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Perhaps the biggest nuisance to the otherkin community is factkin. For those who are unaware, factkin are people who claim to be kin with people who either have lived before (George Washington, for example) or someone who is currently alive (Daniel Radcliffe, for example).

There are several issues with factkin. For one thing, it's a case of identity theft. Claiming to be someone you are not is identity theft, even if you cry "kin" to justify it.

For another thing, otherkin is the identification as a nonhuman being or thing. Identifying as a human person that's not yourself is, as stated before, identity theft, not otherkin. The keyword in the definition of otherkin is nonhuman.

Most people that say they are factkin are just trolls trying to pull your leg. Pay them no mind. If you come across someone who is dead serious about it, it is best that you explain why factkin is invalid and that it is identity theft rather than otherkinity, especially if they claim to be someone that is currently alive today.

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