50 million

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I was way too engrossed with my pizza to focus on what the other's were saying and them speaking about my grandmothers death or faked death made me ignore them even further I was snapped out of my thoughts when Scott pinched my side I yelped turning to glare at him but he smiles innocently I looked away knowing I'd cave in he gets up picking up the gun from Derek's table

"Careful with that"I said suddenly by his side grabbing the gun and putting it down

"I thought you didn't like guns. Does this have something to do with your eyes?"Scott asked

"My eyes, my strength, the healing... All of it"Derek says

"Gone?" I asked him in disbelief

"Whatever Kate did to me, it's still happening"he says

"If the dead pool really was made by a Banshee then there's something else that you should know about. Your name broke the third list. It was a cipher key"Scott says another secret are you kidding me?

"And the two other keys were Allison and Aiden"Derek says

"And I... I don't want to make you nervous, but it kind of feels like there might be a pattern there, doesn't it? Allison, Aiden... You"Scott says

"Names picked by a Banshee"Derek said

"It... It could mean that you're in danger"Scott says

"Scott, Banshees don't predict danger. They predict death"Derek says my eyes blurred I picked up my coat

" I have to go"I said not waiting for a response I rushed outside and home I've never ran so fast in my life shrugging of my jacket I tossed it on the bed hopping in the shower I sighed as the hot water relaxed my muscles a scar was left on my left side from what Garrett's girlfriend did I let the water run over my hair ignoring the front door shutting and locking I knew it was Scott

"Jade" he calls out I sighed ignoring him

"Jade please....at least let me come in" he says I ran a hand through my hair

"It's open" I said he enters

"I know you're angry....and you have every right to be.....I was just worried about you ever since you almost died you've been.... A little distant"he says I laughed shaking my head

" Scott we sleep in the same bed"I said he opens the curtain enough to see my face

"I meant your mind not body" he says I looked over at him

"You shouldn't worry about me" I said he scoffs shaking his head

"You're my girlfriend..... Jade I love you so much it scares me.....I thought my life had ended when I lost Allison..... But then a few months later I met you.... I knew you were the one the moment you shifted back and I realized it was you" he says I looked at him again running a hand through my hair

"I love you too......come here" I said his eyes widened

"You mean....in the shower?" He asked I rolled my eyes

"It's not like you've never seen me naked before we had sex last night....not the point....get in the shower" I said as he blushed he steps into the shower I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him against the wall both of us getting drenched in water I caressed his cheek making him look at me he leans in to kiss me I stopped him grabbing his shirt

"I'm still very angry at you" I said he wraps his arms around me kissing me I melted into his arms

"I know" he says against my lips I pulled away

"You're still in trouble" I told him he kisses my cheek and then my neck

"I know" he says I smiled letting out a shaky breath he comes back to my lips as I tug on his hair making him groan I pulled away before ripping open his shirt he frowns

"That was my favorite shirt" he mumbles I kissed his lips

"Oh baby I'll make it up to you" I said before kissing my way down to his pants
The next day we went to school me and Scott found liam on the stairs

"Hey. You okay?"I asked him sitting down beside him

"Last night my printer went off by itself. I couldn't turn it off. I hit the cancel button. But it just kept printing"liam explains I looked at Scott eyebrows furrowed

"Printing what?"Scott asked all of a sudden I hear coach shouting

"What the hell's this?"He asked I got up rushing to the hall papers flying everywhere I picked up one and what I read made me sick to my stomach fear coursing through every bone in my body I dropped the paper

Jade martin 50 m

"You see the difference?"liam asked

"Derek's not on the list anymore"Scott says not having read the whole list

"And I'm not worth three million. It's 18 now. $18 million and Jade's not worth 35 million now Scott.... She's worth 50 million" liam says confirming my worst nightmare

"I think I'm gonna be sick" I said rushing to the bathroom and puking my breakfast up and into the toilet liam holds my hair up I rinsed out my mouth splashing some water on my face before sliding down the door completely breaking down I didn't want to not in front of liam he pulls me into a hug

"I won't let anyone touch you I swear" he says I pulled away

"I'm worth 50 million liam I don't think we have a choice assassins they are coming and their coming for me" I said he holds my hand

"Do you want me to get Scott?" He asked I shook my head wiping my tears

"Absolutely not he worries about me too much....I can handle myself" I said he helps me stand up

"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" He asked I looked at him squeezing his hand

"Both" I said

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