Part 2

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I walked into the big school and had no idea what I was doing or where I was going.

I pulled my schedule out of my front pocket and uncrumpled it.

My first class was History on the 500 hall room 506.

I was standing in the main hall and the halls progressed as they went down.

It was pretty easy to figure out.

I walked down the main hallway passing all the halls.

I watched people look at me. I could just tell that they were looking at my hair.

When I reached the 500 hall I walked down It until I saw my homeroom. I just walked in.

There was an attractive lady at the front of the classroom sitting at the desk.

I assumed That she was the teacher. But she looked really young to be teaching.

"Jenn get out of my seat." And older more matured female voice said behind me.

I looked beside me startled because I had not heard her.

She looked back at me, then at my hair. Then back at me.

"You must be Felicity." She said smiling.

"Y-Yeah."  I answered.

She nodded her head. "Good. Come on in." She said leading me into the classroom.

I followed.

She led me to her desk and started talking to me and handing me a bunch of different colored papers that I needed to get signed for school.

She handed me a last slip of paper and then started to talk about my hair.

"It's so long. It must be twice as long when it's out of those locks. Did you dye your hair?" She went on.

"No I haven't dyed it ma'am." I laughed.

"Oh, Well you have beautiful hair. And my name is Ms.Dallas." She informed me.

"Oh yeah, thank you." I replied.

She pointed me to the middle of the cluster of desks and showed me that I'd be seating there.

I was about to go to my seat when a strike of curiosity jolted through my mind.

"Ms.Dallas, do you have a son? I think I saw a boy earlier who looks just like you." 

Her eyes widened.

"Yes actually. Cameron. But be careful around him." She said smiling at me.

I headed to my seat and just kinda chilled for a few minutes, just waiting for class to start.

I was on my phone trying to beat my high score on Temple Run when those same three boys walked in.

Cameron, the one I kinda already  knew went to his mom and gave her a kiss then started talking to her.

The other two just kinda looked at me and talked to each other.

God, I wish I could hear what they were saying.

I looked back down at my phone and began playing when I heard two sets of footsteps coming my way.

I saw them out of the corner of my eye. I clicked the power button on my phone and and pressed it down on the desk.

I let out a deep breath and looked up a little annoyed.

"Hey Fiz." The Justin Bieber one said.

"Hi Justin." I sarcastically shot at him.

He smirked and looked up at the other boy.

"I think she's calling you Justin Bieber." He said across from me to Justin.

Justin laughed.

"My name is Matt girly."  He said to me.

"I like Justin better." I said innocently smiling.

He smirked and looked to the other boy.

"What about you cheeks?" Matt said grabbing and pinching "Cheeks" cheeks.

Cheeks playfully swatted Matt's hands away.

Matt pulled back and Cheeks spoke.

"Let me properly introduce myself Fiz."  He said smiling.

"My name is JC." He said placing his hand on his chest and bending over slightly with a childish smile on his face.

"Hello JC." I said as Cameron walked over.

"Hi Cameron." I said as he approached.

He stopped.  "How do you know my name?" He asked grinning.

I nodded my head to his mom talking to the girl Jenn at the front of the class.

He nodded his head and chuckled.

"Well, now that were all acquainted, I would like to beat my high score, so bye." I said frankly hoping they would leave.

They all looked at each other and laughed.

Then looked at me.

They all sat at the desk surrounding me and began to converse as if I weren't there.

JC tapped me on the shoulder.

I looked over a him.  "Hm?"

"Well, you're mine." He said kissing my cheek and smiling.

I looked down.

My dreads fell over my face.

He brushed them back over my shoulder and tucked some behind my ear.

"I don't bite babe." He said smirking.

JC Caylen DarkWhere stories live. Discover now