What's A Therian?

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A therian is simply an otherkin that identifies solely as an animal. But to be classified as a therian, the kintype (often referred to as a theriotype when talking about therians) must be an animal species that either currently exists now on this Earth or has existed on this Earth in the past. Identifying as a dinosaur would qualify someone as a therian because dinosaurs have existed on this Earth. Someone identifying as a dragon or a gryphon would not be a therian, however, because dragons and gryphons have never existed on this Earth.

Therians come in a massive range of species. Anyone can be any species of animal. I've met slug therians, walrus therians, whale shark therians, honeybee therians... Therianthropy doesn't just apply to "popular" animals like wolves, foxes, lions, owls, etc.  People kin with less popular animals (insects, for example) are just as valid and deserving of acceptance as your local fox therian. Treat all therians with the respect you'd want, regardless of their theriotypes.

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