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There are very many people that discriminate against fictionkin. This is most likely due to the fact that they are misinformed about the subject. For those that are, I am happy to explain.

Fictionkin are otherkin that identify as fictional characters just as therians identify as animals. The concept gets a bit more difficult, however, as, for some fictionkin, the fictionkin branch is not on the otherkin tree.

A fictionkin that identifies only as human characters is not otherkin, as otherkin is the identification as a nonhuman creature. Human character fictionkin are their own group, keeping the "-kin" part as they share the same beliefs as otherkin, but as they do not identify as nonhuman, they are not otherkin.

In addition to reincarnation, many fictionkin rely on the multiverse theory to explain their beliefs. For those that do not know, the multiverse theory means that there are infinite (and always increasing) universes on separate planes of reality than the one you and I live in. For example, according to the multiverse theory, there is a universe where the events of the Pokémon series actually happened and are currently happening rather than the events of this world and its past, present and future. Not all fictionkin believe in this theory, but many, if not most, do.

Many fictionkin have what are called canons. A canon is simply what happened in their lives as a character not in this world. For some fictionkin, their canons follow their source storylines completely. For others, there are a few differences and some have entirely different storylines than the source material. The multiverse theory supports the idea of canons.

Many fictionkin are uncomfortable meeting other people with the same kintype. They may feel like they are the only "true" one or that a "double" (as they are often called in the fictionkin community) is an impostor. I met one fictionkin who was terrified of causing rips in the fabric of space and therefore avoided doubles of his kintype at all costs. Whatever their reasoning for this, it is not grounds for harassment. Some fictionkin do not mind or even enjoy doubles. This does make them any more or less valid than those that do not.

Like therians, fictionkin do not believe that are physically their kintype. Most people seem to confuse fictionkin with character impersonators; fictionkin identify on a nonphysical level as a fictional character while character impersonators claim to be "the real thing" and will often go out of their way to let people know this.

It should be said that fictionkin are just as valid as your average therian or otherkin. Their beliefs are hardly, if at all, any different from ours. Treat fictionkin like you would any other otherkin. If you are unsure about or doubt/question their beliefs, talk to them about it. Many are happy to explain.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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