The Forest of Jazz

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Floyd and Daniel settle around the fire for what remains of the night, while Tiddlepuss restlessly prowls in wide circles as if deep in thought.

Turning to Floyd Daniel asks 'Why did you greet Tiddlepuss like that, the furry majesty thing?'

'He's a king you know, in Han-Dwash he is a great leader. I imagine that's hard for you to understand, I know how your kind regards cats.' He pauses for a moment and looking into daniels astonished eyes, 'It hasn't always been like that, once they were highly regarded in all the dimensions of the multiverse. However, these are desperate times, and only a few dimensions still revere them. He is a wise and benevolent ruler, the people of Han-Dwash adore him.'

'Tiddlepuss is a KING!' exclaims Daniel as if he has been told a joke.

'You display both your ignorance and prejudice my friend, not everything in life aligns with your personal view.'

Daniel is startled at Floyd's comment

Floyd continues. 'I owe him my life - many years ago, Tiddlepuss came to my rescue while I was being held captive by the angel headed hipsters deep in the heart of the Forest of Jazz. I was lured there by the enchanting sound of their trumpets and saxophones. I fell under the spell of their Mahavishnu time signatures, and before I could protect myself, I was caught in their snare. For many moons, I was helpless and growing weaker every day until Tiddlepuss raised an army to set me free.'

Realising his error, Daniel looks on, his eyes open wide, this time in awe.

'The Forest of Jazz is a strange place. Many brave men have wandered in and fallen under the spell of the angels. If they ever find their way out again they are changed forever, seeing life differently, the music they adore drives people away. Their relationships become strained, and they spend countless hours looking at the sky, burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night.'

'Sounds dreadful,' says Dan.

'We must rest, we have a long trek and a great task before us,' says Tiddlepuss returning to the fire

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'We must rest, we have a long trek and a great task before us,' says Tiddlepuss returning to the fire.

'Floyd can go on before us and warn our allies of our impending arrival, we leave at dawn?'

The trio snuggles up to the roaring fire and settles in for whatever rest they can find.

For a brief moment, as the sun rises over the Sea of Turmoil, there is a shining path across the water to the point where Daniel's journey began. Looking back over the waves, he wonders about his parents, his Nan, and the other Tiddlepuss at home. Then he notes to himself the alarming increase in the number of things about which he knows absolutely nothing.

The trio finishes their meagre breakfast and conceals the boat under a canopy of branches. Floyd lifts his head and looks to the West.

'I will make haste to Miletus, consult with the sage and then scout ahead towards the border of Han-Dwash, we will meet there my friends, I wish you safe travels.'

'Safe travels my friend, stay off the roads where possible, travel at night if you have to, we cannot afford to alert Bingo Bill's spies of our movements.'

Floyd touches his horn to the sand in front of Tiddlepuss, then lifting it up; he brushes its smooth glassy surface against Daniel's cheek. He gives a brisk whinny then turns and gallops off through the towering pines.' Tiddlepuss and Dan begin their trek to Miletus, the soft blanket of fallen needles cushioning their walk while its fragrance fills their noses.

'I have an old friend in the city of Miletus,' says Tiddlepuss, 'he is a scholar and philosopher, astronomer and scientists. It was he who taught me to navigate by the stars when I was much younger than I am now. He has been collecting the clues that we hope will help us identify the location of the walled garden.'

'Walled garden?' enquires Dan.

'Legend tells of a fabulous walled garden with a magical tree, and high in that tree the Versace golden skate shoes which hold a map within them leading to hidden wealth beyond the imagination. We believe Bingo Bill has found this hidden wealth and is using it to finance the army of numbers while he captures the multicoloured sheep. If we can find the wealth, we will find Bingo Bill. The clues leading to the walled garden have been named in popular mythology as the Versace code, and it is that code we must decipher.'

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