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Max📹: Hey Rach, you still alive after that? Chloe was like a storm.

Rachel💁🏼: Hey Max! I'm still here barely. Chloe was not happy.

Max📹: Are you okay?

Max📹: I swear to dog if she hurt you she'll regret it!

Max📹: Rach?

Max📹: Rachel?

Rachel💁🏼: Max chill she'll text you soon. It's between you two now.

Rachel💁🏼: You were a great girlfriend by the way, Chlo is very lucky.

Max📹: Thanks Rach you too. You should consider being an actress seriously.

Rachel💁🏼: Couldn't have done it without you Max! But I forgot to mention something...

Max📹: Okay... What is it?

Rachel💁🏼: I haven't told her it was fake and she thinks we're still together.

Max📹: What?! Why?

Rachel💁🏼: Because we have to go with it for a little bit longer. Then I'll break up with you and you can go to Chloe for comfort and reveal all.

Max📹: Oh I get it!

Max📹: But won't she be mad?

Rachel💁🏼: Probably but she loves you so you'll be forgiven.

Max📹: Lets hope it goes as you've planned Rach, I can't lose her.

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