Otherkin Is Not A Mental Illness

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Contrary to what some people on the internet may tell you, otherkin is not a mental illness. It's really far from mental illness, and I will explain why.

Many of the people who say that otherkin is a mental illness are very misinformed about what otherkin is. They may think that we think we are physically whatever our kintype is. They may think we think we can shapeshift. Whatever they think, it is wrong, as is the assumption that otherkin is a mental illness.

Otherkin is an identity. It is hardly any different than a gender or a sexuality as it is not chosen and cannot be altered by choice. And just as sexualities and genders are not mental illnesses, otherkin is not a mental illness.

Even for those that are kin due to mental illness, otherkin itself is not a mental illness. It may be a symptom, but it itself is not the illness.

If anyone tells you that it is, ask them to explain why. Their answer will most likely be "you're not a [insert kintype here]" or "otherkin isn't real". They say this because they have no true argument to say otherwise, no other way to justify their hatred.

Humans fear and hate what they do not understand. Simply explain the true definition of otherkin. If they continue to play the "you're/they're mentally ill" card, ignore them. Chances are they're just looking for an argument.

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