Chapter 18: Double Date

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Chapter 18: Double Date


*One Month Later*

I smiled at myself in the mirror before going downstairs.

"There's my beautiful girlfriend." Ronnie smiled as I walked down the stairs. I got to the bottom and hugged him, kissing his lips. "Ready to go?" He asked and I nodded. He grabbed his keys and we walked out to his car. 

We got in and drove to the restraunt we were having dinner at. Beverly decided that her, Ryan, Ronnie and I should all have a double date since we haven't seen each other since tour ended. We arrived at the restraunt and walked in, going up to the host.

"Umm, we're supposed to meet a couple for dinner and I just wanted to know if they're here yet. It should be under Seaman." Ronnie said. The host looked through his list before stopping at a name.

"Ryan Seaman?" 

"Yes sir."

"Right this way." He said and we nodded. We were led to a four person table which Bev and Ryan were already sat at.

"Jocelyn!" Bev exclaimed, getting up and hugging me.

"Hey sis." I said, hugging her before sitting down. We ordered our drinks and then just talked with Ryan and Bev. We ordered our food and it didn't take too long for us to get our food.

"So, I have some news to announce." Bev said.

"This is the first I'm hearing of any news." Ryan said. Bev smirked before looking at me. 

"Well, mom and dad are coming into town next week." She said and I dropped my fork.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, I may have told them that we went on tour with a rock band and that I ended up dating one of the members." Bev said, chewing on her lip. "So she said she wanted to come meet Ryan." She explained, making Ryan turn ghost white.

"Um." Ryan said.

"They're going to love you, I promise." Bev smiled, kissing his cheek.

"Did you tell them about Ronnie?" I asked.

"This is before you two were dating. But, they do want to come visit you." She said and I groaned.

"What's so bad about that?" Ronnie asked.

"I mean, we've only been dating a month. parents can be a little judgemetal." 

"I thought you said they would love me!" Ryan exclaimed, starting to freak out.

"Ryan, they're not going to have a problem with you. You don't have tattoos...or a crimnal record." I said. "But I love that about you honey." I said, kissing Ronnie's cheek.

"Oh, they'll get over it. They've got to meet him someday. Now is as good of a time as ever." Bev said.

"I'll think about it." I sighed, moving my food around my plate.


Listening to Mama's Song~ Carrie Underwood


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