(V)Icky 💩: Oi Price!
Chloe 🦋: Uh hey Victoria, its Max.
(V)Icky 💩: Why have you got the blazer bitch's phone?
Chloe 🦋: Really Chase? I thought you were more inventive than that but I guess you are just a simple, pumpkin spice latte, basic bitch...
(V)Icky 💩: Woah chill the fuck out Caufield who are you her fucking guard dog??
Chloe 🦋: No dogs can't talk but I guess you're the proof that bitches can.
(V)Icky 💩: What the fuck Max you don't know who you're messing with!
Chloe 🦋: I think I know Maribeth so threaten all you like 😏
(V)Icky 💩: Ok Fine! What do you want Maxine??
Chloe 🦋: I guess I'll name my price. Just be nice to Chloe and admit that you like Kate.
(V)Icky 💩: What?? Me and Marsh? No way!
(V)Icky 💩: I'll be as nice as I can though.
Chloe 🦋: Please you look at Kate like she looks at the bible, or how Brooke looks at Warren or how Frank looks at beans.
(V)Icky 💩: Fine you caught me it's a deal.
(V)Icky 💩: But keep it shut Caulfield 🤐