Day 3: Palace of Frogs and Curses [Second Attempt]

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Everything seemed to have been going smoothly this time with the unison efforts of the Dark Knight, the Bard, the Machinist and the Summoner on those levels that had Adtonitus rage quit out of annoyance previously. Imber couldn't help but let a smile escape, hopefully unnoticed as he was almost always in the back of the party. Luckily.

If that went by unnoticed, the uncontrollable laughter that possessed both Yami and Imber a few moments later did not. Though there wasn't any way Adto and Tearow could protest for they have turned into...frogs. Their agitated leaping wasn't helping them ease the laughter fits of the not ailed half of the party but further spurred them into laughter.  

'How-' Imber tried to ask for it had not happened before but he chocked on air, coughed hard and tried to settle himself. Soon after, the frogs turned back in the proper and original miqo'te bodies of their party mates, granting also their voices back. Adtonitus crossed his arms, blinking away from the light of the healing spell Imber had cast on him. He frowned a bit disappointed, a little mad at himself and a bit irked at Imber; the latter lowered his ears slightly to the back in apology. Adtonitus' expression melted back to a more relaxed one and shrugged the accident off.

'It seems one of the trap types is a frog hex. Somehow we both stepped into it at once; me and Tearow. I'll be careful not to step into one again. They seem to be around the chests.'

A few rooms later, Tearow stepped again into one.

'Tearow, do you want me to kiss you back to your princely form?' Yami teased unable to control another fit of laughter. The turned back Tearow promptly applied a chop move on Yami's head having the brown haired miqo'te winch in pain and grasp their hurting head. 

'Focus, fishbrain.'

 A floor later, Adto stepped twice in such traps on the same floor and leaped away with critically low hp from a Morbol ready to have him as dinner (or fertilizer, who knows). He leaped over Garuda-Egi and all the way behind Imber who was already channeling him a healing spell and spurred his summon against the slippery creature that smelled of rotten fruit.

The Mobol being disposed of before the situation would've had gotten out of hand, the party of four moved on now more wary of traps and with a dire hate of frogs. 

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