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The early morning light filters through the curtains of Miyu's apartment, casting soft shadows across the room. The atmosphere is peaceful, almost deceptively so, as if the world outside has forgotten the dangers lurking in the corners of their lives. But Gojo Satoru knows better. He lay awake beside Miyu, watching her as she sleeps, her features serene and untouched by the turmoil that is haunting his thoughts.

He wish he could stay like this — lost in the simplicity of the moment, with nothing but the sound of her breathing to keep him anchored. But the weight of the future pressed heavily on him, a constant reminder that the peace they have now is fleeting.

Miyu stirred, her eyes fluttering open as she meet his gaze. A soft smile spread across her face, and Gojo feels his heart tighten at the sight of it. She is his light in the darkness, the one person who makes him believe that there is something more to life than just fighting and surviving.

"Morning," she whispers, her voice is still thick with sleep.

"Morning," Gojo replied, his own voice is softer than usual.

Miyu reached out, her hand finding his as she scooted closer, their bodies fitting together in a familiar way. "You're thinking too much again," she said, her tone is playful but tinged with concern.

Gojo chuckles, though the sound lacked its usual lightness. "You know me too well."

"Something's bothering you," Miyu observes, her fingers tracing small circles on the back of his hand. "You've been distant since last night."

Gojo hesitates, the words he needed to say caught in his throat. He doesn't want to burden her with the darkness that is closing in around them, but he knows he couldn't keep it from her any longer. They are in this together, and he owes her the truth.

"There's something coming," he finally said, his voice is low. "I can feel it. A threat unlike anything we've faced before. And it's coming for us."

Miyu's expression grows serious, and she sits up, pulling the blanket around her shoulders. "What kind of threat?"

Gojo sighs, running a hand through his hair as he sits up beside her. "I don't know exactly. But I can sense it — something powerful, something that's been watching us, waiting for the right moment to strike."

"And you think it's because of me," Miyu said quietly, her voice tinged with guilt.

Gojo shakes his head, turning to face her fully. "No, it's not your fault. This is my world, my responsibility. But because you're apart of my life, it puts you in danger. That's why I need to protect you."

Miyu's eyes softens, and she reached out to cup his face in her hands. "I chose this life, Satoru. I chose to be with you, knowing the risks. I'm not afraid."

Gojo closed his eyes, leaning into her touch. Her words are like a balm to his soul, but they couldn't erase the fear that gnaws at him. "I don't want to lose you," he admits, his voice barely above whisper.

"You won't," Miyu said firmly, her determination shining through. "We'll face this together, just like we always do."

Gojo opens his eyes, meeting her gaze with a mixture of love and fear. "If anything happens... If things get too dangerous..."

Miyu shakes her head, silencing him with a soft kiss. "Don't," she whispers against his lips. "Don't talk like that. We're stronger together. Whatever comes, we'll handle it. We always do."

Gojo nods, though the doubt lingers in the back of his mind. He wanted to believe her, to believe that they could overcome anything as long as they are together. But the darkness he sensed is unlike anything he has encountered before, and it is growing stronger with each passing day.

Later that day, as the sun climbs higher in the sky, Gojo found himself standing at the entrance to Jujutsu High. The familiar sight of the school grounds brings a sense of normalcy, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing inside him. But even here, where he is surrounded by the strongest sorcerers in the world, Gojo couldn't shake the feeling that something is terribly wrong.

His students greet him with their usual mix of respect and exasperation, their banter a welcome distraction from the thoughts that plagued him. But as he walks through the halls, his mind keeps drifting back to Miyu, to the promise he has made her.

He knows that to protect her, he would have to make sacrifices — sacrifices that could cost him everything. But Miyu is worth it. She is worth every risk, every danger. And if it comes down to it, Gojo knows he would choose her over the world, over his duty as a sorcerer.

It isn't long before he found himself in the principal's office, where he is greeted by the stern yet concerned gaze of Principal Yaga.

"You've been distracted lately," Yaga observed, his tone neutral but probing.

Gojo leans against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. "Just a lot on my mind."

"Is it about the recent surge in cursed energy?" Yaga asked, his eyes narrowing. "I've noticed it too. Something big is coming."

Gojo nods, his expression serious. "I can feel it. And it's targeting someone close to me."

Yaga's brow furrowed, and he leans forward, resting his hands on his desk. "Someone close to you? You mean Fujikawa-san?"

Gojo doesn't respond immediately, but his silence is answer enough.

"If she's in danger, you need to take precautions," Yaga said, his tone firm. "You've the strongest sorcerer, but even you have limits. If something happens to her, it could compromise your ability to protect others."

"I've already put measures in place," Gojo replied, his voice calm but resolute. "She's protected. But I need to know what we're dealing with. I need to be prepared."

Yaga studies him for a long moment before nodding. "We'll keep an eye on the situation. But you need to stay focused. The last thing we need is for you to be distracted when this threat finally shows itself."

Gojo give a small nod, though his thoughts are still with Miyu. He knows Yaga is right — he needs to stay sharp, to be ready for whatever is coming. But no matter how hard he tries, he couldn't shake the feeling that the storm on the horizon is one he wouldn't be able to face alone.

As the day draw to a close, Gojo returns to Miyu's apartment, where she is waiting for him with a smile that chased away the shadows in his mind. They spend the evening in quiet conversation, the worries of the world keeps at bay by the warmth of their connection.

But even as they laughed and talked, the unspoken tension between them remained. They both know that their time together is fragile, that the peace they have now could be shattered at any moment by the darkness that is closing in around them.

And as they lay in the bed that night, Gojo wraps his arms around Miyu, holding her close as if he could shield her from the inevitable. But deep down, he knows that the choices he would have to make in the coming days would change everything. And not matter what happens, the price of protecting her might be more than he is willing to pay.

But for now, he pushes those thoughts aside, focusing on the feel of heartbeat against his chest, the warmth of her body pressed against his. In this moment, they are safe. In this moment, they have each other.

But the storm is coming. And when it arrives, Gojo knows that nothing would ever be the same again.

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