pregnancy possibility

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"They'll be okay"I hear Scott tell Derek

"They've got claws and fangs. But they're not fighters"Derek says

"That's why I called you"Scott says

"Well, try to remember I don't have claws and fangs anymore either" Derek shit back

"That's why she called me"braeden says everyone looks at me

"thanks for the gratitude you're welcome" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes

"Am I the only one still hoping this is all just a false alarm? I mean, it's possible we could wait here all night and nothing happens. Right?"kira asked I snickered

"most likely that'll never happen if they're coming and I know they are their coming for me.....they won't atop at nothing to get that 50 million in their bank accounts" I said standing up

"Scott, you heard anything from Stiles or Lydia yet?"braeden asked

"Lydia's still talking to Meredith. Stiles and Malia are headed to the lake house. They're trying to stop it"Scott explains

"What if there is no stopping it? What if it doesn't end until we're all dead?" Brett asked Derek wraps his arm around my shoulder

"Then let's send a message. Let's make something perfectly clear to anyone with a copy of that list. It doesn't matter if they're professional assassins, hunters, or an amateur who just picked up a gun. Anyone who thinks they can hunt and kill us for money, is gonna be put on another list. Our list. They get to be a name on our dead pool" Derek says I smiled

"Now see that's what I call motivation" I said grinning
I became alert when I heard an alarm beeping

"They're coming" Chris said I immediately looked at Scott he rushes over to me cupping my face and smashing his lips against mine I hummed my hands on his arms he pulls away breathing heavily

"I love you"he says I searched his eyes and nodded

"and I love you"I said I pulled out my phone after we pulled away I called Lydia

"hello"she says I gulped

"lyds.....I just want you to know how much I love you....I love you so much"I said everything finally getting to me as the tears filled my eyes

"jade what's wrong?what's going on?"she asked I shook my head

" they're here and I don't know if I'm gonna make.....I don't feel good"I said she gulps

"No you are gonna make it out alive and you and Scott are gonna go on your first official first date because you both deserve it for me if not Scott...... Do it for Allison" she says I closed my eyes

"I love you " I said

"I love you too" she says I hung up just then I hear braeden

"Get back!" She yelled all hell broke loose I was busy knocking down hunters away from Lori

"Watch out!" Brett yelled I ducked quickly standing up I grabbed the hunters gun shooting him in the knee sending him to the ground in pain I rushed over helping kira with some hunters

"Are you okay?" Kira yelled over the chaos in the building

"Yeah....are you?" I asked her pushing a hunter to the ground and stepping on his knee keeping him down I tossed the gun to braeden

"Yeah...I guess"she says shrugging I glowed my eyes rushing to the hunter who had Lori backed up against the wall I roared dodging his bullet before pouncing on him and slicing him down the chest I looked at Lori I point to a wall of crates

"go hide"I told her she rushes off

"How many are there?"I hear Derek ask

"Too many!" Braeden says I growled I hated having to fully shift now it was time to show them why I was worth so much

Nobody's POV
A roar was heard throughout the warehouse and the sight of jade running at full speed caught their eye she jumps shifting into a lion in mud air coming down landing on the the hunter and roaring in his face he raised his gun but she was much quicker she bit his arm making him drop the gun jade wasn't one to care about exposing herself most of the people  in the room had seen her naked anyway so when she shifted back jumping and wrapping her legs around a hunters throat twisting she jumped down her long hair shielding most of her nudity she was now faced everyone everyone had looked at her in shock her eyes glowed a deep orange as she flicked her hair back hearing the sound of the body hit the wall hard
Jade POV
just then I heard cell phones everyone checked their phone before the hunters left

"Is it over? Really over?"kira asked helping me up I looked around as Scott approached me with my clothes I smiled pulling the shirt on and then my bottoms I hugged him

"you're safe it's finally over"he whispers I did it for her I did it for Allison
Outfit up top
I was currently at the table when a bag was placed in front of me I choked on my cereal getting up with wide eyes

"the look in your face tells me you didn't know about this"Melissa says I nodded

"yeah like not a clue"I said folding my arms she sighs sitting down

"hopefully he gets here soon so we can settle this "she says I placed my hand on top of hers

"I'm sure it's nothing"I said she squeezes my hand I smiled

"are you okay?you look a little green"Melissa asked I nodded

"Ever since I found out about me being worth 50 million I've been vomiting a lot I've been really tired and really hungry" I said shaking my head

"Are you and Scott sexually active?" She asked I looked at her

"Yeah....why?" I asked she nods

"When was the first time?" She asked I furrowed my eyebrows

"Last week 2 days before I found out about the 50 million" I said

"Sweetheart I don't wanna stress you out but I think you may be pregnant" she says my eyes widened

"I think I'm gonna be sick" I said rushing upstairs to the bathroom

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