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As I was running away from the Agency members, my original mission came back to mind. Shit. Running back, I jumped up on top of one of the freight boxes and looked for the Agency members. The two males were making their way back to the building. I let out a awful sounding cry to alarm Akutagawa and Higuchi. Quickly, I got out of sight and made it back to the van. They hurried back into the van and Akutagawa commanded the driver to go.

I looked at Akutagawa expectantly. "Well? What were they planning? What did they steal?"

"Two things." He looked at me from the corner of his eye. "They had information of all the ability users in the mafia. Some had more information than others. They were planning on hunting us all down starting with the execution of the Red Queen." He dropped the files and plans referring to me on my lap.

My eyes widened with fear as I looked through them. Black Swan had all sorts of ideas and plans, some more gruesome than others. They had information on my habits and schedule. When I would set off to my room, when I would come in, who I had connections with, when I ate- it was all there. As I was looking over the list of people I had connections with and what my connection was, Akutagawa snatched it out of my hands.

"Possible relationship with Tachihara Michizou."

I felt Higuchi's gaze on me even though I was facing Akutagawa, whose face knotted with suspicion. My mouth hung slightly agape, but I didn't know what to say. Akutagawa has never been interested in my life before. He always just wanted to know the technicals and that's what he knows. A hand was placed on my hurt shoulder. I flinched and looked away, wanting to just disappear from this situation. His grip got harder as he leaned closer to me.

"You're not in a relationship with him, are you?" He whispered menacingly.

"No." My voice shook.

Akutagawa let go of me. "Good. Why would they think that, Aliceina? All the other information on here is correct." He asked in his usual tone.

I rubbed my neck nervously, remembering the hickey still on it from yesterday's adventure in that storage closet. Thankfully it was on Higuchi's side and not his. "Um, well, he helps me out a lot with all the forms and reports I've been filling out. I don't want to be wrong or miss anything for you and Chuuya, so I asked him for some help. Seeing how he's a commander I figured he fills them out a lot." 

Akutagawa let out a noise of acceptance for my explanation and dropped the topic. I slept in my cat form for most of the time, hoping my arm would heal. We all stopped for a late lunch at Akutagawa's favorite tea place once we made it back to Yokohama. Then Akutagawa, Higuchi, and I were asked to meet with Mori in his office.

"Elise-chan, please!" Mori begged as we walked in.

The little blonde girl giggled, "Nope."

"Why not?" Mori was looking at a drawing. "I want to be in the drawing too."

Akutagawa cleared his throat, getting the pair's attention. The looked over at us. Elise snatched the picture out of his hands and went back over to the corner of the room to color. Mori calmly sat back down at his desk.

"What did you all just see?"

"Nothing." The three of us replied in unison.
Mori smiled, "Very good. So, what exactly did the traitor give over?"

Akutagawa placed the files down on his desk. "They had various pieces of information of all the ability users in Port Mafia, Sir."

Mori quickly scanned through the papers. "I see. And did you find out what they were going to do with this information?"

Higuchi handed him more files. "They planned on hunting them down and killing them off, starting with Kingsley Aliceina."

"Right, right." He muttered going through everything. Mori chuckled, "They're quite creative with these killings, no? I might have to use one." He closed the files. "Anything else I should know?"

"Two Agency members were there as well."
Akutagawa stated. "Atsushi and Kenji."

Mori eyed Akutagawa, "They didn't see you guys there, did they?"

Akutagawa explained my plan and how it turned out. Once he was finished, Mori looked at me.

"I knew I could expect good things from you Aliceina." Mori praised me. "Alright, you are dismissed. I'll get back to you on what we're going to do about Black Swan."

After Higuchi parted ways with us, Akutagawa grabbed my bicep. He didn't even say anything, he just pulled me into his office. Akutagawa closed the door behind us, which made me nervous. I heard him take a deep breath. Placing a hand on my good shoulder, he opened his mouth to speak.

"You did good." He went back to his chair and got to work without another word or look in my direction.

I let myself out, wide eyed. Sitting down at my desk, I just stared down. My sling fell off of my shoulder as I was deep in thought. Mori and Akutagawa praised me. More importantly, Akutagawa praised me.

"Oi! Pipsqueak are you alive?"

I shook my head and looked up. "Y-yeah..."

"Where were you just now?"

"I don't know with Mori and Akutagawa praising me, I feel like this is a parallel universe." I chuckled, "I was trying to go back to the world where Akutagawa just uses Rashomon to throw me around."

Chuuya laughed and messed up my hair. "Do none of my praises count?" He teased. "I say we go out drinking tonight as a celebration!"

"You just want an excuse to drink." I stated while moving my arm around to see if it truly healed. 


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