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A/N: You can start the song now. I honestly had it on repeat the whole time writing this chapter haha. It's called Still by Daughter.


It's been a week since I found Tyler in his apartment. Even though he wasn't around for long things seemed quieter without him. I felt lonelier than before.

Of course Brendon helped me cope through this past week. Helping me comprehend that what happened actually happened. I can't believe I was stupid and selfish enough to let this occur.

I sighed raking a hand through my knotted up blue curls as I sat back on the couch in the living room of my apartment. I stared at nothing off in the distance taking small sips at my coffee. I had taken a week off of work to just take some time to myself.

They thought it was a good idea as well after what I did at work.

After the long moments of dreaded silence I could hear shuffling from down the hall and then a bed headed Tyler walked past the doorway and shuffled into the kitchen. He hasn't said anything since he woke up at the hospital.

The doctors couldn't get him to speak to get any information, eventually they just let him leave with me. It's been a week and he hasn't said a word. He won't look at me, speak to me, or even stay in the same room with me unless we were sleeping.

It's not just me though, it's everyone. His manager called and he gave me the phone to talk to him and get the information. I'd relay it back to him he'd nod and just go back to laying down. I wonder how he's getting anything done at work.

The doctor told me that him being mute could be temporary or permanently. Depending on how strong he is. They said it's a type of Post Traumatic Stress. He must have gone through a lot with Matty. I'd have to talk to Troye about it and see if he can give me any pointers.

He grabbed what looked like a granola bar and headed back into the room. I sighed and set my coffee down on the table and got up after him. I poked my head through the door and saw he was sitting outside on the balcony, criss crossed in a chair. He was wearing just a t-shirt and pajama pants. It was freezing outside, but he didn't show any signs of being cold.

I frowned some and grabbed a folded up blanket from the closet and took it outside. I draped it over his shoulders and he about jumped out of his chair, but he realized it was just me and he settled down again. Reasuming his criss crossed seating position in the chair.

I watched his expressions, but they remained mostly dull under the fading blue and black bruises.

"How are you doing today?" I asked knowing I wouldn't get an answer.

"Is there anything you maybe want for dinner?"


"How about something to watch, wanna watch a movie?"


"Tyler.." I sighed. "I don't want you to feel like you have to do anything, but please.. Talk to me.. It might help."


I sighed as stepped back inside the house. It was the same problem as before. Tyler just wouldn't open up, but this was much more troubling than before. I pinched at my eyes to keep back threatening tears. I just wish there was something I could do.

I got on my laptop to search how to help and or what to do with mute individuals as a cause from PTSD. I read through at least 10 articles before I got a good idea of what I could do. I checked my watch and it was still early in the evening.

I Wont Fall In Love //Joshler//Where stories live. Discover now