the end

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"Then Stiles said that Scott Kira and jade were stuck in Mexico which was why they missed the game"liam lies it wasn't the best cover story

"Uh, so we went down to Mexico to drive them back from Mexico and that's why we all missed practice. 'Cause... We were all in Mexico"stiles said glancing at me

"You took jade on a date to Mexico?"coach asked us

"It was our first real date"Scott says pulling me against his side

"In Mexico?"coach asked

"They wanted to do something special" liam says I nodded

"Okay. I believe you"coach said

"Really?"I asked

"Absolutely not"he says I nodded

"I didn't think so" I said

"But I've had experiences south of the border that would knock the genitals off you boys....and girl.....Still, let me be clear to you three. This kid's the best talent I've seen in years. So he's your responsibility now. You boys are gonna stick together. You're gonna look out for each other. And you're gonna have each other's backs. You got it?"coach says I smiled pulling liam into my side ruffling his hair

"Yeah We got it" Scott says looking at me I smiled
Everyone was here at the McCall's house I held a paper in my hand biting my lip as I paced

"Cmon get it over with....what?I'm hungry"stiles said I wrapped my arms around Scotts neck

"you know I love you right?and I'll never do anything to jeopardize your future?"I asked him he rubs my arms

"Uh yeah....of course" he says I stepped back

"I understand that this may be shocking to some of you but I really wanted to do this before I chicken out and before Derek and braeden leave" I said I placed the paper in front of Lydia

"Melissa did a few tests and it came back positive.....I'm pregnant" I said the entire table stayed quiet

"And its Scott's"I said everyone bursted into cheers Scott stood up everyone goes silent he grabs my face pressing his lips against mine grinning making me sigh in relief he lifts me off the ground spinning me around

"Alright let's eat"stiles said we all laughed sitting down

"Alright where's the deer?" Malia asked I looked away

"There's no deer....but their is pizza" stiles says I sighed

"Hey" Scott says in my ear I smiled looking over at him

"What?" I asked

"I love you" he says I smiled

"I love you" I said Pecking his lips

"Alright who ate the last slice?"Derek asked

"I thought you ate the last slice?" Malia asked him

"Okay someone ate the last slice" Melissa says

"I thought stiles ate the last slice"Lydia says

"I did not" stiles protested

"I thought it was liam" kira says liam scratches the back of his neck nervously

"Okay I may have eaten the last slice"liam says

"okay someone needs to buy another box of pizza"Parrish says me and Scott just laughed as they argued over who was gonna buy another box of pizza this was my family I already knew what the name was gonna be
Allison grace McCall

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