i love you

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I laid on the floor in the middle of the vault I was getting worse I knew that I knew that I was dying it was only a matter time

"You know, this is where it all started. That's where the money was. 117 million in bearer bonds"Stiles spoke

"How do you even change bearer bonds into cash?"kira had asked

"Bank, I guess. They just let it sit here the whole time collecting dust. You know bearer bonds are basically extinct?"stiles asked

"Why does it matter?"kira asked

"You know how many problems that money could solve?"

"For you?"I asked turning my head to the side groaning in pain

"don't talk....just rest"stiles says

"Me. My dad... The Eichen House and MRI bills are crushing him"he says

"Mom does this thing, she writes down all the items in our budget, and how much they cost, then she adds them all up and figures out how long we have until... We lose the house" my head turned so I could look at Scott

"Another layer?" He asked I nodded

"Another layer" I agreed
My eyes were closed my breathing slowing down

"She's dying isn't she?" I hear stiles ask

"Yeah....her hearts slowing down" Scott voice breaks I was only in my shorts and bra

"I can't lose her man.....but I don't think I have a choice"Scott says

"Anything?"stiles asked

"They're looking for us. Someone's going to have to go out there"Scott says
Stiles walked past me

"stiles"I called out he kneels beside me

"where are you going?"I wheezed out he grabs my hand gently

"I'm gonna get you some help"he says I let out a light laugh

"don't worry about me" I said he shakes his head

"You're like my little sister Jade.... I can't let you die we all need you Scott needs you" he says I smiled

"If I die I wanna die for the right reason....hurry back" I wheezed out my chest rising and falling with every word

"Always" he says kissing my forehead before leaving

"Maybe it was best to leave you in Mexico" I hear Scott say I turned my head to look at him reaching out my hand to him

"Come here" I wheezed out he crawls towards me he pulls me up against him cradling me as his eyes teared up

"Don't cry Scott" I whispered knowing he could hear me

"You're dying Jade I can't stop it" he says I sucked in a breath even though it hurt to do that

"It's not your fault" I said he presses his forehead against mine I wipe his tears

"I love you" he says staring into my eyes I smiled

"And I love you" I said he presses his lips against my forehead eyes closed holding me closer

"She died in my arms"he whispers

"what was she like?"I wheezed out

"brave....she was very brave and she was a great friend she was always there even when I didn't want her to be" he says softly I couldn't see anything except Scott and kira but I can tell she was panicking

"Malia... Malia?"Scott called out

"I can't see. I can't see anything"she says I let out a breath

"it's getting worse for you guys"I stated

"don't worry about us"malia says

" just hang in there jade"kira says I looked over at her as she grabs my hands I smiled

"I love you guys.....you have to tell her....you have to tell Lydia" I wheezed out frantically I could feel my heart slowing down

"You have to tell my mom....tell them....tell them I love them" I said

"I love you Scott McCall" I said before closing my eyes
Nobody's POV

Scott McCall had finally lost it another girl he loved was dead laying in his arms they were all silent malia could only hear the moment her heart gave out sending her into small tears Kira cried holding a crying Scott as Lydia who stood out in the yard felt a heavy weight on her chest the familiar urge coming on strong but she held it back the name of her sister being repeated in her head inside the vault they were cut off by the banging on the door

"Hey, Scott? Scotty? In the vault, in there with you. It's called reishi mushrooms. Scott? Scott, open the door! It's in there with you. It's in a jar, it's on one of the shelves. Scott! Scott, can you hear me?"stiles voice brought them back to reality

"Reishi... Scott, I saw it. In a jar on one of the shelves"kira tells Scott knew it was only a matter of time before they all had died Scott had to do it he knocked the jar down the cure spreading throughout the vault they had all healed very quickly the vault door opens and Scott sat there on his knees he got up before walking out

"Scott? Malia?" But malia only shrugged off his jacket and his hand before leaving she hand found the list and looked at it her name malia hale
Scott McCall had walked out of the building feeling numb his dad rushes towards him and Lydia bursts into tears not seeing her sister everyone who knew jade Martin was a wreck
Jade POV

I woke up with a gasp panting I got up pulling on my shirt and jacket before rushing out of the vault and towards the entrance I stopped seeing Scott who hugged his dad

"Scott" I called out he turns around slowly his eyes widened I rushed towards him jumping wrapping my arms around his neck as we both breathed heavily he slowly puts me down smashing his lips against mine I kissed back my arm around his neck hand on his cheek I pulled away

"How?" He asked caressing my face

"It's not considered death until 10 minutes after the heart stops beating actually" he pulls me into another kiss I pulled away my eyes landing on Lydia I rushed towards her hugging her she hugs me tightly

"I love you so much" I whispered

"I love you too" she says pulling away I was then turned around seeing stiles I pulled him into a hug moving onto kira and malia and then looking at Scott

"Go ahead lovebirds" mom says I smiled taking Scott's hand as we got on his motorcycle

"Home?" He asked looking back at me I pecked his lips

"Home" I said

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