"Therian Gear"

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A common argument within this community is that of "therian gear". You do not have any obligation or order to wear ears or tails or collars. If you do, good for you. If you don't, good for you. Whether you do or not, know that it's not necessary and that neither choice makes you more or less of a therian.

Some people prefer wearing things like tails and ears because it makes them look and/or more like their theriotype. I personally wear a tail because it makes my shadow look better and I can use it to guide my steps; I cannot walk correctly and often stumble, but timing my steps with the tail hitting my legs helps tremendously and reduces stumbling. It also makes me feel a lot better about myself; I suffer from species and body dysphoria and something as simple as a tail attached to my pants eases that dysphoria a bit.

My tail is fake. It is not from a real wolf; it is made out of very fine faux hair used to make designer wigs. I do not agree with people wearing real tails. But people that do (while I will always automatically block them) wear reql tails are no more or less valid than me, who wears a fake tail, or a therian who does not wear a tail. It is not necessary, nor is it unnecessary. The decision of wearing ears, tails, collars, whatever or not is yours to make, and, regardless of whatever anyone else says, your choice is the right one for you because you made it and it makes you comfortable, not a friend or a mate or an "alpha". It is your choice and no one else's.

If you do have tails, ears or the like, and they are not made of real animals, I would love to see them! Feel free to tag me in images of your accessories.

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