5: Cradle Robbers and Reunions

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GO TO: SamanthaSaurusRex

-Sam loves you all!

Five: Cradle Robbers and Reunions

I flinched back into the pillows behind me and squeezed my eyes shut (not that I could actually see much anyways, thanks to my newly ruined eyesight) when Braxxen let loose a loud desperation filled howl that shook the entire room, before there was a large cracking sound as he, and I'm assuming this part, sent his fist flying into the wall closest to the bed. I could hear the bits of plaster and wood fall to the floor after he retracted his hand, along with the blood that splattered the floor when he must have shook out his hand.

"You're a child!" I squeezed my eyes tighter at the verbal blow. I didn't feel much like a child. I hadn't in so long that I could barely remember what it had felt like to be one.

Funny, how being beat within an inch of your life everyday for years on end will do that to a person.

"How could this have happened? Fourteen! Seventeen, even sixteen, I could have dealt with. But fourteen? What am I supposed to be, some sort of sick pedophile?" I don't think he was shouting at me, necessarily, but at the world in general. But still, his words had me holding back tears.

"What am I supposed to do in a situation like this? Everyone else meets their soul mate when they're both of age, but I... I get to meet mine when I'll be considered a fucking cradle robber when people find out. And to top it all off, she's been broken beyond repair and..." His words stopped dead in their tracks as he realized what he was saying. And more importantly, that he wasn't alone and I could hear every little hurtful word that he said.

And just like that, my defenses were straight back up, like an impenetrable fortress around my mind and heart.

Was that really what he thought of me? As his broken, underage soul mate?

I could feel a pang in my heart as I heard him heave out a tired sigh and trudge out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

There was a silent pause for a moment before Ulric cleared his throat awkwardly and said, "Lilah..." There was a deep sigh. "I'm sorry you had to witness that. I'm sure Alpha Braxxen was only just stressed. He didn't mean it and he'll no doubt be back in here before the night is out to throw himself down at your bedside and beg for you to forgive him." Another awkward pause. "I should probably go track him down and make sure he isn't terrorizing the other occupants of the manor or punching more holes in his walls." And then he was gone, shutting the door behind him quietly and leaving me alone in my personally darkness with Braxxen's harsh words on repeat in my mind.

It hurt so much to know what he really thought of me and I had to keep cursing at myself and remind myself that it was just the soul bond between us causing me to feel like this.

I mean, he had practically just rejected me. I could tell he didn't want me, whether it was because of the age difference of... My shoulders slumped as I felt a bit defeated at the thought. I didn't even know his age. Was he nineteen? Twenty? Twenty-one? I didn't know.

I bit my lip, fighting against the tears burning my eyes, as my thought process went into overdrive.

I didn't know him at all.

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