red Queen." He smirked, standing between my legs.

I placed my water bottle down and ran my fingers through his hair. "The loyal jester?" I teased, resting my hands on his shoulders.

He gripped my hips, pulling me closer to the edge. Tachihara buried his face in my neck, "More like the king." His lips ghosted my neck.

I let my eyes roll back along with my head as he peppered my neck with kisses. "Tachihara, not here. Akutagawa would kill us."

"No he won't." Tachihara dismissed my unconvincing protest. He made his way to my lips, sliding his tongue in.

"I might."

A voice caused us to jump. Tachihara gripped my hips tighter while looking behind himself.

"Since when is this a thing?" Chuuya marched up to us and peeled Tachihara off of me.

We exchanged a look before I answered, "We're not a thing."

Chuuya raised his eyebrow at me, wanting an explanation.

"We're both flirts." Tachihara spoke up, "So, one thing lead to another..."

"We're just friends." I stated. "Damn what are you? My father?"

"No." He picked me up off of the counter but my waist and set me down. "Come on, we have things to do." He latched onto my wrist and dragged me out of the room.

I yanked my wrist out of his hold. "Chuuya, what is wrong with you?"

"We're the mafia, not a dating service."

"I told you we weren't dating."

"Plus, you don't even know Tachihara."

"I've been on five missions with him and one of them was for a week."

Chuuya rolled his eyes, "Oh you know him so well."

"Where are we going?" I demanded.

"The bar."

"Now that's something I can get behind." I followed the redhead to a bar down the street from where I heard the housing for Mafia members was.

There was a golden glow to the small, hole-in-the-wall bar that Chuuya took me to. There were only about five barstools and three tables. Chuuya and I sat in the middle of the bar. I traced one of the ring shaped water stains in the wood as Chuuya took his third shot. My half-finished rum soda was still in front of me.

"He's nothing but a bastard." Chuuya mumbled, slamming the glass down. "Another." He slurred.

"Chuuya," I began softly, "who are you talking about?"

"Eh?" His glare shot right through me, "I'm talking about that no good ex-partner of mine: Dazai Osamu. He's useless."

"Why's that?"

"He abandons his mission halfway through, disappears for a million years, and comes back as an Agency member." Chuuya threw his head back, taking his fourth shot. "No good bastard." He muttered.

I finished my rum soda with a genuine smile on my face. "Hey," I nudged the angry drunk next to me, "let's get you home before Akutagawa kills me for not returning to my cell." As I was pushing Chuuya towards the door I yelled, "Put it on Chuuya's tab, I'm assuming he has one already."

"Aliceina, have you ever thought about life outside of the Mafia?"

"I had a life outside of the Mafia."

"But you were always a criminal. Now you're a classy criminal." Chuuya wobbled a bit while I guided him back to Port Mafia to find someone to take him home.

"Not true. I joined Raven's Song when I was fifteen. I went to school. I had... a life."

Chuuya threw his arm around my shoulders, "But the Mafia is so much better than all of that!" He seemed to have forgotten his initial statement. "You like it with us, right? You're not leaving, are you?"

"I couldn't if I tried." I stated while sighing.

We got back to Port Mafia and Chuuya was still blabbing on about this Dazai fellow. I found Hirotsu, who was kind enough to take Chuuya home and he also directed me to Akutagawa.

"I'm ready to turn in for the night." I told my superior.

"Where have you been?"

"Chuuya took me to that bar down the street..." I trailed, uncertain of his reaction.

"Fine." He turned out of the room and I knew to follow him.



"Who's Dazai Osa-"

The Rashomon had me by my throat, pinned against the wall.

"Don't you dare ever speak that name to me again." Akutagawa yelled.

"S-Sorry." I choked out. The black creature released me and I slammed down onto my knees. "I didn't realize he was such a sore subject for everyone..."

"Just don't get caught up with him. He can nullify your ability. If you see him, run. You'll know it's that bandage wasting device when you see him." Akutagawa grumbled before letting out a small cough.

"Right." I rubbed my neck.

He shoved me into my room. "No more questions about him." The door slammed in my face.

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