Chapter 4: Gym

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Chapter 4: Gym



"Shhh, your gonna wake up Beverly and the others!" I hissed at her.

"Sorry, what time is it over there?" She whispered.

"3:40 am." I replied.

"I'm here" said my other good friend Steven.

"Oh, hey Jos!" I smiled.

"Hey Steven! What took you so long?!" I hissed at him and he just chuckled.

"Well ya games with Corey" Corey was my OTHER good friend, but not as good as these two retards, love them three.

" enjoying it?" They asked in unison.

"Meh, they bought some food, Chipolte and they have strawberry smoothies in their fridge" They chuckled.

"So....miss us?" Steven asked.

"Meh, not really" They both raised their eyebrows.

"HOWCOULDYOUNOTMISSUS" They yelled super duper fast.

"What?" Whispered a voice outside my bunk curtain.

"Bye guys, gotta go to "bed" " I said puttin quotation marks with my fingers. They blew kisses and whispered goodnight.

I shut the laptop and slid it under the warm soft black furry blankets, two that were very thick and heavy, but their bus was cold. I sunk my head in my feather, litterally, feather stuffed pillow, had this pillow since I was 9, it had feathers sticking out of it and sometimes stuck in my hair and clothes but I would never let it go. Someone knocked on the side of my bunk.

"Hmm?" I groaned.

"Sorry, were you sleeping" Ronnie asked sarcastically opening the curtain to my bunk. He got on his knees and put his chin in his hands. "Miss, I talk to my friends all morning" He said in a girly voice.

"Pshhh ease dropper"

"Well I didn't have to so much ease drop as to have hearing capability with your loud ass" He grinned as I slowly raised.

I was a bit taller then Bev so I sort of hit the top of my head... but not hard.

"So, your boyfriend?" He asked smiling.

"Who, Steven? Nawww, hot, smart, funny but no" I said.

I pushed my heavy blankets to the side, swung my legs and my feet were dangaling. He got off his knees and offered his hand to help me up and out. I take it and stand up. Damnit! He is still way taller then me, grr.

"So, want to work out with me?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows. I chuckled.

"Shut up, not in bed but in the gym across the street, yes." He nodded and scooted aside. I grabbed my duffle bag and tiptoed to the bathroom.

I put on burgendy gym shorts and a gray tank top. When I got out, I put some extra clothes and deoderent in the bag. I walked outside to find Ronnie already walking away. What a gentleman. I closed the door, skipped super fast and beat him to the door of the gym. We checked in and I went to the treadmill section with my duffle bag. I put my hair up, grabbed my book out of it and began walking and reading. 

"Hey love" Ronnie said smiling. I grinend but rolled my eyes.

He grabbed a weight and began his workout. After 40 minutes I got bored and jumped off the treadmil.

"Well, I'm done, bye love! I say as I skip to the locker room. I take a quick shower and change into normal clothes, dark purple skinnies, black beanie, white thick tank top, and a gray school sweater that was way to big. 

I walked out with my duffle bag. When I walked out to the lobby and checked myself out, I saw Ronnie flirting with some chick. Pfft, typical. I whistled really loud and waved at Ronnie to come here. He gave me a 'I'm talking to a girl here' face but ran over to me.

"Yeah?" He asked. I actually don't know why I called him, but i had to think fast.

"Umm-uhh-PENGUINS!!!!" I shouted. I laughed really hard and ran out. Ronnie smirked, grabbed his bag and ran after me. I opened the bus door and didn't even close it.

It was barley 7:30 and no one was awake yet. I threw my duffle bag under my bunk and jumped under the blankets. Then, Ronnie came in and grabbed me out.

"Dude, cmon, stop it, your gonna wake them up." He shook his head then did something C.R.A.Z.Y.

He crashed his lips onto mine. I pushed him away and scrambled back under my blankets.

"I'm going to bed, night. Don't bug me" I said sternly and coldly.

He was so confused.


I thought she liked me????????????????????


sun4wallflower4shine gave me the idea


Listening to.........

Seize The Day- Avenged Sevenfold ------------------->

Welcome To The Family- Avenged Sevenfold (external)

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