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The floor greeted me the next morning. I coughed, gasped, pushed my upper body off of the floor with one hand, and had a bloody nose from the impact. Mentally, I slapped myself in the face as I noticed the black pants and coat.

"You're late." Was all my superior said.

"I can explain." I groaned while getting up.

"I don't want to hear it." He held out a tissue for me, "Wipe the blood off of your nose: it makes you look weak."


"Get dressed, we're leaving in five minutes." He angrily closed the door to my bedroom.

I changed into a fresh set of clothes and exited the room. Akutagawa was waiting for me in the living room. He didn't say anything, he just got up and walked past me expecting me to follow. Which, of course, I did. We walked in silence all the way to his office. I closed the door behind us and took a seat across his desk from him. Akutagawa folded his arms on his desk before he spoke.

"We have somewhere to go today. If your injury gets in my way, I'll kill you. We're just gathering information out west, but if we need to obviously we'll force the information out of them." He explained.

"Ryunosuke-san, if I can be in my cat form it'll heal faster. My ability still works in that form and I won't be in any pain."

Akutagawa's face softened with interest, "How much quicker? Why haven't you shared this information before?"

"Well, it's not really a bad dislocation so maybe cut it down by a couple of days. I could be healed in two days depending." I shrugged, "I guess I haven't been in the right mind frame since I got here."

"That could be useful. We might need to solve this little issue sooner than we had originally thought." He ignored my explanation of why I haven't brought that fact up before. Akutagawa told me what exactly we were looking for and why it was crucial that the mafia puts and end to this particular group of ability users. Not all of them in the group were ability users, but it's becoming a troublesome power out in the west.

The two of us met with Higuchi at one of the vans and set off for the west side of Yokohama. The car ride was eerily silent. Akutagawa was on one side, I was trying to sleep in the middle seat, and Higuchi was on my other side. I could feel her glare at me once in a while, which made it impossible for me to sleep comfortably. Between her jealousy, my nerves, and Akutagawa's usual presence the car felt like it was caving in on me. I stirred to more of an alert state when I felt someone pick me up and place me on their shoulder.

"Don't move." He warned.

I let out a soft meow and closed my eyes again. This was one of the times that I was thankful for my cat form being that of a five pound kitten. Just big enough to be seen, small enough to be lost. Needless to say, my small body fit comfortably on my superior's shoulder. His body came to a halt.

I heard Higuchi ask, "Isn't that...?"

"Why are they here?" Akutagawa growled, "Black Swan is causing us problems, not them."

"Well, actually-"

"Stop talking." Akutagawa stated emotionlessly.

Higuchi let out a sigh, but remained silent. I took a peek to see who they were talking about. There stood the boy called Atsushi and the younger boy with the funny farm hat. They hadn't seen us yet, they seemed to also be looking for something. I pawed at my superior, as if to ask to turn back into a human.

"What?" He snapped quietly.

I jumped off of his shoulder while changing back into my human form. "So, we have the cat lover and a farm boy. Can't we just take them out and get what we need before they wake up?"

"Don't underestimate the weretiger." Akutagawa stated. "There was a point of his life were there was seven million yen on his head. He's dangerous."

I almost scoffed at his words. "Okay, well what if I distract them? I'll be a cute cat, get their attention, run away and disappear over there." I pointed towards some freight ship boxes, "That way you guys can go get the information without being seen by them."

Akutagawa stared at me. He was processing the information. "Meet us back at the van in forty-five minutes or I'm leaving you here."

"Well do, Ryunosuke-san." I nodded and transformed while moving towards the Agency members. "I'll yell if there are any complications."

I meowed at the boys and walked figure eights between them. I got the young blonde's attention first. He tried to pick me up, but I moved through Atsushi's legs causing the blonde to fall over onto him.

"Kenji-kun!" Atsushi scolded.

"Sorry." The blonde laughed. "I was trying to catch the kitten." Kenji pointed over to where I was sitting.

"Kenji we have a job." Atsushi stated while getting up. He was looking over at me instead of the building they were about to go in. "Wait a second..." He squinted his eyes to get a better look at me.

I smirked to myself knowing I had captured his full attention now. I bolted over towards the freight boxes as I said I would. Frantic footsteps charged at me from behind. I weaved in and out of the maze of boxes. I hid behind one and I heard the footsteps stop on the other side of it. The sound of bending metal caught my attention. As I turned the entire freight box was being lifted. I hissed and bolted away. That skinny blonde farm boy lifted the freight box with one hand. I wish Akutagawa would have told me that kid was super human. Damn. I thought as I ran away.

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