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Sitting on the couch next to a sloppy drunk mafia member has taught me two things. One: always have a water bottle on hand. Two: sometimes you got to be happy with how the way things are and not worry about the fact that they weren't your plans in the first place.

I made sure Chuuya was resting on his side just in case he threw up and couldn't figure out how to move in time. His hat was on my coffee table and his jacket was draped over the top of the couch. Chuuya's breathing slowed as he drifted in and out of his drunken sleep. Loud knocking startled me and caused Chuuya to shift a little bit.

"Aliceina! Open up!"

I furrowed my brow at the voice. "Tachihara?" I opened the door to reveal the Black Lizard Commander.

"Bathroom?" There was a sense of urgency in his tone as the color flushed from his face.

"That way." I pointed while getting out of his way.

"Thanks." The man ran into the bathroom and didn't even have time to close the door before I heard him throwing up.

I hung my head. I guess my apartment was the midway point between the bar and his apartment. Sighing, I closed the door. Now I had two ill mafia members in my one person apartment.

"Tachihara, are you alright?" I leaned against the door frame.

Tachihara's small body was hunched over the toilet as he said, "Yeah. Just, do you have water... and a mint?" He began to violently cough over the bowl.

"Of course."

After I took care of him, he laid down on the other side of the couch and passed out in a similar position to Chuuya. I left two glasses of water and some Advil out for them for the morning. Smiling ever so slightly, I shook my head at the boys. I turned my throw blanket into a very big version of itself and gently put it over them before heading off to my own bed. I awoke peacefully. I was still a little dazed from last night, but that's nothing a morning tea couldn't shake off. Checking up on my drunken children, I couldn't help but laugh. Tachihara was curled up in the middle of the couch and Chuuya was all spread out on his side. After I put my mug under the tea brewer, I sat down where Tachihara originally fell asleep. The couch engulfed me in a comfort that I did not recognize.

"Get up!" A voice yelled causing me to jolt out of my unexpected slumber.

Chuuya, Tachihara, and I all stared at a very angry looking Akutagawa. So, sitting on the couch with sloppy drunk mafia members has taught me three things. Number three: never do it again if I want to live.

"Ryunosuke-san..." I trailed.

"Shut up and get dressed." He growled.

I nodded while getting up.

"Aliceina, sit down." Chuuya stated while holding the bridge of his nose. "Akutagawa, what gives you the right to come in here and demand that she gets dressed to go wherever with you?"

"It's fine, Chuuya. I've been here for a while; I know the drill."

"Nope." Tachihara grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into his lap. "Unless Mori needs her, she'll come into work when she's good and ready."

"Guys seriously, I don't think you should be-"

"Everyone shut up! She's my subordinate and she'll do as I say."

Tachihara released me and I quickly walked by Akutagawa, making sure to not make eye contact with him as I went to my room. After changing, I still kept my gaze at the wooden floor beneath my feet.

"Just make sure the door is locked before you guys leave." I mutter, following Akutagawa out the door.

"You've got some nerve." I heard Akutagawa mutter from in front of me.

"Excuse me?" I asked, genuinely curious.

A heavy sigh fell from his lips as he stopped walking.

"Ryunosuke-san, what's wrong? You're acting more irritated than usual." I caught up with him.

Akutagawa grabbed my wrists and pushed me up against the wall. This somehow was different from the other times he's abused me. There was urgency in his eyes. Passion, even. "Tch." He shoved my shoulder into the wall, "We have a mission when that lazy hat rack gets up." He stated while turning away with his hands in his pockets. "It's time to take care of Black Swan."

"Eh?!" I caught up with his quick pace. "Already? We just got the information a day ago."

"Yeah, well they've done their own investigation. Obviously it was an inside job, but we found the traitor and got rid of him. Now it's time to get our information back." Akutagawa explained.

"If I would have known, I wouldn't have gone out drinking last night." I huffed, "Damn, Ryunosuke-san you never tell me anything. Okay, I'm just a subordinate, but still. Shouldn't we act as a team?"

"No." He didn't even bother looking at me.

I stopped following him, "I want the respect I deserve, Akutagawa." My arms were folded across my chest and I was planted firmly on the ground with my feet slightly apart.

He turned. Akutagawa wasn't mad, his face was twisted with amusement. "Respect?" He stepped closer to me. "That's what you want?" Akutagawa grabbed my chin and tilted my head up to look him in the eye.

My neck strained, but my eye contact never faltered. I would stand my ground here and now even if it killed me. We had a stare-off while I waited for his next comment.

"Everything okay out here?" Tachihara's voice interrupted us.

Akutagawa released me with a quiet, "No." He turned and walked ahead a little bit.

I gave Tachihara a small smile before, sighing and going to catch up with my superior.

A/n: Fun fact: this is the first chapter I wrote for this story. 

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